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The Virgin Vinyl Review

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Since most of the board has seen fit to ignore my seventy-odd posts smile.gif heh, I've decided to unleash the full torrent of my mind-spinning eloquence upon the masses of Clubnycers. Friday night was my first night at Vinyl, after having read the posts, the raves, the support for Vinyl, I felt it my duty as a regular board reader to go and see for myself, and here it is, my Virgin Vinyl Review.

Disclaimer: This will be long, so, if you're at work, print it out and head for the bathroom, or turn your monitor if needs be. Secondly, for all you Vinyl veterans, you may not even care much about what I have to say, I still hope you read it, but it's mainly for people who have yet to experience "Be Yourself @ Vinyl," read on dear friends...this should be good.

First off, the club was most definitely not the easiest place to find, tucked away humbly downtown we were lucky that the cab driver knew where we were talking about. Being around 2:30, and being used to the crowds at Twilo, I was very surprised to see only the bouncers outside of the door. I was understandably nervous, my having never seen the place before, but even more so because I was expecting a crowd or a line of some sort. Was something wrong? Were we in the wrong place? We approached the bouncers where they effeciently checked our id's and directed us into the door, immediately greeted by a dark corridor we followed the only pathway and soon emerged into the quiet unassuming area where they collected money for the tickets, even here, there seemed something different about this place. Think underground, dark, gritty, realism, a feeling, prior to this that I had only hoped for in a club. Forget money-grabbing tellers stuck behind bullet-proof glass, forget visions of angry massive bouncers shouting for you to "Move in, get in line!" or "No waiting around." Think instead in terms of casual, laid-back, and *gasp*, maybe even friendly! There were a few people in the room and they were all lounging about, talking quietly in their individual circles of friends, obviously just relaxing. We pressed on. Feeling more than hearing the dark driving rhythms of Tenaglia we walked onto the main area.

The main area was also dark and veiled in shadows, occasional flashes of bright colored light did little to relieve the relative obscurity of the whole place. Enough light to see and navigate in, but also just enough to hide the contrasting lines of humanity that we are, unfortuantely, all too aware of. My first impression was that of diversity, having just entered the room I saw a group of good looking girls decked out glittery clubbing attire sitting next to a trio of raver-looking individuals. There were numerous gay couples talking and laughing, as well as a number of older couples who may have seemed out of place, but looked to be enjoying themselves immensely. Looking across the dancefloor I couldn't help but conjure images of Blade into my head. Here it was, a packed dancefloor of people jumping, dancing, moving to the music spun by one single man. Quite honestly it felt a little intimidating, a mass of people hidden in relative darkness, and some malevolent chanting in the song seemed the perfect backdrop to such a vision. Blacklight paintings were sprawled across the walls, burning images of neon flourescent art in my mind.

Feeling a bit vulnerable standing right in the middle of the room we soon decided to move to the dancefloor, we edged around the crowd and ended up slightly to the right of the dj booth where we were immediately engulfed by the crowded. I was still a bit overwhelmed by the whole thing so I spent the majority of my first hour just bobbing my head to the music and watching the people around me. Never before had I seen such unity and peace in a crowd, there were no meatheads pushing you away as they made their way through the crowds, no threat of people harassing your women, no violence or discorde, all was well, united under music people of all race, religion, and sexuality danced their hearts out, stopping only occasionally to yell out, "Go Danny!" or something equally encouraging to the man in the cap. He responded well, seemingly loving every bit of it, smiling, moving around, flashing his light.

Being a bit too crowded for my taste we then moved to the bar area where we surprised to find a couple seats on the couch, we sat down and popped a stardust each, we figured we'd wait till we were all good and ready, then head back out to the dance floor, in the meantime we were entertained by hordes of friendly people, hugging each other, talking in animated groups, looking more like a reunion of sorts versus a friday night out. At one point I even theorized that the group right next to us were possible clubnycers, but there was no way to find out but ask, and sorry if I'm a wimp smile.gif. I sat there for two hours simply absorbing the positive energies and watching the interactions of the people around me, beautiful in it's simplicity and honesty, people just there to see friends, listen to music, and dance the night away.

After two hours we were a bit put off by the fact that the pill hadn't kicked in yet, and we were starting to get a little too comfortable so we bumped out onto the dancefloor which had cleared up considerably since before, and sure enough, the smiles, the joy of house music and dance brought up the tail end of my roll, I glanced around and was unable to stop smiling. What an amazing vibe! What amazing music! I felt like I could live the rest of my life in Vinyl. And then, Tenaglia dropped some amazing beats that I had never heard before, bringing my body to frenzied heights unheard of, jumping and yelling I revelled in the unity of the music and felt alive as only a handful of DJ's have ever made me felt. Alas, the night came to a conclusion way too early for my tastes, but I was satisfied, content, and happy with the community that I had finally experienced.

