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Who to vote for??

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Umm are we talking about the presidential elections? You do know that you should vote ofr one of the other? If you dont, you are letting everyone else in the country make decisions for you!


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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Since there is no alternative (and NOT voting is truly NOT an alternative), you have to choose between . .

A. The harmless dumb guy or

B. The sadistic, racist, anti- everything that america stands for asshole.

RIGHT! So go vote for Gore! tongue.gif



"Rehab is for quitters!"

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well, whoever you vote for, he will basically be a puppet for Congress. the checks and balances that exist will usually keep the president in line with whoever has majority rule in Congress.

if it's the republicans, then help us God. j/k, for those Republicans out there. wink.gif



*turn it around baby*

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At this point, Im still undecisive about who I will be voting for but Im pretty sure it wont be for Gore. Has anyone ever noticed during certain speaches how he wears an ear plug for someone to talk to him through? Ive seen the wire behind his ear a few times and this just tells me that Al Gore will just be a figurehead. He is unable to make a speach without anyone coaching him totally. Something doesnt seem right to me. But I really dont think Im interested in having him as my president. I think Kitty19 should run or if she doesnt want to, someone else from the board!


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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misskittie, hate to tell ya but NONE of our past presidents ever wrote their own speeches. They ALL had people to coach them through it. Furthermore, Kitty is right in saying that presidents will always be puppets for congress . . . I'm not voting between Gore or Bush . . . I'm voting between Democrats or Republicans. And like Kitty said, Lord helps us if it turns out to be a Republican. *again no offense to you young republicans out there*



"Rehab is for quitters!"

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No Blue Angel I know they are always coached. But really now, at least have the intelligence to memorize your speech or have answers to questions prepared before you step up to the podium. I think its horrible how he has to wear that ear plug and be told answers right on the spot. That to me just shows how weak he is. Theres a big difference between being coached and just being a pure figure head. None of the ideas are his. Anyone ever see the movie DAVE? Where the president had a stroke while doing the hooker? Its like that with Gore if you ask me!


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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I think Kitty19 should run or if she doesnt want to, someone else from the board!

oh, thanks misskittie! i don't think i would be too popular as a president, considering that i would want to legalize marijuana and other illicit substances. wink.gif



*turn it around baby*

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doing blow is not a good reason to vote for someone....i was watching dave chappel on hbo lastnight, he was talking about george dubya as the junkie prez settling treaties for a hit, sucking ambassadors dicks...*lol*


"Don't go crazy, don't get depressed, don't go after stupid, unattractive women, don't fight the feelin', don't let anyone tell you that disco house is terrible." --Trevor Zier

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Nobody for President

Nobody for Mayor

Vote for Nobody

Because Nobody

Really Cares!

Don' really believe this... it just cracked me up so I had to share...

Actually I am not sure who I will be voting for and I am definatley going to vote, I am not fond of either. But then again what makes this any different from any other election?


** Shake It Baby **



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I agree that the president is just a figurehead, except in one respect.

The president has the power to nominate supreme court justices. With quite a few justices getting up in years, it isn't inconceivable that the next president will nominate 3 or 4. If Bush wins, you can count on some ultra conservative family value BS judges by the time he gets done. Any pro choicers out there should consider this carefully, since abortion rights will be the first thing to go in this scenario.

Why throw away your vote on a non candidate when Bush winning could directly impact what freedoms you have

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Just got this from a friend today:

>> ...(before the stars were blotted out with pollution)...deep in the

>heart of Texas. The State of Texas, under the leadership of Governor George

>W. Bush, is

>> > > ranked:

>> > > 50th in spending for teachers' salaries

>> > > 49th in spending on the environment

>> > > 48th in per-capita funding for public health

>> > > 47th in delivery of social services

>> > > 42nd in child-support collections

>> > > 41st in per-capita spending on public education

>> > > and ...

>> > > 5th in percentage of population living in poverty

>> > > 1st in air and water pollution

>> > > 1st in percentage of poor working parents without insurance

>> > > 1st in percentage of children without health insurance

>> > > 1st in executions (avg. 1 every 2 weeks for Bush's 5 years)

>> > >

>> > > Just think of what he could do for the country if he was


>> > >

>> > > Please forward this to every person of voting age.


- DaVe


  clubplanet.com - nightlifestyle™

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