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Am I the only person who thinks Domenick Capello is simply a bad DJ?


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I've been going to Exit and SF as long as he has been spinning in these two venues, and, quite frankly, I don't understand why this child deserves these jobs. He certainly doesn't make any case with his consistant train recks. He is the poster child for what is wrong with the scene today.

I feel he's terribly offbeat, has poor programming, and fails to create an environment because of this. If he was replaced by my laptop, no one would notice.

The fact that he tries imitating Tony Draper isn't really the way to go. If I want to be a good basketball player, should I imitate Fred Hoiberg or Michael Jordan? Him trying to imitate Draper just goes to show his EXTENSIVE knowledge of the dance music scene.

And how did he get these jobs? Oh, right. Thorin Aiello. He knew a higher-up, someone that can make things happen. It's this simple fact alone that he has Level 4 at SF.

Speaking of which, from the reasons I stated above, he doesn't deserve Level 4. With the very good promoters that SF Friday has, you're telling me that Capello is the best available DJ for that room? Please. I bet you that there are at least 20 DJ's better than him that don't have a weekly residency as high-profile as that. Domenick Capello doesn't even deserve the main floor at Gargulio's let alone Level 4.

Now, in all honesty, I DO respect him for at least trying. I DO respect him for the requests. I DO respect him because he loves dance music as much as I do. But I don't think that he should be DJing a widely known party with so much time and money invested in it.

Starting out small, refining your skill, actually buying vinyl, and gaining a following is the best way for getting respect. Knowing someone that can hook you up isn't. It's like jumping from high school straight to the pros. Prove yourself first.


"A faithful heart makes wishes come true." - Lo, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

AOL: Highmay9

Napster: Jayme

AudioGalaxy: Highmay

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I couldn't agree more. This is what the world comes to when ass kissing can get a DJ a good spot. The kid probably does a huge <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guest list</A> and it looks good to promoters who don't care that he is a beginner and really doesn't know how to mix yet. Why doesn't he just promote the night then and save up some $ to buy records...

But, Im not even bashing the kid, it's really the promoters fault for giving these kids spots like that. Back in the old days DJs had to put in their dues to get spots like that...


Beat Me Harder.

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I couldn't agree with you guys more. I've heard him and he is pretty bad, don't know anybody who thinks differently. Thats what makes me miss the old Exit. The old school DJ's from last winter and spring like Eddie Baez, Denny Tsettos, Chris J. and Dave Merces. But then again last year it was a completly differently club. Boris took over Eddie and Denny's spots well. So did the guys that replaced Dave Merces in the Champagne Room when he left and also Chris J. too. But hey its part of the club scene and thats what happens, bad DJ's take over because of promoters and good DJ's travel to other cities. Anthony Mudy is pretty good though.

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seriously you guys i find it very weird how as soon as i start posting u start hating. another thing how is level 4 always packed? in response to imitating .. i dont imitate anyone if i happen to play the same music thats my thing.. how do i imitate tony when i dont even hear him? quick question..so i guess when i was in exit djin in the secret room or the roof i would run down listen to the song he played and then play it.. give me a break.. it has been said by many people many times that we play the same style: example "wow i just walked from downstairs and he was playin the same thing 10 minutes ago" . i guess 2 djs dont play simmilar music nowadays. why do u think im so friendly with him .. cause we like the same music. so respond to that one. another thing is if i mix so bad.. why does the owner and general manager of sf specifically want me up there.. if u want to hate.. do it logically. another thing i like to add - i get spots with throin based on performance.. u think he would just put me on just because i was his friend and didnt move a crowd? but i can never go by this board because one day u hate tony one day u hate jp then next u love them. thanks for the warm welcome.

[This message has been edited by domenickcapello (edited 05-16-2001).]

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Domenick... though we have not yet met, I respect you at your age and what have you.

.. the drama.. it will be here forever.

Also being one of Tony's friends, I dont see you being a threat to his spot reguardless of what music you play, and yet what music you are bound to begin playing...

Even though I play VERY VERY similar to Tony, though I do play alot more tribal and "real" music other than Plasmic Honey cheese, even if I thought it, I would never begin to talk about being an intimidation factor to him, or anyone for that matter.

For those of you coming out the 18th to begin hearing me, I thank you.

Domenick, please email me at "En0rgize@aol.com" so we can talk.. I have been trying to get in touch with you for some time now.




