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Americans flock to Canada's immigration site

Guest JMT

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Guest slamminshaun

Currently, there are no socialists holding public office in Washington. However, the United States has elected socialists to Congress in the past.

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Guest Seb

Socialized health care does work. But yes it comes at a price. More debt and less cutting edge technology. The advantage is that more people get a fair shot at a healthy life. The disadvantage is that we may not have the same advancements and technologies to help cure new diseases. Theres two sides to every story. I'm so tired of people on this board being so one sided and partison on these issues. :P

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Guest tres-b

Socialized health care does work. But yes it comes at a price. More debt and less cutting edge technology. The advantage is that more people get a fair shot at a healthy life. The disadvantage is that we may not have the same advancements and technologies to help cure new diseases. Theres two sides to every story. I'm so tired of people on this board being so one sided and partison on these issues. :P

The other thing to consider is who wants to be a doctor? Do you want to make pennies on the dollar working for some govt. medical clinic or do you want to drive a SL55 and do plastic surgery? Thats the reality. The dumbasses will be free and the really bright ones will be doing their own thing where they can cash in.

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Guest obby

Americans hate to pay taxes (period point blank) but that's understandable. A socialized heath care would mean a very large tax increase which I am almost sure not many citizens will approve of. I myself do not know how much taxes a Canadian citizen pays but I feel safe assuming it's allot. I would guess close to 20% in sales tax alone (anyone know).

Is it me or many hate to give to our Government but at the same time expected the most from our Government.

Life is great huh?

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Guest Seb

Yes taxes are much higher in Canada, roughly half of your paycheck if you include unemployment insurance and other benefits. Sales taxes in Ontario are 15% (8% provincial & 7% federal). They tax the shit out of the country. Like I said there is a price for the benefits.

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Guest slamminshaun

Is it me or many hate to give to our Government but at the same time expected the most from our Government.

All I expect, is for them to keep foreign militaries from invading and also protect me from terrorism. Otherwise, stay out of my life. I don't need the government, nor are their intrusions welcomed into my house. I know what's best for me and my family, not them. I don't want them to provide for me, and in return, don't take what they didn't earn from me.

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Guest tres-b

Is it me or many hate to give to our Government but at the same time expected the most from our Government.

All I expect, is for them to keep foreign militaries from invading and also protect me from terrorism. Otherwise, stay out of my life. I don't need the government, nor are their intrusions welcomed into my house. I know what's best for me and my family, not them. I don't want them to provide for me, and in return, don't take what they didn't earn from me.


Less is more when it comes to government.

In addition, the more people learn to depend on themselves rather than sitting on their porch collecting welfare, the better off we will be in the long run. Why dont I bitch about free healthcare? Because I view it as my responsibility to take care of my insurance every month so no one else has to take care of it for me.

Why does everyone think they are entitled to this and deserve that just b/c they were born? That isnt how the world works. You are entitled to free education through the 12th grade and after that, hard work and making your own way in the world is how sucess is earned, not handed out like food stamps.

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Guest obby

Is it me or many hate to give to our Government but at the same time expected the most from our Government.

All I expect, is for them to keep foreign militaries from invading and also protect me from terrorism. Otherwise, stay out of my life. I don't need the government, nor are their intrusions welcomed into my house. I know what's best for me and my family, not them. I don't want them to provide for me, and in return, don't take what they didn't earn from me.

I concur

I personaly feel that the American Gov't should be as limited as possible. It should only help maintain and protect a fair environment in which business' can grow. If you keep putting hurdles up, you foolishly destroy what too many have worked hard and died trying to preserve. In America, we the people decide. I think it would be unwise to punish success in America by over taxing those who succeed. Take away the prize and then there's not much worth fighting for. Our economy is driven by the private sector, not the Gov't. You can't expect to maintain the entrepreneurial spirit which is our CASH COW. It makes the wheel go round. Sky's the limit. Sacrifice, Work hard, Be responsible and obey the rule of law. That's the formula for increasing your chances at reaching financial stability and maybe even prosperity. There are no guarantees in life. There are no entitlements. To assume so is foolish and ungrounded from reality,,,some might say even WHACKED! You want those new shoes? Work, save up and buy them. You want that nice car? Ditto! You want that big house? Ditto! You might be surprised how much of better person that journey might make you. It's called character and integrity in my eyes.

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Guest Seb

I can understand why you guys feel that way and I can agree with you on some levels. Who wants anybody to tell you how to live your life and spend your money. But don't think that Republicans and conservatives don't impose anything on you either. Apparently Bush had a lot of succes with this election due to his religious beleifs and that he has a lot of backing by evangelical and Christian groups. One of the reasons he had this press conference expressing his views against gay marriage and abortion. That really bothers me. I don't want policies and laws being made in this country based on someone elses relgious values. This is supposed to be a secular world. One that seperates relgion from state. But now amendments are in the works that have been provoked by religious intentions. Our religious beleifs should not be imposed on the rest of the country just because Christians are in the majority. A country based on relgion is a very dangerous. This is why the middle east is so fucked up. So when you talk about the government intruding then you have to consider that as well.

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Guest tres-b

I can understand why you guys feel that way and I can agree with you on some levels. Who wants anybody to tell you how to live your life and spend your money. But don't think that Republicans and conservatives don't impose anything on you either. Apparently Bush had a lot of succes with this election due to his religious beleifs and that he has a lot of backing by evangelical and Christian groups. One of the reasons he had this press conference expressing his views against gay marriage and abortion. That really bothers me. I don't want policies and laws being made in this country based on someone elses relgious values. This is supposed to be a secular world. One that seperates relgion from state. But now amendments are in the works that have been provoked by religious intentions. Our religious beleifs should not be imposed on the rest of the country just because Christians are in the majority. A country based on relgion is a very dangerous. This is why the middle east is so fucked up. So when you talk about the government intruding then you have to consider that as well.