I realize now that this is more of a personal recollection than a review, and for that, I do apologize, nor is it of the calibre I had hoped it would be as my boss has massive loads of his work that he wishes to "share" with me. But I had to get this out, Friday night was one of the best nights of my life, it was just me and one of my best friends, Trancenergy, but what more did I possibly need? For a brief 6 hour period I was a part of a movement, a piece of a greater being. Vinyl was the very image of what I always wanted out of this culture and why I love it, undergroud, dark, driving and soulful it consumed my mind and body leaving me flushed and waiting for the next ride. I don't know, heh, I smoked way too much yesterday so I'm not as conversant as I'd like to be, but you get the idea, right? Now I know what everyone's talking about when they mention DT and Vinyl, now I am complete.

Someone once posted on the board to not tell anyone about Vinyl as it's the best kept secret in the NYC club scene, and to you, dear sir or madam, I do apologize, but I just couldn't help myself. I'll catch y'all later. Peace

PS I was in a blue and white nylon polo and tranceenergy was wearing a grey longsleeve shirt, plus he's a tall-ass indian guy, did we actually see anyone from clubnyc there?

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Nice review.. Did you say Stardust?? Damn, I remember those from Tunnel maybe 3 years ago..

Glad you had a good time.. Vinyl fridays is definately the best party in New York.. Danny never dissapoints.. He never has off nights.. The place will be great each and every friday night no matter whats going on in the city..


Hit My Damn Music...

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You're still feeling it aren't you? I am too! Friday night was my second time there...and I enjoyed it more than the first!! Soulful is definitely the way to explain Vinyl.


"Love is supposed to make you more than you were, not take things away..not close any doors"

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Yup, stardusts...nicely made pills..."star" across the top, and "dust" across the bottom, in the middle there's a nice little 5 point star...oh yeah..song id's please

One song with really fast chanting punctuated by a snare, that happens throughout most of the songs...

and the last couple disco/funk songs he was playing..anyonw know the names? thanks...

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The Chant, I hope your not reffering to Elements - The Chant mix...ohhhh ohh ohhhohhhhohh...Ill Be Your, Ill Be Your...Ill Be You Elements...

Im glad you had such a great time, Y'all come back now ya hear!!!


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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Originally posted by human101:

PS I was in a blue and white nylon polo and tranceenergy was wearing a grey longsleeve shirt, plus he's a tall-ass indian guy, did we actually see anyone from clubnyc there?

Hey that's tall-ass good looking Indian guy. smile.gif Btw. Very nice review, makes me wanna go to hear DT again.....hmmmm...maybe I will change my flight plans and leave on Sunday instead. hehehe DT and Vinyl Baby !!!! smile.gif

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Yo...who said anything about good-looking? You can blow your own horn all you want dude, everyone else will be nice and keep their opinions to themselves...and no, it's not the chant...but it has really really fast chanting..almost mumbling...in the middle there's a really loud *bang* from a snare drum...then the beat kicks in and so forth...yeah i'm thinking whether i can go out friday night or not...hrm...maybe back to vinyl..hehe

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read your review, and though to myself, omg!!he read my fucking mind, lol I went to

Be yourself this past weekend, for my first time, And it was Just what i needed!! omg, i hope vinyl stays like that, cause it was just so much fun, and the music was so fucking Tasty, that i wanted to go up to Danny and slap his ass* Haha, Anyway,Being around the NYc clubd scene since 88" and then taking a year break, and just Resintly Returning, I found VINYL it be my weekly fix of house muzic! lets hope it stays this way,

im gonna SHHHHHH" myself,

anyway, i also went to Exit Saturday, and

all i have to say is "LAME" I really hate that place, soory guys:0 but im being honest.

i liked Carbon so much better, Exit just dsent do it for me, the place the vibe, and the music is horrible, i dont no, maybe im just a picky New yorker? But i could care less if Exit stayed open, it is that bad in my mind, but everyone has ther opinion, and i havent slept, in a few days so if this does not make any sence, SORRY!!

haha, love yea all




"This MuTha Fucka!! comes up to me!!! , and pulls out his D---,And gets all up in My shit, and has the mutha fukn nerve to ask "Am i hurting you" i was like "Mutha fucka, you are tickaling me, get your fat,crust,skanky,wanna be down"Fat ass off me............and pay me my 20 bucks!>> Sweet Pussy Pauline(NYC)

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Definitely agree w/you human - in every way. My friend and I gave up looking for the place, parked the car and took a cab. We were both a little suprised to find no people standing outside (and that was 1:30). Either way, it was totally awesome. I've not experienced crowd enthusiasm like that since...ever. That was definitely the one thing I was totally in awe of (besides the music).

