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Guest Wendel


No need to defend what you said. We have a lot of people in this town that just love to bring out the negatives, in what was truly an awesome thing to say about Greg. Cause Bottom Line, he rocked the place and that’s that!!!!!

"All you that think you know" stop hating,because you’ll never be near one tenth the DJ and The person that Greg is

So Stop the MADNESS !!!!!!!!!

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I went to Nocturnal last Saturday night. I posted a review of the night (IMHO). In my opinion he is one of Miami's finest and should be treated as such. If people want to try to put ME out there...so be it.....if I can help get him the attention he deserves in ANY way, Im doing it...because I beleive in him and his talent.

i wish i could give a better review of Stryke's set, but Oscar kept talking to me all night and he was driving me crazy so i had to take refuge in the hip hop room... :P

but i totally agree with OG, Stryke was throwing down the nasy stuff in the main room and someone needs to get this guy a stable residency...it has ALWAYS blown my mind that Stryke cant get a stable residency in this town...like i stated before ALL the djs that night at Nocturnal truly brought their best stuff...it was def. a great night for me musically and of course socially..i havent hung out with a lot of people that i did that night...and it was great seeing OG, Stryke, Rocky and others that i havent seen in months...

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Guest EddieAlexander

I conquer with OG, sad to see what is happening with the dj market here in miami. There was a thread not to long ago about this same subject. TOO MANY DJS TOO MANY UNHEARTED COLD BLOODED INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE IN IT FOR THE PARTY AND NOTHING ELSE. 99.9% of club owners dont care anymore, half of them are criminals anyways and the other half dont care about the talent. Why pay when they can get it for free?

I've been DJing for 12 years now and now i make 1/4 of what i used to make 10 years ago. Fortunately all i do is DJ. I am glad to have an owner who cares.


If all the dedicated djs unite and form some kind of a union or league this will rebuild the value of this profession.

This is a thought in process. I would like to read opinions on this....my $0.02...

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Guest colione98


If all the dedicated djs unite and form some kind of a union or league this will rebuild the value of this profession.

This is a thought in process. I would like to read opinions on this....my $0.02...

I feel you on this but it will never happen and nor should it..

Because 1-in THE MAJOR LEAGUES OF DJ, you have to adhere to the standards set forth by the fore-djs....

2- in THE MAJOR LEAGUES OF DJ, you earn your position.

3- in THE MAJOR LEAGUES OF DJ- you eat first to have the strength and courage to allow others feed off your plate without fear or jealousy....

- and last//// in THE MAJOR LEAGUES OF DJ as in any other league- there is always an MVP :o :o

The ever so desire to some day be the greatest-

But I leave you with this:

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness,

and some hire promoters".

the kid colione.....

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Guest LdySphynx

Someone just got owned :D

OWNED, dude someone just got GRABBED by the BALLS and TWISTED 360 Degrees!!!!!!

It's about damn time!!!!!

Maybe he'll BAN himself for this AGAIN ::):P!!!!

Nothing wrong with wishful thinking!!!!

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Guest project mayhem

This is one hell of a good thread.

first of all I'd like to thank Stryke for not only being the badass that he is, but also for being one of the influences of mine since the early nineties back at The Edge. It's acts like Stryke, Rabbit in the Moon, Monk and Three that made me fall in love with EDM and start spinning it back in '99.

Now I gotta say that although cooljunkie and I have had our differences that I do appreciate what they did for me back when the idea of deckjunkie was conceived.

Thanks to CJ I did get to open for Edgar at Space and also got to play at practically every club here in Miami and South Beach.

It got me off my feat dj wise and then I got the privilige to get to spin with the guys that influenced me to spin to begin with. I've played several Hallucination parties in Tampa with Monk, Confucius, Jackal and Hyde, etc...

I got to spin with Stryke twice with Confucius; once at Ongaku (Red) and once at Spiclub.

Stryke is one of the more humble dj/producers that I've met. His talent is unquestionable whether you like what he does or not.

I could say that I've been trying my hardest to just land any gig around here. Most recently I spun with Groove Eric at Blue. But these gigs are hard to come by.

