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Ponder this....

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Many times when government officials like l Gore, Bill Clinton, and state senators have been questioned about using drugs, many sit and say yes while laughing. I remember seeing a clip on Bill Clinton on Arsenio Hall the other night and when asked if he did, he said, "I never did any illegal drugs in America but I did try it in England".

Many politicians have admitted to trying marijuana and included in their answers were..."I didnt see anything wrong with it at the time. And I dont regret it and would do it again if I had to relive that part of my life".

Now why is it these politicians can sit there and admit to using drugs and laugh about it? Yet, they are trying to enforce tougher drug laws on use. More jail time. Its kind of hypocritical dont you think? Its funny for them and okay that they did it but we cant sit here and say yes with a little laughter.Why is it acceptable for them and not us?

Well I saw a story based on this one of the news shows the other night and it made me think. Whats your opinions.....


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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Unfortunately, we live in a society that was made by puritans in the beginning. The people that left England in fear of living under the Queen's law and religion and therefore, not being able to practice their own belief only to come to a land to do the same themselve. It is because this government was created by puritans that it feels the need to be very righteous. And the politicians will give into that . . .ALWAYS.

As for Hyprocrisy . . . well that's as natural in the government as music are to us.

That's jus the way life goes I suppose.



"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."

- Robert Frost angel.gif

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True but it sucks! I think we should become politicians. Im sick of having these over 40, white men (majority is) ruling the country for me...a 20 year old white female. They dont see life the way we do and they truely do not understand the pressures which we go through. Something nees to be done about this. I know nothing will but I needed to vent that out.


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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they do see life in the same way they were young once.

You may think things have changed.. but they haven't things are just the same in the 60's & 70's as they are now. Same arguments and problems.

That's the reason they are saying it, politics is about spin. They want to appeal to a younger audience, to try and tell you that they know what you mean, they have been there after all!?

At the end of the day it doesn't matter what they say, over here all you need to do to be president is to say the right things in the next few months. That's what they think they are doing.

It doesn't mean anything, because at the end of the day they are hypocrites.

But what pressures do we have? We have it easy.

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Ok, here's a little tidbit that was sent to me by my friend, that was sent to him from his mom who works in the Pentagon :

Can you imagine working at the following Company? It has a little over

500 employees with the following statistics:

*29 have been accused of spousal abuse

*7 have been arrested for fraud

*19 have been accused of writing bad checks

*117 have bankrupted at least two businesses

*3 have been arrested for assault

*71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit

*14 have been arrested on drug-related charges

*8 have been arrested for shoplifting

*21 are current defendants in lawsuits

*In 1998 alone, 84 were stopped for drunk driving

Can you guess which organization this is?

Give up?

It's the 535 members of your United States Congress. The same group

that perpetually cranks out hundreds upon hundreds of new laws designed to keep the rest of us in line.

Wacky huh? drunk.gif


Come together and try to make a better world. - Crystal Method spin.gif


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Politics is about who can get more votes in the time alotted, before the other guy gets them through lies, deceat, and broken promises! Bill Clinton and his fellow politicians are all full of shit. Clinton grew up in the 60's.......That fucker probably smoked a joint everyday.........Talking about "I smoked, but I didn't inhale!" Watevaaaaaa!

But that's the power of politics! They get away with murder!!!!

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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

Ok, here's a little tidbit that was sent to me by my friend, that was sent to him from his mom who works in the Pentagon :

Can you imagine working at the following Company? It has a little over

500 employees with the following statistics:

*29 have been accused of spousal abuse

*7 have been arrested for fraud

*19 have been accused of writing bad checks

*117 have bankrupted at least two businesses

*3 have been arrested for assault

*71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit

*14 have been arrested on drug-related charges

*8 have been arrested for shoplifting

*21 are current defendants in lawsuits

*In 1998 alone, 84 were stopped for drunk driving

Can you guess which organization this is?

Give up?

It's the 535 members of your United States Congress. The same group

that perpetually cranks out hundreds upon hundreds of new laws designed to keep the rest of us in line.

Wacky huh? drunk.gif

See what I'm saying!.......The sad thing is they probably got a slap on the wrist and went right back to work!!