Danny was definitely off the hook after 5 - it was crazy. The openning DJs kicked ass too - plus they went on again btwn 4&5. Anyway, just my $.02 - but I'll definitely be heading back again soon. Look forward to meeting even more of you... biggrin.gif


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After you go hear danny and go to vinyl on friday you cannot go out saturday night to a club because unless junior turns it out and i mean really really turns it out everything else pales in comparison...vinyl has been and will continue to be the way it is...it's much of the same crowd week after week, very family like once you go often enough, i was there for opening night and have been there almost 85% of the nights since, missing maybe 4 or 5 this year so far...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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Every Monday I read at least ONE post about how great Vinyl was over the weekend. Other clubs always get mixed reviews but never Vinyl! Amazing!!

I guess I gotta go and see for myself. See you people soon!




Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

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i also agree! hopefully, i too will put up a virgin vinyl review!

and human101, don't say that people ignore your posts. think of all the people that post in comparison to the number of people that don't post and just read...! i used to just be a reader (when the board was black and red) smile.gif



*turn it around baby*

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i'll house you...haha exact same thing that trance and I went through after we spent saturday recuperating...we were all pumped up to go out and shit, but then the chilling realization was that there was little chance of finding what were were looking for...so we just went home and smoked ourselves to oblivion and listened to some music on the computer..hehe

blueangel, you should definitely make it there once, just to see it, i mean i won't claim that everyone will like it, but i sure as hell did, and as per everyone elses claims, very very few glowsticks in the house, which, while i love to glowstick, makes it less distracting...darker...more personal and less of a spectacle...i guess...i dunno what i'm saying...i just want to get off work already...

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human101, so was Vinyl raver friendly or were the majority of the clubbers there like SF or Exit? How would you catagorize the clubbers?

Just curious cause maybe I'll visit Vinyl on a girl's night out or something and check it out then . . . need to understand what I should expect to see sort a thing.



Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

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like i said, very very diverse crowd, but overall not at all pretentious or snotty, most everyone was dressed down and ready to dance...so i would say they're pretty raver friendly...but crowd-wise, not at all like exit or sf...think of the good vibe that you feel at a really really late pvd or tilt or something...and extend that to the whole club...hehe...i know..it's kind hard to imagine....

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Vinyl is about the tru heads. No SF, Exit, or Roxy goers in there. Thank god! They can have those clubs.

I remember you saying that you prefer not to hear dark, emotional music. Danny plays a lot of that but takes you on a 'real musical' journey.

You don't know what you're missing girl!

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right on brother! haha...seriously though, i agree with you completely, for about two hours the pills didn't kick in and our mindset was totally like, "fuck the pills man, let's just go out and dance!" and so we did...i have to admit that i found the scene through my first roll, but it's passed so far beyond that already, rollin', high, sober, or whatever, music is passion, soul, and the life that i live in the dark of night...peace! glad that everyone agrees with me...isn't anyone gonna help with the song id's? c'mon dt freaks! shouldn't ya'll know this? hehe

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Guest crystalmethodny

Like we've always said...

'Vinyl is the answer...'




"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Yeah I have to join everyone and give my virgin Vinyl blurb too....

I had a smashing time! The music and the vibe! I danced almost non-stop until 6:30. A friendly, respectful co-existence of all breeds of beat-loving people. I'll definitely be back.


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It is definitely raver friendly, as it is friendly to anyone and everyone. They let everyone in who is 18 or older, and the crowd is really diverse. You would definitely dig the vibe there. I'll be going back so let me know when you go and we can meet up. BTW, I'm also taking a bit of a rest. I will be partying sober for the next couple of months.


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Jon finally arose from the dead!!! Hopefully you'll all come out again soon...Again Vinyl is all about the real heads, it's obvious in the way people dress there, that they are there to dance and get sweaty, people there know what the deal, it's also a very friendly crowd...you don't see fights ever, i mean EVER...

Vinyl Is The Answer, To Your Problems, Keep On Movin' & You Can Solve Them...



"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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