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It is a woman, teenager or mother's choice to continue through a pregnancy. It is her right as the biological carrier to the egg (embryo) whatever you want to call it, to do what she feels is right to do with it. Taking into consideration, rape or health. If a family or couple or woman alone cannot take care of the child properly, then it causes them problems and burdens the childs life. Who needs suffering? The government needs to encourage the "safer sex" education factor a little more - the church can go FUCK itself and people need to stop being stupid and begin thinking about the risks they take with unprotected sex. Use condoms, take BC pills - or even the shots. Stop being stupid.

As for the politics, I worry about those rights in debate. I worry about what drives the political robots - I hesitate to think about what will happen to the economy, abortion, international affairs, etc. etc. with whomever steps into office. But I'll tell you this now. I'm sure as hell don't want any more Clinton/Gore/Hillary legacy to linger on in our system. I'm tired of the embarrasment and I'm tired of the corruption they create. It's time America prepares for a new change, regardless of what the outcome may look like. People need to take some chances and move on with a new point of view.

Vote for Lazio. As for Bush - I may disagree with a few perspectives of his, but I sure don't want Gore the "bore" in office.

Anybody else?

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i see my self as a republican--less government more freedom..as for abortion i think it should be a choice but people really need to sit down and tink about if they are in that situation.we live in such a throw away society.YOU put yourself in that situation so deal with it. i dont know just my 2 cents.......i hate talking about politics......whatever blows your hair back..


find your own space...claim it....its yours

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no one else has a comment about abortion?

Bush and Dick for the oval office in the year 2000

I guess they are against abortions

like all Fukin Republicans

well ahh ahh --the Church, the Church


and the Democrats who run for an office are for abortion..

Do you really think for a second that they might really be for abortions?

these 2 parties can suck a dik

they are nothing but God Damn robots

but somehow it works out and America's

Govt strong arms the REST...

(Jeas this had nothing to do with music...nor did a lot of my other posts? but I do post topics on music- why am I explaining myself? FUK U)

(- sorry!)


When the going gets weird

the weird turns pro...

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PS to my previous post....

Comdoms, BC pills, shots etc etc, i know girls that have gotten prego'd on them all... nothing is 100% except not having sex at all. (i understand that the chances are slim etc etc, but the possiblity is still there)

and i see everyone keeps saying its the "mother-to'be's" choice... does the father play any role in making the choice?? You can't force a guy to be a father if he doesnt want to be... you might be able to force him to pay child support, but thats not being a father. It's sorta not fair... if a women gets preg she can choose not to have the baby, etc.. but when a guy gets a girl preg... he doesnt get much say in the out come.... why is that?

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I believe JoelS said it best about what would you rather have a girl hurting herself at some back ally chop-shop because it's illegal to go to a hospital and have it done properly and safely or a monitored law with strong guidelines?

I don't agree with abortion cause it shouldn't be used as a birth control method and it seems like to me that a lot of lil' kids do. However, it's something that I believe we can not take away all together. I believe that it is 100% the woman's choice and no government or church have the right to take that choice away from her . . . especially since it 's both men-filled houses.

Ultimately, it's this . . . (I think someone already wrote it) abortion is here to stay. The government, republican, democrat, or libertarian are never gonna take that away from the pro-choice voters . . . there are way too many of us over pro-life. However, we should place a very strict guidelines for the little kids, such as requiring that a gaurdian be present for all visits and such. Kids just shouldn't be allowed to use it as a birth control method.

Cathyo, you're right it's not just a clump of flesh . . . but would you destroy TWO lives instead to save your moral belief? And do you know the rate of how many kids are left in foster homes? That number is growing everyday . . . there just is not enough parents who are willing to adopt especially since technology is approving and you're able to have your own cild. I wouldn't depend on adoption solution if I were you.

The bottom line is . . . even though I don't like the idea . . . it's somehting that we need.



Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

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yumyum, politics

Abortion: My mother has an abortion that would have neded up in a very complicated pregnancy. I was like 2 so I don't rem it, but it allowed her to later have my lil sister.

Prez election. Ordinarily I would say fuck it, go for third party, but in this election I have to vote Gore. I'm a bleeding heart to a point. Bush has been fairly priveleged and inept his entire life. He snorted coke back in the day amongst whatver else he may have done, but does not let the youth of today do the same. Death Penalty? Texas kills more people than any otehr state. Even where cases have slipped trough the cracks and should be looked at again he has refused. It's safe to say a number of innocent people have died because of him. Texas is the most polluted state because he basically lets the industries write their own pollution laws. His running veep, Cheney, votes against hate crime laws. His daughter is a lesbian, so this should be interesting. Wanna talk about wars? Cheny was in Bush, Sr's war cabinant. How successful was hte gulf war? Saddam is still around. Bush does not know basic political geography. Cheney does, but is dealing with heart attacks.

Big gov't protecting the lil guy or smaller gov't looking out for those that don't need any help?

Vote gore. Boring or not, he doesn't turn his nose at human rights.

flame away

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I believe you have the right to make your own choice when it comes to your body. The Government should not have any say in the matter. I respect other peoples opinions/beliefs and would hope they do the same.


** Shake It Baby **



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Bravo, Randy!!! Finally a voice of reason . . . this is the exact reason why I'm voting for Gore. The guy may not be the smartest guy in the world but he's not a sadist like that asshole Bush.

Carry on.



Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

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My first comment is to Cathyo -- good for you for taking responsibility and bringing your son into this world.

