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What other nicknames have you been saddled with........?

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In my old house I gave nicknames to the other guys that lived there, there was 'bimbo', there was 'bitch', my nickmame was 'slut'

what other nicknames have you had?


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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My middle name is Micheal...So one of my dick friends decided to call me Micheal Knight from knight rider and that name stuck. They call my car Kit and everything. Dorks..

I am also called the hick because I once said something with an accent(playing around) and some1 called me hick. so the name stuck.



...aND oN THaT NoTe, LeTS GeT BaCK To THe PRoGRaM...

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I'm called Special K by my close friends...because my last name starts with a K...it was given to me because one if my buddies likes larger women and for some bizarre way he says I attract them. Luckily, he takes over from there. smile.gif


Come together and try to make a better world. - Crystal Method spin.gif


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lol get this. one night i'm dancing in the middle of the main dance floor at SF. all of a sudden, something nails me in the side of the head. i look around to see if anyone nearby is dancing with their elbows out or something, but no one is. so i look to the floor, and what do i find but a huge heavy duty plastic ash tray. that was what had clobbered me in the side of the head, leaving me with a huge headache, a big bump, and no peripheral vision for the rest of night. oh... and it also left me with the nickname ASHTRAY forever! smile.gif

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My boyfriend's nickname for me is "Tookie." You know the lil' puppy character? Okay, maybe you don't know. giggle.gif

In the past when I was really angry with men phase my nickname was MissWicked. grrr.gif

Then when I got over that phrase and went into that playful flirty phase my nickname was Spoil-n-Sexy. blush.gif



"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."

- Robert Frost angel.gif

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In college I was called Jenny Penny thanx to my cousin. (I went to school with my sis and cuz and yes, we actually dormed together.) I wouldn't respond to Jen since there's so many of us out there, so my cousin started the whole Jenny Penny thing and the next thing I knew, everybody was calling me that. (They still call me that...my b/f has even started.)

The other nick is ToeTag...don't ask! I even have it on my license plate. biggrin.gif

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One night I was at a lounge with a couple of people I work with and I was sitting on the couch. This guy comes up to me and was like get up your in my seat, I was like I was sitting her for the last half hour and he was like yo get the fuck up and I was in a bad mood so I got up and was like go fuck yourself and sat back down. Then he was like yo don't I know you from somewhere - where are you from? I was living in Mt. Vernon at the time and he was like ohhh shit your from the ghetto I'm not messin' with you. What are you gonna do ghetto bitch - kick my ass? and he kept going on and on...while all my co-workers were cracking up. So now everyone I work with still calls me ghetto bitch - rolleyes.gif



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LOL. Brandie, I've been called "poof" too, but for other reasons. Most recently my nickname has been "Crashtopher" for totalling a car, but usually I get Ichi (not pronounced like "itchy" more like "eechee").

My old boss picked up on the nickname and greeted me with it, pronouncing it like "itch" one morning in a meeting...saying 'what's up ich?" and sounding like "'sup bitch?" and everyone just started laughing. So I got saddled with "bitch" for a month or two. LOL.


Don't knock masturbation - its sex with someone I love.

Woody Allen

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Heh, where to begin?

Turd (LONG story, back in HS)




NeoKove (Yup, that's where the other two are from)

Then, the two that I actually -LIKE-, and will let people call me.

Obi - Shortened Obi Wan. At a roll party, a friend was flipping, so I ended up calming her down, then we had little roll games all night. She said I was like the Obi Wan of rolling, since I knew all of the tricks.

Croix - It's the name that I dj under. Originally, it was supposed to be Crois - a French word, meaning "to think". Well, the slackjawed inbreds in this area couldn't get it right, and always pronounced it Kroy, so it just stuck. Luckily, I ended up liking it.



We are the music makers,

and we are the dreamers of dreams.


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Well my last name is schwinge, yes like Waynes World, so you can take it from there and think of every incarnation that peeps would come up with. I think there was a 10 year period that I didnt have a real last name.

- Pete




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"Melitt." Like some kind of short-for-Melissa thing. Always. My bros started it when i was like 4, and have passed it to all my friends over the years. Whenever new buds meet old, new buds are calling me Melitt from then on.

Also get "Cruise Director" and "Cool People Magnet" from my club buds...


All for fun and fun for all


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His Royal Kreiness (now you know the pronunciation)


Kreindawg (Like Fred McGriff, and McGruff the crime dogs)

Special K

Kibbles & Bits (humorous photo of me at a doggy bowl)

The Headpatter (because when I'm rolling and in a chill environment, I have a tendency to tap other people's heads)

Rubberband Man \ These are because I'm a

The Human Knot / contortionist of sorts.

Fish (because I always go for the jailbait)

And my newest one: Froggie! (I ate a live frog on Sunday)

That's it!

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Let's see...I was:

Pookie as well as pookie-head and pookie-brains




Lil' Dorito (i used to eat them all the time when I was a kid)


Boobie and

Shit for brains smile.gif when ever I did something stupid! biggrin.gif

Hey kittie...I was Miss Priss too!! (hated it) :P

[This message has been edited by sunshine-daze (edited 08-30-2000).]

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