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For the missinformed techjunkie

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Text from Bushes speech, which prooves you only hear what you want to hear..

Today, on the continent of Africa, nearly 30 million people have the AIDS virus -- including 3 million children under the age 15. There are whole countries in Africa where more than one-third of the adult population carries the infection. More than 4 million require immediate drug treatment. Yet across that continent, only 50,000 AIDS victims -- only 50,000 -- are receiving the medicine they need.

Because the AIDS diagnosis is considered a death sentence, many do not seek treatment. Almost all who do are turned away. A doctor in rural South Africa describes his frustration. He says, "We have no medicines. Many hospitals tell people, you've got AIDS, we can't help you. Go home and die." In an age of miraculous medicines, no person should have to hear those words. (Applause.)

AIDS can be prevented. Anti-retroviral drugs can extend life for many years. And the cost of those drugs has dropped from $12,000 a year to under $300 a year -- which places a tremendous possibility within our grasp. Ladies and gentlemen, seldom has history offered a greater opportunity to do so much for so many.

We have confronted, and will continue to confront, HIV/AIDS in our own country. And to meet a severe and urgent crisis abroad, tonight I propose the Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief -- a work of mercy beyond all current international efforts to help the people of Africa. This comprehensive plan will prevent 7 million new AIDS infections, treat at least 2 million people with life-extending drugs, and provide humane care for millions of people suffering from AIDS, and for children orphaned by AIDS. (Applause.)

I ask the Congress to commit $15 billion over the next five years, including nearly $10 billion in new money, to turn the tide against AIDS in the most afflicted nations of Africa and the Caribbean. (Applause.)

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just so you knows, techjunkie wrote

"Can't recall him ever even uttering the word "AIDS" in a speech. He's more interested in preventing professional athletes from using steroids than he is in preventing HIV from entering African bodies."

he mentioned not only once, but 11 times...

and 15 billion bucks, how much more do you want to give to people who refuse to use condoms???

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Guest JMT

but Saleen is absolutely right.

this was front page news the US over, yet some peeps here claim bush has done nothing for AIDS in africa. no prez has tried to do more!!!

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Guest JMT
and 15 billion bucks, how much more do you want to give to people who refuse to use condoms???

this is true the men there reuse to use them. but there are women who are raped at the highest levels in the world, and kids born with it who are innocent.

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just so you knows, techjunkie wrote

"Can't recall him ever even uttering the word "AIDS" in a speech.  He's more interested in preventing professional athletes from using steroids than he is in preventing HIV from entering African bodies."

he mentioned not only once, but 11 times...

and 15 billion bucks, how much more do you want to give to people who refuse to use condoms???

The only real relevant point you made was condoms. You are correct, education is the real way to solve this (and most) problems. This is why I constantly used to try to enlighten you, but I eventually gave up.

Moving right along, the heart of the issue is Pharmaceutical companies patenting their drugs and overcharging patients for a minimum of 7 years, claiming the need to make back monies spent on R & D. There is a lot of bullshit in this, which i dont even want to get into because it's so complicated...

I've worked on newsmagazine pieces on AIDS in Africa that would make you want to tear your heart out and puke all over it....

and it is immensely offensive when Pharma Co's and Dirty Presidents try to mask it all by offering programs that will do little to really rectify the situation...

Granted, this is a big program he is going to try to implement...but I'm more inclined to believe it is a re-election tactic and Congress will never give that amount of Money to help fight AIDS in Africa. But for the moment, the blind minds of the general american public will "ooh" and "ahhh" and maybe the polls will go in Bush's favor for a bit.

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dude, it's time to shut the fuck up!

I am the CEO/Head of Operations for www.scriptsxpress.com

I ran a wholesale company for pharma and med supplies

I ran a pharmacy

I owned a online pharmacy which i just sold on ebay



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Guest JMT

actually, this news was almost 1 year ago. its by no means recent. its not a re-election tactic. cant people just admit this its a positive for bush? i guess not.

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dude, it's time to shut the fuck up!

I am the CEO/Head of Operations for www.scriptsxpress.com

I ran a wholesale company for pharma and med supplies

I ran a pharmacy

I owned a online pharmacy which i just sold on ebay



Saleen - I agree with a lot you have to say, but telling someone that "it's time to shut the fuck up" is unnecessary and uncalled for. CJ forums won't be fun if that's how we respond to other points of view...

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actually, this news was almost 1 year ago.  its by no means recent.  its not a re-election tactic.  cant people just admit this its a positive for bush?  i guess not.

bush could invent the cure for aids, and the gay community would have an issue with it, and tech junkie would be their leader. Lets blame big business and bush instead of blaming themelves for their own actions.. ::)

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Saleen - I agree with a lot you have to say, but telling someone that "it's time to shut the fuck up" is unnecessary and uncalled for.  CJ forums won't be fun if that's how we respond to other points of view...

i'm italian and "shut the fuck up" is part of our normal daily speech....

see the sopranos for details..

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Guest JMT

bush could invent the cure for aids, and the gay community would have an issue with it, and tech junkie would be their leader. Lets blame big business and bush instead of blaming themelves for their own actions.. ::)

might as well be talking to a wall on this.

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dude, it's time to shut the fuck up!

