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Never made it to the news?

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wow - gang raped, tortured with chemicals, castrated and the girl had her breasts cut off over a period of 5 days?

The 5 blacks who did it supposedly did it as a hate crime against white people.


no idea why this happened in January but never made it in the news.

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On Saturday January 6, 2007 Hugh Christopher Newsom, age 23 and Channon Gail Christian, age 21, both students at the University of Tennessee went out on a date. They were driving in Channon's Toyota 4-Runner when they were carjacked at gunpoint. Suddenly the crime turned far more savage than an armed car theft. Chris and Channon were kidnapped and driven to 2316 Chipman Street where they were forced into the home at gunpoint. While Channon was forced to watch, her boyfriend was raped prison style and then his penis was cut off. He was later driven to nearby railroad tracks where he was shot and set afire. But Channon's hell was just beginning. She was beaten; gang raped repeatedly in many ways, had one of her breasts cut off and bleach poured down her throat to destroy DNA evidence-all while she was still alive. To add to Channon's degradation the suspects took turns urinating on her. They too set her body afire, apparently inside the residence, but for some reason left her body there-in five separate trash bags...

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you have got to be kidding me.. thats sounds like shit from pulp ficton. thats not even right on any level. wtf is wrong with people. God i hope they get put to death... i only wish i could be there to see it.. i hope they suffer. thats horrible.

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I don't know what I'm more appalled at, the story or the fact that the media chose not to report it.

Absolutely disgusting on both counts.

It's a shame that in the year 2007, race still plays such a factor on whether a story is considered "news" or not. icon13.gif

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well it could either be that the story was too horrible for the news...

or only white people commit hate crimes....

in either case i dont think death sentence should be implicated in the legal sense..i think they should tied these animals up and let the families of both of the victims extract revenge how they deem fit....i i think lethal injection doesnt cut it in this case

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unfortunately, in the United States, crimes like these happen all the time....the crimes are reported on local news only....if there was a scandal or any doubt about the guilt of the criminals, then maybe this might make national headlines....but since its a cut and dry, open and shut case, it means little to the media

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