... to those who wait, good things shall come

The speakers were kicking out deep bass deep bass deep baaaaaass.

Email: En0rgize@aol.com

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Not for nothing, I dont think anyone cares that you post here or not.. Do you honestly think your a good dj?? I listened to you play for 30 minutes and it was horrible.. You did not get one record on beat.. When I go out I like to listen to mixes it's my favorite part of going out.. Your mixes flew right off the turn tables.. You werent even close to being on beat.. You could not get your records on beat with a bat.. I heard you try to mix the Kim Sozzi accapella over the intro of the SF mix and you fucked it up so bad I had to go downstairs.. It's your fault I didnt get to finish my drink..

I go to the Factory almost every friday night and I manage to venture upstairs at least once a night and that room is never packed so stop kidding yourself..

..Your not ready to dj in a club, and that is the gods honest truth

I would be embarrased if I was you kiddo


..Something for your mind, your body, and your soul

It's the power, it's larouse curiosity..

The purpose, the goal which one acts on..

A journey of force, hot like the sun and wet like the rain..

Rhythmatic movements in unison with others prolong and acts of sensations, with no limits or boundaries..

Eternity is past..

Wrong is right..

It's the point of greatest intensity..

Pleasures of the highest sense..

Feelings of warmth and security..

Willing and unwilling sensation's of the mind..

A condition..

The ultimate seduction..

..."THE REALM"..

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... when I heard him at POSH his mixing was fine, I didnt hear a single train wreck all night

As far as SF, the few times I went the past year, the upstairs was always packed..

.. but I can't speak for lately cause I have not gone.


... to those who wait, good things shall come

The speakers were kicking out deep bass deep bass deep baaaaaass.

Email: En0rgize@aol.com

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Well Justin maybe next time you should open your ears and your eyes..

The kid doesnt need a lawyer he needs a BPM counter..


..Something for your mind, your body, and your soul

It's the power, it's larouse curiosity..

The purpose, the goal which one acts on..

A journey of force, hot like the sun and wet like the rain..

Rhythmatic movements in unison with others prolong and acts of sensations, with no limits or boundaries..

Eternity is past..

Wrong is right..

It's the point of greatest intensity..

Pleasures of the highest sense..

Feelings of warmth and security..

Willing and unwilling sensation's of the mind..

A condition..

The ultimate seduction..

..."THE REALM"..

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I've known Dom since Exit, and he seems to please the crowd ever since. People are coming up to me asking who the hell was that DJ in the secret room. (this was last year before the whole thorin & exit mess) I hear great things about him at Sound Factory. Not to mention that he played for me over the phone today. Hes producing some hot shit. I.M.O Domenick is just as good as any other DJ & more out there and stop the hating smile.gif

Just my thoughts


-uhm dont hate on me either cuz im sticking up for a DOPE dj-

As for Justin.....

FRIDAY BABY!!! REALZ N MENACE <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> !


hmmm.. interesting in promoting? email me >:) ibrealz@aol.com

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Domenick: No one thinks that you came down from the Secret Room to see what Draper was spinning and decided to spin that. Anyone who is smart enough understands that the music programming is eerily similar to eachother. That can't be a coincidence, and you never exactly went home right after you finished spinning the Secret Room, and, well, hip hop isn't really what you spin. Being around Tony and looking at what he does at the end of the night to pick things up...yeah, it's cool to learn, but becoming a mirror image of him isn't.

Anyway, you can throw everything I said away in beginning and just look at the last sentence: Prove yourself first. You never did. You never grew and evolved as a DJ, so what makes you think you're good enough to spin Level 4?

You don't think there are DJ's more deserving of that spot? DJ's who worked their ass off just to get an ounce of recognition? DJ's who created a buzz and gained the respect and love of crowds, and set themselves up to suddenly move into a gig as big as that? If you say no, then you're not only lying to the Clubplanet community, you're lying to yourself.

Jonathan Peters didn't just get that Saturday residency. His respect was earned at a club called Save the Robots, which is probably a club with the same respect as DNA in Astoria: not that much. If you want to mention the general managers, well they didn't feel Eddie Baez was the answer as Junior Vasquez's replacement, so in comes Peters doing Fridays, which was an overwhelming success. He, then, earned Saturday night. It wasn't Joey Morrisey's promoting or the in-house promoters at that time who tell their buddies that "he's off the hook, yo." No, he earned it.

