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When did SPACE jump the shark?

Guest sobe2004

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Guest sobe2004

Some options:

1. Closing party fiasco

2. Moving the DJ booth to its current location on the patio

3. Moving into its new/current location

4. OG no longer weekly

5. Canning Edgar

6. Roland leaving

7. DT no longer a quarterly resident

8. Lawler gone


Discuss . . .

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Guest pod

Space jumped the shark?

Yeah yeah I know I'm Space's "attorney" and all, but jump the shark means:

"a term to describe a moment when somethin that was once great has reached a point where it will now decline in quality and popularity."

Last time I checked, Space has thousands of people in the door every weekend. If that isn't popular I don't know what is.

They might not book "your" DJs, but that doesn't mean they aren't popular. Everything's subjective.

You know, you can say you don't like Space and be done with it.

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Guest Satan

there is no such thing.

jumping the shark is a gay term made up by people who stay home and watch soap operas. get some fresh air, go to space any weekend and count heads.

but thanks for playing.

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Guest pod

I've made my peace with 2006 here, but I gotta ask him if he's ever heard of just going out and having a drink or ten? ;D

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maybe they are trying to catch the sharks out in the ocean... with all the attacks lately.......

lol..... who knows and who really cares.... they are the top dog or "shark" in DT

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Guest Cosmigonon

Some options:

1. Closing party fiasco

2. Moving the DJ booth to its current location on the patio

3. Moving into its new/current location

4. OG no longer weekly

5. Canning Edgar

6. Roland leaving

7. DT no longer a quarterly resident

8. Lawler gone

Discuss . . .


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Guest sobe2004

Space jumped the shark?

Yeah yeah I know I'm Space's "attorney" and all, but jump the shark means:

"a term to describe a moment when somethin that was once great has reached a point where it will now decline in quality and popularity."

Last time I checked, Space has thousands of people in the door every weekend. If that isn't popular I don't know what is.

They might not book "your" DJs, but that doesn't mean they aren't popular. Everything's subjective.

You know, you can say you don't like Space and be done with it.

Jumping the shark From Wikipedia:

"Jumping the shark is a metaphor used by US television critics since the 1990s. The phrase, popularized by Jon Hein on his web site www.jumptheshark.com, is used to describe the moment when a television show or similar episodic medium is in retrospect judged to have passed its "peak" and shows a noticeable decline in quality. Most "jump the shark" moments are a noticeable change in the show, such as a main cast member leaving or a change in setting, which are subsequently quoted as the marker point signifying when the show's decline started. Frequently "jump the shark" is used to describe a series that has undergone drastic changes as a result of a ratings decline that has already occured, especially when the changes do little to halt or reverse this decline. Hein also uses the "jumping the shark" concept to describe other areas of pop culture, such as music and celebrities, for whom a drastic change was the beginning of the end."

POD - compare your pictures from old and new and I think that you would notice the difference. Also, while SPACE still does HUGE numbers, clubs in Vegas like RAIN bring in more $$$.

I just think that Space has peaked and is in its decline.

BTW - my vote is for moving into the new location. The old patio ruled.

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I was and am not much of a person that frequents Space. Last Saturday was my first time there in over a year. I don't do afterhours that much, and just don't like being crammed into a club with 3000 others.

But last Saturday for James Zabiela was a very good night of music and a good fun crowd.

Change Happens, its called evolution. DJ's move on, start touring more, get new residencies. etc.

I love clubbing in Miami, but God Damn, people bitch too much and they all think they are club critics, and know how to run a club.

i think there needs to be new rules for clubbing.

1. Go to a Club to have fun.

2. Go to a Club to Dance.

3. Go to a Club to be with friends.

4. Go to a Club to listen to music

5. If you are going to bitch and moan, Stay Home.

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I was and am not much of a person that frequents Space. Last Saturday was my first time there in over a year. I don't do afterhours that much, and just don't like being crammed into a club with 3000 others.

But last Saturday for James Zabiela was a very good night of music and a good fun crowd.

Change Happens, its called evolution. DJ's move on, start touring more, get new residencies. etc.

I love clubbing in Miami, but God Damn, people bitch too much and they all think they are club critics, and know how to run a club.

i think there needs to be new rules for clubbing.

1. Go to a Club to have fun.

2. Go to a Club to Dance.

3. Go to a Club to be with friends.

4. Go to a Club to listen to music

5. If you are going to bitch and moan, Stay Home.

Very well said.... I am not a professional DJ but do love the music and spin for my personal enjoyment. But the going out experience was just not happening for me. I caught my self a few weeks back trainspotting and not enjoying the party. Almost like a zombie.