I am the CEO/Head of Operations for www.scriptsxpress.com

I ran a wholesale company for pharma and med supplies

I ran a pharmacy

I owned a online pharmacy which i just sold on ebay




I really dont care about your "we sell drugs" campaign!  or your scriptsxpress.  I went to that website.  Dude you sell canadian drugs because our country overprices and the entire world knows that we let people die since the pharma lobby is the strongest---it has been the richest industry for over 30 years.  PS that website sells medicines that help heartburn and stuffy noses, not deadly pandemics.

Listen, Nick, I'm not trying to toot a horn here, but when I was at ABC I worked on a specific gutwrenching story about this...Through the course of a year I developed this story with a team, we watched people die who couldnt get the drugs...I devoted all my time to learning about this and developing a story profiling Aids in Africa and the people it was killing...I spoke with the people who invented some of the very first AIDS drugs still being used today...And let me add they were working for the NIH at the time, which means the US government funded initial stages of development (the riskiest and costliest) which means our tax dollars were spent FIRST,....then they were handed off to drug companies to further develop with THE "REASONABLE and FAIR PRICING CLAUSE" in the contract which stated that drug companies must be reasonable and fair in pricing and patenting if the drugs ended up being successful.  No one ever followed up on that clause. That was the heart of my story.  

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dude, i am soley responsible for pitching and inking a deal with the top produceing IMO insurance agents in this country. They were so impressed with my company. These guys make on avg 2 mill a year, and fly around in jets all day.

YOu don't understand

1. inelastic markets

2. price controls

3. trade issues

4. how the pharma word works. how it truely works, how the supply and demand works etc

5. who controls the market. the us only controls 50% of it

6. how long from drug synthesis to market.

7. countris like india who produce copy infringed meds

8. did you see time mag in dec and jan?

9. did you see 60 mins last week?

10. where are the drugs produced

11. are they safe where they are produced

Without a degree, you could never understand an inelastic market. The only other market on earht like that is illegal addictive drugs.. It's a unique situation.

Sure greed and big business is there, but at the end of the day, the facts are in, companies like mine and price controls hurt the reaserch that leads to cures. It takes billions to get a to market. it's not like cooking k at a white party, you just can't whipe it together and hope for the best.

Don't ever confuse my posts with my education and experence and expertise in the area of pharma drugs.

It's above your head, and with no ecnomics background, the avg joe, just don't know!

Thats my point. I could write a 200 page book on the subject. My company will be the largest in the 2 years, and we are even doing an americna generics side of the biz. I didn't close the biggest deal with insurance agents in the country becasue i'm dumb, and don't know what i'm talking about. In the last week, i got another 7500 agents to come on board, and 50,000 more, and our company donates 20% after tax profit to a organization which provides free meds to those who can't afford them.

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btw, for those who don't understand elasticity

heres the def

elasticity: The relative response of one variable to changes in another variable. The phrase "relative response" is best interpreted as the percentage change. For example, the price elasticity of demand, one of the more important applications of this concept in economics, is the percentage change in quantity demanded measured against the percentage change in price. Other notable economic elasticities are the price elasticity of supply, income elasticity of demand, and cross elasticity of demand

what this means is, for inelastic markets, which they are only two, if you break your leg or get sick, you have to pay the price to get it fixed or get the meds, you can't simply swap out one emergency room for another.. it's not coke or pepsi... etc...

on top of that, these companies report to the street, and if own shares, you want your company to maximize profit. This is how a captiaistic society works.. you can reinvent the wheel. The russians tried, and look where it got them...

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blah blah blah.  

The former head of research and development for Pfizer once said to me in an interview:

"The bottle costs more than the pills inside."

Bottom Line, kiddo.  

you can claim fancy economical terms all you like--- it wont confuse me and only some of it will be semi-relevant.


please defend that one too...id love to hear it.

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what this means is, for inelastic markets, which they are only two, if you break your leg or get sick, you have to pay the price to get it fixed or get the meds, you can't simply swap out one emergency room for another.. it's not coke or pepsi... etc...

yes you can.  You can get generic drugs versus the originally patented drug.  Generic drugs cost pennies, the others cost dollars.  

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blah blah blah.  

The former head of research and development for Pfizer once said to me in an interview:

"The bottle costs more than the pills inside."

Bottom Line, kiddo.  

you can claim fancy economical terms all you like--- it wont confuse me and only some of it will be semi-relevant.

lol, he's 100% correct the pills do cost less than the bottle. But to get those pills into the bottle costs you billions of dollars in research.

For example

Like pain killers?

a bottle of 1050 loricet aka genric for percs or vikes cost me on the wac about 36 bucks for a bottle of 1000..

cost you a lot in the store. Why? well a long long long time ago, some company spend about a billion dollars and 13 years to get them on market and past the fda..

You only hear what you want to hear. You have no understanding of the market..

The avg time a drug is on the market is about 4-7 years.. then the patent is up. So they spent 13 years and billions and have to recoupe that money in order to please the shareholders..

and few ever make it to the market...

americans flat out subsidize the rest of the world when it comes to drugs...

etc etc etc

i could go on forever.

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Sorry, it's 30% of their revenues...not 3 times as much, I had my 3's mixed up. I'm really reaching back into my memory for this....I'll find somewhere where this was published, I know there was a senator trying to get an ACT passed trying to get drug prices lowered by limiting the amount of money pharma co's can spend on marketing.

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