Under normal circumstances, I am personally against abortion. I believe that life is present upon conception -- why should I take another life because of my mistake? Some serious Karmic repercussions there! Now, about rape...I don't know what I would do and I hope that I will never know.

The Republicans insist on forcing morals upon us and morals are something that cannot be imposed -- one must set moral standards for herself. I would never judge another woman for her decision -- its not my place.

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Ok thanks for the insult Gene, dont label me ignorant ok? First of all I am not uneducated....oh wait maybe its because I dont go to Harvard...a thousand pardons *whatever* You have never had a conversation with me to even make a comment like you did...dont even start with that shit alright...Republicans are against all the things Im for. In my particular situation I stand to lose the most under republican rule. They want poor people to help themselves yes ok fine I agree but dont take financial aid away from people who need it...not everyone wipes their ass with a wad of cash.

As for the Prolife debate.....this is my view....do not tell anyone how to run their life. If a woman chooses not to have a child she is not bieng selfish she is bieng practical. Its selfish to bring a child into this over populated world if you

A) cant afford it

B) Give it up for adoption or anything other reason.

That child is always going to long for its biological parent...thats selfish. Telling people what to do with their bodies, thats selfish. We live in a country where we pride ourselves on freedom of choice....freedom of choice should not stop at abortion just because its a fetus. If it was born thats another story. Is it any more right to kill tousands of animals for the sake of science?

I have more to say about this but I dont feel like typing.



~*A friend in needs a friend indeed a friend with weed (or E) is better*~

[This message has been edited by Calyandra (edited 08-04-2000).]

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Ummm, no offense to you, but don't you think that your response about lefist liberals is a typical ignorant generalization as well?

Abortion must be kept legal only for the fact that this country would be so much more totalitarian & patriarcal if it were not. Whether or not a woman choses to have one is her own choice, and that's the final word. In order for a democracy to work, we must accept views that we personally do not agree with. That is the price of freedom.

Originally posted by gene2k:

No offense but "grrr....republicans suck!!" is exactly the typical ignorant remark I expected from a leftist uneducated liberal, especially one who is not registered to vote. Not all Republicans are pro-life & pro-choice, do you research before you generalize people and or political parties. Have a nice day.

Ummm, no offense to you, but don't you think your comment about lefist liberals is just as much an ignorant generalization?


"I live not in dreams, but in contemplation of a reality that is perhaps the future"- Rilke

[This message has been edited by gonekitten (edited 08-04-2000).]

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Originally posted by mr.sick:

Im just curious. Does anyone on this board have any kids or have been involved in an abortion?

I am 28 and have two boys ages 4 and 11. As I said in a previous post, I got pregnant at 16 so yes, I have practical experience in this situation. I chose to have my son because I am completely aware that I made my choice when I went ahead and had unprotected sex. It was certainly not my son's fault and I was not about to take his life because of my own irresponsibility. I'm really big on owning up to things.

I can understand where people would want to terminate a pregnancy resulting from a rape or one that would threaten the mother's life but if anyone feels like checking statistics you will find that those situations account for only a minute percentage of the abortions that are performed in this country. By the way, the main arguement is that the woman should decide what happens to her body. Two points, 1) it isn't just her body, the baby is a separate human, it is just dependant on her during pregnancy and 2)Maybe she should think about what's happening to her body while she's having unprotected sex.

As far as the handicapped thing goes, well, my son was born hydrocephalic (water on the brain) he has since had 2 brain surgeries and has limited use of his left side. He's had physical and occupation therapy since he was 6 months old. To look at him you wouldn't notice anything wrong but he is unable to do many things kids his age can do such as ride a bike or tie his shoes. He was also in kidney failure at one point when he was 9. He has has a tough life but it has made him a very strong and compassionate person. Would I have terminated my pregnancy if I knew? No way, I am proud to have brought such a person into the world.

One last thing, I was also adopted so I am aware that I could have been aborted.

Sorry this was so long!!

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cathyo, I'm sure there's noone on this board that is going to try to talk you down and I am even MORE positive that we all applaud you and admire your courage and strength.

However, you have to agree that the majority of the girls (and I say girls) who get abortions are not as strong nor courageous as you were at age 16. You're probably one out of the thousands who have the right mentality. Most of them are not. They're just babies themselves that did a foolish thing and not aware of the consequences. Or even just plain chicken shits. Whatever the case maybe . . . these are not the girls that you want to be the future mothers of tomorrow . . . not yet at least. Their own naiveness cannot possibly help the babies who are our future.

To make a mistake is to be human . . . there is no such thing as perfection with us. So, people are gonna continue to make mistakes . . . unfortunately, this is a method of damage control. Which one would you have "bad" or worse. Nobody win's in situations like this, but in today's society it's needed. It's sad, but true.



Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

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Thank you very much for the complement. I am proud of what I have done and everyone loves a pat on the back.

I can't change my view on abortion but I do understand where you are coming from. You are a very well spoken person and about the most diplomatic person I've known (or know of) smile.gif. Who could argue with you!!

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Abortion isnt that big an issue to me either. Our govt projects a tax sirplus of billions of dollars a year for the next 10 yrs. I want to konw how they will use it, the Dems want more social programs like Welfare which is commpletely corrupt and dosnt work, and the reps want a larger military, which also is not needed. I want a tax break, Im single male on Wall St and that puts me in quite a high bracket. I work my ass off for what I make and to get 37-40% taken for taxes and then to find that the govt has billions of dollars more than it needs really pisses me off. Im not against taxes, some helped pay my college loan, but I dont like the idea that the richest get taxed the most, where is the insentive???

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