So now I told myself spend maybe about 5 minutes checking out the DJ and the rest partying and enjoying myself and the company of others.

So if you see me committing crimes, please feel free to slap some sense in to me. ;D

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Guest pod

I'm "in the field" at the club every weekend, and I don't get a feeling of shark-jumping ;D

Has the crowd changed? Yeah totally. I've been going there every weekend excepting Christmas weekend (cause I'm in NJ) for 3 years now, and before that, went twice or three times a month since day one. I've seen the crowd cycle a few times. People burn out, move away, etc...I'm just some sort of mutant I guess.

Do the Vegas clubs make more money? Totally. Being in a casino or really close to one helps majorly. But Vegas is Vegas. It is a nice city from the tourist perspective and a lot of fun, but I don't put it on the map of global nightlife destinations just now.

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no offense but right now i dont care what happens with clubs in Las Vegas ... we should be very grateful that we get the chance to go to clubs like Space, Crobar and such ...

go out and have fun man .. life is too damn short to be complaining about stupid things

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Guest sobe2004

Sobe, what exactly is it that you take issue with in regards to Space?

Not really an issue . . . just like a debate . . . I think an argument can be made that Mansion is the current #1 club in Miami currently . . .

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I think an argument can be made that Mansion is the current #1 club in Miami currently . . .

As money made? as attendance wise. in what apsect?

Its like comparing two different restauraunts, Nexxt Cafe, and Joes Stone Crab. They are both nice places, but the atmosphere and qaility is different.

I would like to know how many people on these boards have been to Mansion recently, or frequently?

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Guest sobe2004

I think an argument can be made that Mansion is the current #1 club in Miami currently . . .

As money made? as attendance wise. in what apsect?

Its like comparing two different restauraunts, Nexxt Cafe, and Joes Stone Crab. They are both nice places, but the atmosphere and qaility is different.

I would like to know how many people on these boards have been to Mansion recently, or frequently?

I understand what you are saying . . . need to comapre venue, crowd and music quality . . . SPACE no question has the best music week in and week out but it is no longer the best venue and definetly does not have the best crowds . . .

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Guest pod

By what yardstick though.

Mansion - upscale, celeb-spotting driven crowd. Club closes at 5 AM.

Space - musically oriented crowd. Closes whenever they feel like it.

Two different crowds, two different cities, two very different clubs.

To musicheads, Space is probably the best venue in town.

To the upscale celebspotters, Mansion is.

Depends on what you want in a club really.

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Guest sobe2004

By what yardstick though.

Mansion - upscale, celeb-spotting driven crowd. Club closes at 5 AM.

Space - musically oriented crowd. Closes whenever they feel like it.

Two different crowds, two different cities, two very different clubs.

To musicheads, Space is probably the best venue in town.

To the upscale celebspotters, Mansion is.

Depends on what you want in a club really.

Two totally different venues . . . at one time Liquid was the #1 club . . . everything comes and goes . . . I just think that the rise of a new super venue may not be too far away . . .

Also to add to my original list:


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Guest pod

What was so bad about Spacefest? A few thousand people showed up to hear some great DJs.

A new supervenue could rise, but it isn't gonna be on Miami Beach.

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Guest Chica

Depends on many things i think u can go to the best club and have a GREAT time or go to a GREAT club and be miserable so i always say have fun and enjoy wherever u go, also depending on who u go with and what u make of the time there ...sooooo Space, Crobar, Mansion.....any of these are good as long as u go and have a good time ;) .....my 2 cents



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Guest sobe2004

What was so bad about Spacefest? A few thousand people showed up to hear some great DJs.

A new supervenue could rise, but it isn't gonna be on Miami Beach.

When and where was it?? Thought it never occurred . . .

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Guest coach

By what yardstick though.

Mansion - upscale, celeb-spotting driven crowd. Club closes at 5 AM.

Space - musically oriented crowd. Closes whenever they feel like it.

Two different crowds, two different cities, two very different clubs.

To musicheads, Space is probably the best venue in town.

To the upscale celebspotters, Mansion is.

Depends on what you want in a club really.

I don't think I buy that Space has a music-oriented crowd. The music-heads DO go there, but I don't think they make up a majority of the crowd. I think the vast majority of the crowd could be called hard-party-heads.
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Guest pod

There was a Spacefest in 2001. I thought that is what you were referring to.

And Coach, you're probably right. Party-heads go to Space, music heads stay home and bitch all night.

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