Spinning is something I love, just like I love to play the drums. But it's so tough to find a DJ gig around here (even a freebie). My calendar is filled with band gigs. I have been playing drums in rock cover bands. It pays and it's also a labor of love. But you know I will drop a band gig to spin for little or no money simply because I have ben missing out on it and I love it so much.

How can I solely dedicate myself to dj'ing if it's tough enough as it is just trying to get a freebie gig? I can't do it unless I'm not booked with my band. I have to work a day job and play drums in a couple of cover bands. At least I love drumming and I am doing that. But spinning my house and breaks is something that I don't so often at all these days and I have been trying to get into clubs at least for an hour audition slot.

I'll take whatever DJ gig I can just to move that dacefloor whether it pays or not.

-Sean Bauzay

Talk to me you souond serious enough maybe I can help you...

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Guest tres-b

damn! even Wendel is in on this mess!?! ;)

bottom line is...

I went to Nocturnal last Saturday night. I posted a review of the night (IMHO). This is commonplace on this board. I thought Greg rocked it and deserves a residency. (I think most agree)

In my opinion he is one of Miami's finest and should be treated as such. If people want to try to put ME out there...so be it.....if I can help get him the attention he deserves in ANY way, Im doing it...because I beleive in him and his talent.

I don't need to and would never come on here and try to defend or say what I've done or haven't done for anyone. That would completely trivialize and devalue the whole thing. I just hope that those that know...KNOW and that is all that matters to me in the end.

One of the more sensible, well written posts I have seen in awhile.

Those that know...KNOW. That rings true in every city and town where EDM thrives, survives or simply struggles.

It isnt about the club, the promotion, or the "big name" headliner.

It is about the music. It is about the people. It is a way of life.

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Guest ClubAdvisor

i agree Oscar G.. the funny thing is that he is playing at the same time and in the club next door. and you still gave props.. Big Up Oscar.. thats why people like you can really call themselfs DJ's.. ;D

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Guest pussErox

yeah.... the whole explosion... "who the fukc is this guy" thing. Well, my 2 cents... I would say 'whatever'. The moonlighters might get their 15 minutes of fame, or they might not. Most should know that to become a successful national/international DJ, you have to write and remix successfully to get anywhere these days. You gotta get your name out there along side of the actual artists (or become one yourself). You have to bring something to the table, and many times that is homemade. No one else can have it or replicate it. Showing up with CD's and records to mix just isn't enough. It is a hard road to follow to the end. Its obvious who belongs at the wedding gig, and who belongs in the club booth... to me anyways. Lets face it, by now most of us are beatmatchers. We have to look beyond that. Furthermore, we are the ones who get to decide The DJ's success rate. & how long that residency will last. Are you gonna keep paying 30 bux to see this guy every saturday? Why? Will the club keep putting him up there for free beer if he brings in no one? (Just about) anyone can promise the owner results, and get their foot in the door, but how long can you hold it? So yeah, Stryke for Presidente!

that being said. i got no review. i stayed home playing some lockdown and fukcin around with ableton. strictly for the luv of course. :)

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Guest jamu

yeah.... the whole explosion... "who the fukc is this guy" thing. Well, my 2 cents... I would say 'whatever'. The moonlighters might get their 15 minutes of fame, or they might not. Most should know that to become a successful national/international DJ, you have to write and remix successfully to get anywhere these days. You gotta get your name out there along side of the actual artists (or become one yourself). You have to bring something to the table, and many times that is homemade. No one else can have it or replicate it. Showing up with CD's and records to mix just isn't enough. It is a hard road to follow to the end. Its obvious who belongs at the wedding gig, and who belongs in the club booth... to me anyways. Lets face it, by now most of us are beatmatchers. We have to look beyond that. Furthermore, we are the ones who get to decide The DJ's success rate. & how long that residency will last. Are you gonna keep paying 30 bux to see this guy every saturday? Why? Will the club keep putting him up there for free beer if he brings in no one? (Just about) anyone can promise the owner results, and get their foot in the door, but how long can you hold it? So yeah, Stryke for Presidente!

that being said. i got no review. i stayed home playing some lockdown and fukcin around with ableton. strictly for the luv of course. :)

I agree whole heartedly.

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