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Have any of you gone out with someone who was totally not into the club scene??

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Just wondering if any of you have gone out with people who were totally not into the club or rave scene? You know, total opposites in every way.

I went out with a girl briefly, who totally didn't like or understand what the club and rave scene was. She thought it was immature and all about drugs. I tried to explain it to her and she still didn't understand or didn't want to. All she wanted to do is go to punk and ska shows and...karaoke. eek.gifeek.gif


You look so fine, I want to break your heart and give you mine.


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bro my girlfriend of 1 1/2 years has no clue what goes on in my life on weekends. she's an ultra conservative girl with crazy parents, cant even really go out late at nite, and she's 24. i tell her i'm going out on weekends with my friends cuz i'm so into the music, which is the damn truth, but she has no ideas bout the scene/drugs anything else.


deez nuts

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I've dated several girls who weren't into the clubscene. I believe the longest of those relationships lasted about 1 month.

Couldn't take compromising and spending any more time going out to regular bars listening to 80's greatest hits being played.

Oh and my E comsumption didn't help things any either.

Que Sera

peace, Corey

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went to 'culture club' - it was a very bizarre mix between 80s drink & 90s drug music.

if u're into each other that much, that kind of place is almost a worthwhile compromise...

Originally posted by The ANSWER:


I've dated several girls who weren't into the clubscene. I believe the longest of those relationships lasted about 1 month.

Couldn't take compromising and spending any more time going out to regular bars listening to 80's greatest hits being played.

Oh and my E comsumption didn't help things any either.

Que Sera

peace, Corey

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Originally posted by libyagirl:

pOOh, i'm amazed your gf doesn't know about your weekends. isn't she even curious after all this time?

its crazy, cuz her upbringing was so fuckin wacky that she kinda shields herself from everything. its like, 'what i dont know wont hurt me' thing. when i get home from rough weekends she'll be like, wow you look really tired, music musta been really good, did u dance a lot, etc etc. once in a while she'd say, did you drink too much or something like that. i feel bad for her and her shielded life, especially living in this nyc area. there's so much to see and do, and she gets no opportunity.


deez nuts

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Dont u think u should let ur girlfriend in on the fun? its like ur living a whole different life that she doesnt know about. maybe its time to let her know the "real deal" or at least some of it. wouldnt u like to have ur girlfriend around while ur having all this fun??

just a thought... cool.gif

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Originally posted by neptune:


Dont u think u should let ur girlfriend in on the fun? its like ur living a whole different life that she doesnt know about. maybe its time to let her know the "real deal" or at least some of it. wouldnt u like to have ur girlfriend around while ur having all this fun??

just a thought... cool.gif

This reminds me of that Seinfeld episode, where George's fiancee started hanging out with his freinds and entered his " universe ". If pOOh brings his girlfriend into it, it's gonna be like two worlds colliding...it might work out into wonderful bliss or...could end up killing independant pOOh. biggrin.gif


I say this to you tonight, let us not forget...that there is hope.


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well, i can't say i've gone out with anyone that wasn't into the club scene. but some of my best friends come from ultra-conservative families and upbringings.

i really wish i could share this wonderful experience with them. loosen them up a bit, you know what i mean? but they look at me like i'm crazy. (oh well, at least more importantly my honey and i can share it with each other.

so now, i go to see theatre, dance and art with my old friends during the weekdays. and hang out with new raver friends and dance our hearts out during weekends.

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Originally posted by nightcrawler:

pOOh im taking a wild guess here but are u and ur girlfriend indian?

yeah we're indian, but her family is fuckin crazy. i have no beef with bringin her out, she's not allowed out! if she aint home by midnight there's hell to pay, and i dont even go out till like 3. if i wasn't indian she wouldnt even be able to see me!


deez nuts

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p00h, you're indian? cool, there seems to be mad cool indians on this board. smile.gif

anyway, i've also dated someone that was not into the "scene". i always listened to hip hop since i grew up in jamaica. naturally, i dated guys that were also into the hip hop scene.

but then, about 1 1/2 ago, my taste in music started to evolve into electronic music. my boyfriend of 2 years at the time, was a big hip hop fanatic, and was only interested in goin to hip hop clubs and smokin trees 24/7 (nothing wrong with it, but was gettin boring).

well, needless to say, he also didn't approve of my interest in other substances than trees, i was going clubbing 24/7 without him, and it just inevitably ended. you have to decide what's more impt, basically. he didn't approve and i wasn't feelin him enough to change my ways.

i am now dating the love of my life, he got me more into the scene, and you will never see me clubbing without him by my side. smile.gif



*turn it around baby*

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p00h, that sux that you can't share your exp with your gf. BTW, I'm also Indian, but grew up in southern africa. Yeah, I also have one friend (in the US) who's 25 but her parents are still strict as hell. I'm like, wtf, you're 25, its time your parents let you live YOUR life. By shielding them like that, they're doing 2 things:

1) not letting them live their lives to the fullest, experiencing everything there is...and,

2) not letting them learn for themselves, ie, one of the best learning experiences is by making mistakes.

I basically get pissed off at parents like that..sorry don't mean to offend you in any way!


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u're not offending me in any way, i totally share your views. its wack how some indian parents are. and even asides from clubbing and partying, there's so much to see and do, especially in this area, and u only live once!

ps did christopher lawrence show at that rave?


deez nuts

[This message has been edited by p00h (edited 08-14-2000).]

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my ex girl was totally against the whole club sence...she hated the music didn't like people bumping into her...could not stay up to the wee hours in the morning if her life depended on it....I think all of the negative attention given to clubs by the media affect the way that people view it...I think that people fail to understand the reason why people go to clubs or raves...for the music for the most part and also if you want to mingle...if they don't understand now or don't want to then forget it and go with the people who understand.....what they don't know won't hurt them...