It is a secular world but our country was founded on Judeo-Christians ideals and principles.

Regardless, the states voted on the gay marriage issue and the victory was by 2 and 3 votes to 1. I wouldnt say President Bush is responsible for these results.

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Socialized health care does work. But yes it comes at a price. More debt and less cutting edge technology. The advantage is that more people get a fair shot at a healthy life. The disadvantage is that we may not have the same advancements and technologies to help cure new diseases. Theres two sides to every story. I'm so tired of people on this board being so one sided and partison on these issues. :P

The other thing to consider is who wants to be a doctor? Do you want to make pennies on the dollar working for some govt. medical clinic or do you want to drive a SL55 and do plastic surgery? Thats the reality. The dumbasses will be free and the really bright ones will be doing their own thing where they can cash in.

That's why we don't have it because the Doctor's and the insurance companies would loose major $$$. So what does it come down to greed.

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Guest Seb

Understandable but you can not forget that this Country was founded on the Judaea Christianity beliefs.

Thats fine but that doesn't make it ok to impose those beliefs on the rest of the nation. Wheres the freedom in other people imposing theire religious beliefs on you? ???

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Guest JMT

hmmm. some people today would have really hated to have had JFK as president....

"Vice President Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, President Truman, reverend clergy, fellow citizens

For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago.

And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe—the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.

Let both sides unite to heed in all corners of the earth the command of Isaiah—to "undo the heavy burdens ... and to let the oppressed go free."

With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own."

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Guest tres-b

Socialized health care does work. But yes it comes at a price. More debt and less cutting edge technology. The advantage is that more people get a fair shot at a healthy life. The disadvantage is that we may not have the same advancements and technologies to help cure new diseases. Theres two sides to every story. I'm so tired of people on this board being so one sided and partison on these issues. :P

The other thing to consider is who wants to be a doctor? Do you want to make pennies on the dollar working for some govt. medical clinic or do you want to drive a SL55 and do plastic surgery? Thats the reality. The dumbasses will be free and the really bright ones will be doing their own thing where they can cash in.

That's why we don't have it because the Doctor's and the insurance companies would loose major $$$. So what does it come down to greed.

Blame it on whatever you want. I would rather shell out for insurance and a quality doctor than wait in a govt run clinic behind some pregnant lady w/ 3 kids and welfare checks who hasnt held a job her whole life. No thanks.

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Guest obby

Understandable but you can not forget that this Country was founded on the Judaea Christianity beliefs.

Thats fine but that doesn't make it ok to impose those beliefs on the rest of the nation. Wheres the freedom in other people imposing theire religious beliefs on you? ???

I never said they had to be imposed. I merely said that we should not forget.

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Understandable but you can not forget that this Country was founded on the Judaea Christianity beliefs.

Thats fine but that doesn't make it ok to impose those beliefs on the rest of the nation. Wheres the freedom in other people imposing theire religious beliefs on you? ???

I never said they had to be imposed. I merely said that we should not forget.

No it got started so people could have their own believes what ever that may be. You shouldn't forget that.

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Socialized health care does work. But yes it comes at a price. More debt and less cutting edge technology. The advantage is that more people get a fair shot at a healthy life. The disadvantage is that we may not have the same advancements and technologies to help cure new diseases. Theres two sides to every story. I'm so tired of people on this board being so one sided and partison on these issues. :P

The other thing to consider is who wants to be a doctor? Do you want to make pennies on the dollar working for some govt. medical clinic or do you want to drive a SL55 and do plastic surgery? Thats the reality. The dumbasses will be free and the really bright ones will be doing their own thing where they can cash in.

That's why we don't have it because the Doctor's and the insurance companies would loose major $$$. So what does it come down to greed.

Blame it on whatever you want. I would rather shell out for insurance and a quality doctor than wait in a govt run clinic behind some pregnant lady w/ 3 kids and welfare checks who hasnt held a job her whole life. No thanks.

It's a series of trade-offs. I hear you. I from Canada.

Some people don't mind waiting for a surgery. They see how needier people (sometimes lower-income) should be able to get things done before they get serviced. They would prefer to have a healthier society in general than to have to look at a bunch of sick poor people all the time.

As for the doctors, they still get paid VERY well. And you get to raise your kids in Canada, with a very comfortable standard of living.

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Guest pod

And see half your money get sucked into supporting a bunch of idling ingrates. Though if you want our liberal whiners, you can have them. Take the Republicans too while you're at it. Leave the US for us gun-toting, porn viewing, hard drinkin' clubgoers.

I'll admit, I'm selfish. I bypass the donation pot during the holiday season. ;D

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And see half your money get sucked into supporting a bunch of idling ingrates. Though if you want our liberal whiners, you can have them. Take the Republicans too while you're at it. Leave the US for us gun-toting, porn viewing, hard drinkin' clubgoers.

I'll admit, I'm selfish. I bypass the donation pot during the holiday season. ;D

No belief in karma for you... ;D

The big complaint I have with universal healthcare is that it's run by the gov't. They should collect the funds, but leave it to a private organization to run it...

Also, it's not just ingrates - you don't need to worry about taking a certain job just to get the healthcare plan...it's covered already...

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