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Why should unrealistic moral expectations be put on government officals? Everyone makes a mistake at one point in their lives. And it makes me feel better knowing that i have that much room to be human and fuck up and still be able to keep my job or become a government offical which i would be perfectly capable of doing despite how messed up of a humanbeing i am. But I would have to deal with everybody making value judgements about my past and having to explain myself which would really suck. I appreciate my privacy and I respect the privacy of those who represent the us. so i don't give a shit how hypocritcal they are as long as they are doing things to help society and people with lower incomes and the middle class. Which is exactly what the Clinton administration has been doing and Gore will definetly follow up and do an even better job. Focusing on issues such as healthcare, raising

minimum wage,education, making colledge tuition tax deductable, the environment ok i will stop here i guess i am getting a little carried away. And the only reason why i believe the hype is because the adminstration has done so much so far. But if Bush gets elected i will be very very scared of what is to become of the state of the country he wants to ruin the economy with tax cuts we simply can't afford which congress wouldn't be able to pass anyway (hopefully) which is the type of hypocricy i can't deal with. so i will stop my babbling sorry for the many tangents i have gone on. And if you disagree with me thats fine that is the fun of politics.

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Whoaaaaaaaaaaa buddy. Im not putting the government down for the good which they do at all. Theres many things Id like to see changed within society itself but I dont see any of what I want happening anytime soon.

Yet my whole point with this thread was that I think its kind of messed up how the government can sit and laugh about the drugs they have done in the past and sit in interviews and say they'd do it all over again yet go ahead and are making juts having drugs an even worse punishment then ever. Yea we all make mistakes but they arent looking at THIER DRUG USE a mistake. They find it humorous. Yet when giving speeches, all they say is "Drugs are bad, very bad. And we will do everything we can to get rif of them. This is no laughing matter."

Yea right!


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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The world of politics is about money and power. Plain and simple. Surprisingly out of all the mudslinging and carpetbagging that goes on there does arise a bit of good. However alot of the negative overshadows it.

With politicians always saying "yeah I did that...would do it again." and then doing everything in their power to outlaw it, all they are showing is their inability to come to terms with what they did, so therefore they are trying to correct their mistakes by imposing laws to stifle us while they can go home and feel good about themselves and in some strange way they probably feel that they have put to rest some of their own personal demons.

But like misskittie and blueangel and some others pointed out...in the public eye, all they succeed in doing is making themselves out to be hypocrites and weak men (or women..gotta be P.C.) without the integrity to just live with their own experiences from their youth. I think they take the belief of "preparing the next generation" to an unfair extreme.

The other thing is I feel that alot of the same politicians that run the US now, never fully lived out their "growing years". They never clubbed like us or had the opportunity to really experience enough to formulate a solid foundation from which they could draw on as they got older and are now faced with the difficult task of laying down the law.

To really understand what is going on, the politicians that say they "did this and did that"...need to come off their perches on Capitol Hill and become a regular person for a few months. They need to see what we see and go through what we go through. Then I think they would be able to earn some integrity back...and learn to live with their youth experiences or lack of.

Then they could properly do their job and not be so contradicting and hypocritical all the time. They were young once and they need to remember and allow us to live too.

Sorry if I may have went off topic or anything. But I think I stayed on topicc for the most part.

Just my two cents.



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You want an issue I have one: Look at Roe VS Wade

Who the hell is the goverment telling me what I can and can't do with my body. This is mine, They have no right to it. If I can't care for a child that i'm carring why can't I (we) Have an abortion. I know in some religions it's wrong but it's better than having children on welfare or in forster homes because we can't care for them in the way that they should be. Sorry for getting off the subject but I'm angry with this crap....

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I do see how it is uncool for a government officals who were guilty of doing drugs in their past should try to enforce stricter drug laws. As for legalization of drugs i just couldn't even imagine it ever happening. I could see the legalization of weed more of a reality than the legalization of other drugs. Hey i have had my run ins with the law and i know it sucks to be caught, but at the same time i wouldn't like to see all drugs be legal. Stricter drug laws are not going to answer anything and i totally disagree with the enforcement of harsher drug laws. All that does is fill up the jails with a bunch of people who aren't really that harmful and turn them into harmful criminals. And we the tax payers get to pay for the creation of these criminals.

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