Now it's unfair to compare you to JP, but understanding that he earned his respect and took full advantage of continuing the SF Legacy is what made him one of the top NYC DJ's.

Richard Grant doesn't dance with us. He doesn't get down and bust a move and do glowsticks. He only knows that since ENOUGH people are up there at Level 4, then there's nothing wrong with the DJ, whomever it is. So yes, if you were the DJ up there, then he would specifically want you there because he knows you don't, at the very least, piss a portion of his paying customers off.

People might tell you during a night that you're amazing. That feedback really means that THE MUSIC YOU PLAY is amazing. And anybody, what with easy access to MP3's if they know the right people (which I know for a fact that you do), can play amazing music. You better love your CD burner.

You say you get spots based on performance. You're telling me that you're Thorin's best DJ? HHHmmmm...If you want to realiate back, do it logically.

Last thing: I love dance music, and I love the mixes that my favorite DJ's perform when I'm feeling them on the dance floor. I wish every DJ I hear is good. So Domenick, please, shut me the fuck up. Pour your heart out on every record you play. Put as much care into your selection as anything you ever did throughout an entire night. SHUT ME UP. SHOW ME THAT I'M WRONG. Make me want to come and hear you spin. Don't make everyone spite you. Shut them all up, too. And don't think to yourself "ahh, fuck you, yo. Who needs you, anyway, kid?" Well guess what? I'm the crowd you spin for. I'm the crowd that you please. I'm the crowd that gives you your respect. You making us smile on that dancefloor makes you DJ Domenick Capello. It gives you your name.

It's fine if you don't respond. No one cares if you post here or not. Some people here actually have a life and post to kill time. We have social contact on a more personal level than behind our PCs.

So think about what I said. Don't take it as talking shit, take it as constructive critism. It will only make you stronger if you accept critism from the people you're actually trying to please.


"A faithful heart makes wishes come true." - Lo, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

AOL: Highmay9

Napster: Jayme

AudioGalaxy: Highmay

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I know i said i wouldnt post back but Highmay spoke like a true gentleman and they way i feel is: everyone has their own taste in music, thats why new york is filled with all kinds of djs and different clubs on the same night because if everyone had the same taste they would go to one club and listen to one type of music. I have a crowd whom I spin for that loves what i do. Just like Jonathan has his faithful crowd every Saturday night. I put my heart into spinning just like jp, tony draper, johnny vicious, danny teneglia and every other dj that i can name do. A lot of shit that goes on in that booth 99% of the crowd will never know so all i ask is get to know me, my fellow djs and study what we do carefully before you criticize. Highmay I would be very happy if you can come and visit me one day and I can show exactly what it is that djs do instead of you seeing from the other side of the glass. Thank you.

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To pull a qoute from Highmay's post...

<<<You're telling me that you're Thorin's best DJ? HHHmmmm...If you want to realiate back, do it logically.>>>

Well, logically he isn't Thorin's best DJ. He works cheap and does a huge <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlist</A> so its in Thorin's financial best interest to put him on. More experienced better DJs who never train wreck don't have time to run around passing out flyers and making <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guestlists</A> . They are busy in their studios producing tracks.

Dominick Ive seen you play a few times. Deinitely not as bad as some of the people on here make you sound, but you are a beginner and honestly you sound like one. That's fine. your music selection and mixing skills will mature with time. You drop bomb after bomb, something many beginners do to make a crowd go nuts. (actually every DJ at exit does it) As you get more experience you'll see that there's more to spinning than that. Have you ever seen DT, Junior, Roger Sanchez, Erick Morillo, or anyone similar play? Do you think they play all bombs? Nope.

But here's a word of advice. Learn to be humble! Remember, these people who post and others who talk bad about your skills are potential fans. Don't sound so high and mighty. What have you done in the music industry to date? Nothing. So learn some respect.

Good luck and keep practicing.



Beat Me Harder.

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Hey i got a question...where the hell are any of you clowns djing? Obviously he's doin something right if he's djing at the hottest saturday party in town. stop playa hatin.


"The Future's uncertain and the end is always near...so who's holding on?"

AOL IM--->DonVito486

[This message has been edited by donvito (edited 05-18-2001).]

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  • 9 months later...
Originally posted by slyonspromos

Have you heard this kid lately hes been off the wall. Dom dont listen to these people i think your a good dj.

bro this thread was from the beginning of last summer...

i havent heard him lately so i cant tell you what i think...

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