Don't Stop Until its all Done!

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p00h, nah, christopher lawrence didn't show up, but Keoki did. And they closed at 6am instead of 7am (prolly cuz chirs lawrence didn't show)...I was a bit pissed cuz of that but all in all it was a cool rave.

BTW, I think I liked X-Dream's and Scott Henry's sets the best.

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well here is my perspective on this situation. everybody has thier own thing whether it is clubs or going to concerts or bars, or even art or the opera.

what you have to realize is that all of these things are cool for different reasons and just because you don't understand it it doesn't mean that it is gay or stupid. i have had the honor of dating and knowing allot of different people in my life. the thing is i have learned so much from each of these people. instead of being like "i am the man and everything i do is the coolest" you need to be more open minded and try to learn from you friends what else there is to life. trust me when the cloud of drug use and insane partying clears - you will wish you had something more meaningfull in your life. try to learn what about the things they enjoy and bring them fullfillment and maybe you will enjoy it also.

for example i grew up in a home where my father was moslem and my mother lutheran. i never really had any religon in my life and definately never went to church or anything. a girlfriend of mine got me to go to church once and i found it to be an elightening experiance. not that i frequent church now or even go at all but i learned something where i didn't think that i would. you would be suprised how much there is to discover just from the people who are around you once you open up your mind.

now of course you are going to say, "well if i am going to do his/her shit why can't she do mine?". the answer to this is 2 fold. first off not all people are going to be at the same maturity level as you all of the time. the only thing for you to do is be the best person YOU can be. let other people figure stuff out for themselves, make suggestions but don't get angry if they cannot relate or have different opinions. secondly the world we play in is a fucked up world filled with drug abuse and crime and late nights in dangerous situations. you have to understand how it looks from an outside perspective, it's fucked up. for someone who doesn't do drugs and hasn't been exposed to the club and rave scene, thier first impression is going to be total disgust, and you know what no matter how you rationalize it he/she may be right.

what it comes down to is that the drugs and partying fade, don't be caught with nothing meaningfull left in your life after it is all over.



Go Here For Your Complementary fuck in the face.

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At this point im not even gonna say anything....actually thats a lie. pooh i must have completely missed youre post on the ethnicity thread, if you did post there....

I 'used' to think i was the only rebellious indian in New york, on this board, i had never seen indians are 'raves' and at twilo where i used to go until now.....

The Indian Society is shaped differently for girls than guy, notice how pooh goes out and his gf cant. She will actually listen to her parents to come home at 12. Unfortunatley, i must say I am responsible for teh corrupting of at least two Long Island indian girls, and we didnt even go out. Both of them do come with me to parties and clubs every now and then but we re not goin out...they seemed to have rebelled and now leave to go out at 2 or 3 like I do....unfortunately they also learned of the drugs along with the music,....pooh i think you should let your girlfriend in on what you do only cuz it would be the right tihng to do, in my OPINION ONLY....BUT, it has to be done gently since if you throw that all at her and she has no idea, it will seriously throw your relationship off balance.....

im not trying to play doctor here or anything, i just seem to have brought two others into the seen yet still have two female cousins who have to tell tehir parents they are studying inorder tocome home at 1 or 2....and the parents buy it...who the hell studies on friday and saturday until 1 or 2? it works tho....


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I was the girl who wasn't into the scene. I was into "grunge / alternative / ska". 6 years later, I am picking out records for my boyfriend at Satellite, and dragging his ass out because sometimes I feel like staying up til 8am and he doesn't.

If you really like each other, why not take the non-clubber out to let them into your world, if cultural rules are not an issue. (In the instance that the girl just isn't allowed out, you can just introduce them to the music alone)

[This message has been edited by abgrover (edited 08-14-2000).]

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Every girl i dated within past couple of years was into a clubscene to an extent. That makes it so easy to date someone when both of you can go out to a club with incredible music till 5 in the morning and have a blast. This fall I'm gonna date a girl who's is so not into clubbing, she's not even into bars, so i'll have to introduce her to all that shit myself. I have no idea how it'll go, but i don't think it would last if she's not gonna enjoy clubbin as much as i do. For one, you always end up meeting someone else in a club to either to chill or to dance with, which can easily turn into more than just dancing.

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I hate to say it..but I find it very difficult to date someone not into my music at this point...since it is something I am so passionate about, and spend much of my life's energy devoted to..be it at clubs, records stores, online, etc...

I tried a few times...I did...just didn't work out..

I just feel..that other people who are into dance music are on the same wavelength in many ways...(significant other and friend alike)

Yes..its horrible..but the times I am dragged to a bar/event etc and start talking to guys..and they tell me that they love Hootie and the Blowfish and Billy Joel..in my head goes..."instant disqualification"..just can't help it...



Music is the answer...to your problems...:)...smoknjilly@aol.com

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Well sort of....there was a girl I met in a nite club, on the night of our first date I popped into my house to introduce her to my flatties......they were having lines of charlie......I indulged.....later whilst taking her home discovered that my indulgence was the first time she had even seen ANYONE using drugs (let alone indulged herself) :o

In retrospect it was a pretty funny situation wink.gif


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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My friends are 'over' the club scene. They still enjoy the music but will only go to the clubs maybe once every 1 or 2 months. I can usually get them to go out on the last Friday of the month for a little Vinyl then S & D but other than that I'm pissed because I always want to go dancing but don't want to go by myself.

[This message has been edited by smfd (edited 11-19-2000).]

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