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What does everybody do in the "Real World"

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Just wondering, what kind of work does everybody do. Would your co-workers even recognize you at the clubs? I know mine wouldn't! It's fun to see people acting as wild as ever at a club and then find out they're 3 piece suits during the week! So what's your daily grind?


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Just the other day I was looking at people around me.. thinkin to myself.. "oh he could have been the one dancin with me the other night..." who knows??? The club is dark.. so many things going on.. lots of people dancing with u... etc.

AND HELL NO.. nobody will recognize me.. if they did.. I will be extremely surprised~!!!

I look like the goody 2 shoes.. but looks are deceiving =P

Well I do diff. things.. I'm a student.. I work at a very very nice Japanese restaurant. Also at a very nice bakery.

Also right now I volunteer at a soup kitchen in the Bronx =) =)

but those are things I do during the day time... when I go clubbin I change into another person =)dress diff.. and act more loose. So I doubt anybody will recognize me.. don't really want people to anyways.

I don't even think my own sis and bro will recognize me~!


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Guest nikid

Im from jersey and i usually have to just save money to go to clubs, being a college student, im usually always broke. I am a freakin maniac during the day, i actauly dress like a bum 5 of the 7 day week we have and hell no, noone would ever recognize me during the day...my hair is usually up in a messy bun, and i got men's clothes on...i mean why wear women's clothing when you dont have to..:-) let me tell you my boyfriend loves those button down baggy dress shirts on me....whatever happened to that whole fad that came once with women wearing ties??? i actually liked that look, i thought it was sexy...lately however tube tops look played out...can we think of something other than that??



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Originally posted by julian:

i run MLM online..

tranza i thought u work as a bathroom attendant at Flashdancers on broadway,

You know what you cock? I'm not even going to get started with you because you know the deal already.. You talked lots of shit, but never showed up to back it up. Your a dirty, disguesting, racist, petaphile, wanna be Don hoe, trash talking peice of shit.. Shall we continue??

P.S. I'm still waiting for you to come and get me.. *YAWN*


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I am currently enrolled in school and I waitress. I also am looking for that special someone who fits the same personality as me, very beutiful, and is easy to get along with. It's not easy! Trust me! I am also interested in teaching and modeling.

[This message has been edited by angel77 (edited 05-24-2000).]

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I am currently enrolled in school and I waitress. I also am looking for that special someone who fits the same personality, very beutiful, and is easy to get along with. It's not easy! Trust me! I am also interested in teaching and modeling.


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The reason I am moving soon to New York is that I will do a master's degree at Columbia. And no one who knows me during the day would recognise me at night. During the day I'm all about jeans and dorky glasses.



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I currently work for the largest healthcare/financial services comapany in the world, and will soon be moving to NY to work for an investment bank. Nobody usually recognizes me when I'm out, but I have run into a few people from work, making for a funny conversation. I guess its a stretch from suites to seeing me dance my ass off on stage. But whatever, the rest of the world needs to loosen up anyway.


Keep it movin'!


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I'm a desk-top publisher at Merrill Lynch. It's pretty funny cause when I'm at work . . I look my age but when I go out . . . I look like I'm ten years younger! hehehe. Nobody would probably recognize me when I'm going to work. But . . hey, what can I say? Gotta make the doe if I wanna continue partying.



Music is the language of souls . . .

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Guest crystalmethodny

Let's see...

I work for a video games magazine in advertising. Yay!

"Never lose touch with your inner child."


Peace out



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Originally posted by julian:

i run MLM online..

tranza i thought u work as a bathroom attendant at Flashdancers on broadway,

Damn Julian, I keep reiterating to myself that every new day packs an unused brain cell with wisdom...but that's not quite happening with you. I don't know, that last job I gave you had promising aspects. When you quite, you said you enjoyed licking the vaginal juices from my condom, and that one day you would move on to getting your own woman...a butchy woman that can fill the manly void you so lack between your nutsacks and eardrums. But I guess I was wrong. You can't teach an old prick new tricks (Unless it has something to do with a dildo) Sorry to be so stern towards ya, but I grow tired watching you diss people all the time. Grow up and maybe we could conversate on meaningful topics. Saint!!!


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Now, back to the topic. I work for The New York Public Library. Not the best of jobs when it comes to $, but I have all the other freedoms one can ask for (I have a month vacation coming up...YEAH). I was a student and plan on going back this fall (Either NYU or Marymount Manhattan College...or Hunter). I'll be going to HB this summer to take some acting/singing classes so that I can better myself. At night I've been doing the poetry thing in cafes all over the place. It's one of my newfound passions. My long term goals are to be an actor/spoken word artist/semi-musician/fiction writer. I do not plan on working for someone else my entire life, and will see to it that my goals are met.

My boss's would recognize me but they wouldn't believe it if they saw me dancing on a stage half naked getting my shake on. They think I'm this little shy minority boy that knows nothing about life. I hate pompous librarians. My real co-workers, they know me to an extent, that's why my nickname here is Psycho. Anyways, let me end it there...peace, Saint!!!


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Guest clubkid77

I was a Network Admniistrator for a large wall st. firm, but quit to go back to school.

so for now im a part time student and Part time Visual Basic programer. I also DJ ont he weekends.


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I'm software engineer for a technology/internet startup. I dress exactly the same at work or the club: baggy pants, strange shoes, rave or punk T-Shirts (no glowsticks, I hate them) Hopefully I don't have to wear a suit at work and I would hate to have to wear a suit to go clubbing. I like to dress trendy sometime but I don't find it comfortable to dance. I destroyed a silk shirt dancing to hard on Danny Tenaglia at Twilo.

My coworkers would recognise me in a club and actually one of my coworkers do the same, go to work in baggy pants and the same at the club (a little more trendy though)


Joël S. cool.gif

Originally posted by cathyo:

Just wondering, what kind of work does everybody do. Would your co-workers even recognize you at the clubs? I know mine wouldn't! It's fun to see people acting as wild as ever at a club and then find out they're 3 piece suits during the week! So what's your daily grind?


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Guest christie

I would say my co-workers would be QUITE surprised!!!! lol

I work for a large company in Melville and i dont think leather or 5 inch platforms would go over well here!

Would be a trip to run into someone from the office in SF on a Sun morn though!!!


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I'm the Community Director of a new web site for teenagers (launching next week: www.zoggle.com - go check it out!), and I also do freelance writing for Mademoiselle and other magazines.

My (much older) co-workers know I go out, and always tease me about it, because they're jealous. In fact, I'm bringing a bunch of them to Sasha & Digweed this Friday! So I'll be the blonde "cowgirl" surrounded by 30 year old guys in button-down shirts and khakis.

wink.gif Alexandra


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I'm a web and print designer at a medium size internet solutions company (400 and growing). I wear pretty much what i want when i want (whether it be skirts, pants,trendy clothes,khakis, baggies,or jeans and sneakers on friday), but on occasion i meet with CEO's, CTO's, CFO's and other big wigs so i have to wear a suit. That kinda sucks but in a way i can laugh because here i am 23 years old telling these old guys how to make a strategy to grow their company on the internet. HEE HEEHEHEE I love my job!!!!!!


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Oh yah and i forgot to add that my co-workers are all young, so they know that i go clubbing and actually several of them do too.I also hang out with them after work on occasion.

I like to be me 24/7, so i think they would definately recognize me out if i ran into them. smile.gif

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