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Guest klubveteran

hats off to stryke, dude tore it up sat night. finally brought that tomb back from the dead! and they don't have him there weekly cuz?? also saw they abandoned that pigeon perch booth up there for something more practical. maybe noc will turn it around after all. heard there might be a new oportunity for you dude, so good luck with that. as far as the scabs, yeah they should ship em all to an island and let them undercut themselves to oblivion. no discipline whatsoever, most of them lack respect and aren't worth the couple of free beers they get to play for. nice to punch out the clock and go wreck someone elses gig for free. im with the guys that say the market will regulate itself. i really believe this. but its the blatant disregard for the consequences. i wouldnt walk into your supercuts and offer to work for free without thinking, "dam im taking some jerkoffs job." oh yeah i forgot, "for the love." my ass.. thing is no one in their right mind would do that beacuse there is no glory in supercuts lol but "everyone wants to be a dj." not saying everyone does it for the same reason, but vanity drives alot of folks ambition around here. you just discovered at the age of 28 you love djing?? nigga please.. but the dude thats been doing it since 14 lost his gig to an accountant / dj wanna be?? i know, i know its the nature of the beast, ive been around the best undercutters in the indusrty. seen them come and go. eventually they will evaporate to make room for the next litter, but just needed to remind them we've been on to them. good topic by the way.

classic Ralph talk there. LOL

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Guest Stogie


Keep doing your thing Greg (congrats)

if these people don't give you a residency

they prove again they're fools that's my two cents..


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Guest klubveteran

As for klubvet, who the fuck waits for an opportunity? Thats pretty dumb to think one should wait for one... I create my opportunities, I don't wait for shit..

do they teach reading comprehension in New Jersey? Or do they just use the time to show you how to Drive Chevy Camaros and sport a mullet?

What was meant by that was that Oscar grabbed the Opportunity of a mega club like Space opening by the horns and ran with that. And he was the right DJ for that. No surprise that the two (space and OG) were going to shoot off like a rocket.

Clubs of that magnitude open up once an era. Edgar can verify here that about 1 year before Space ever opened its doors i was telling him how this club was going to change Miami forever and for him to "be ready" that they would be needing a resident dj to rock that room and he would be the right guy for it.

The reason i was 1000% right was becuase i had known Louis for quite sometime by then and i knew what capabilities he had and the vision and all that jazz that it takes to make it.

The point Ralph and Oscar have made on this thread is that some people have no business being djs. As some other people have no business being club owners and together they are demising it without even knowing it.

Its obvious to me that there are owners that open up clubs and have no clue what it takes or what to even do. Prime example is when they open up a "dj oriented" club and have a guy like Stryke sitting on the sidelines. Thats a sure sign that they havent done thier homework. They get the wrong guy for the position and a few months down the road the doors to that club are closed.

but hey, if your a club owner you shouldnt have to think do you? i mean they are to busy posing for photos to be in a local magazine or drinking in the VIP with hotties so thier pals can validify how cool they are.

Space opened only on Fridays for a long time and saturday nights were gay nights with dj Abel. When it came time ,and Friday nights were off the hinges and Space was ready to Start opening Saturdays Oscars name wasnt pulled out of the dj hat. It was carefully researched to see who was the "right guy" for that job. He came off high praises from one of Puig's best advisors a guy by the name of Luis Castro.

So when Oscar got the opportunity he without shock to anyone that knew him darted right through. Space had just landed themselves a proffesional DJ who was on the sidelines.and found through research and savvy brainstorming. Thats what i meant by opportunity. It was the RIGHT club and ownership Oscar needed to launch his career even greater. Had Space just gone with a run of the mill DJ history today wouldve been much different for both.

Clubs like that dont open up everyday with ownership like that. You know that guy a lot of you here like to trash for no other reason i think than because he is successful and you guys call "LP" . Well, like djs he is a professional club owner. Oscar and Edgar were lucky to get an opportunity to play at his club. Opening night of his club i went to the bathroom to take a leak and found him wearing the same clothes he was wearing during the day unclogging toilets in the mens bathroom because the pipes were leaky.

Proffesional vs Amatuer.

More likely to find him running around the venue checking if the A/C is at the right temperature, if the beers are stocked up and cold, if the sound system is tweaked to perfection,if the door guy is doing his job and is in position, the dj playing to the standard he expects. hands on.

Proffesional vs amatuer....

As Ralph mentioned if your working at supercuts and your dj career has not moved forward infact regressed perhaps its time to let go of that dream. Step aside and let the pros do thier thing and just accept that its not in you to be a dj.

I can go to the park and catch 300 ground balls in the infield and hit 100 pitches every damn day and i will never be the Next Alex Rodriguez. plain and simple. I would love to be but be real with yourself.

Thats not to say were denying anyone from having a dream to be what they wanna be.


be honest with yourself.

ask yourself whats the real reaon i wanna be a dj?

am i any good now?

can i get better?

will the opportunity be there for me?

will i be considered?

not everyone is cut out to be a dj. i am definitley NOT and perhaps you arent either.

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Guest skywalker01

But I love djing even more. Every single friday I get on the booth at Redbar, a small lounge in Brickell, and those six hours from 9-3 am are the best hours of my week. I do not do it for the money and I dont intend on taking anyones place as king resident in the best nightclubs anywhere in the world. I simply do not have the time, talent and courage to take that attitude. But I will not give up dj'ing because I cannot think of anything else to do during my extra time.

how can you argue with that? lots of good points/ counter- points made in this thread. to oscar g: i understand your point as well, but like someone else stated "undercutting" happens throughout the business world. just a sad reality.

sad reality or the basis of capitalism??

If i came over to your house and offered you cheaper electricity would you take it, even though you assert it's a "sad reality"???

Next time you put gas in your car, think about how the illegal cartel doesn't allow undercutting or when you get married and Debeers controls all the prices of diamonds, then come back and tell me it's a "sad reality"...

i didn't say competition isn't good. of course for the consumer (the one shelling out the $$) it's great. but if you are the one getting undercut then it's still a "sad reality" or by- product of capitalism. someone benefits, someone else gets fucked. my point to og was just that it happens throughout the business world. and the jets still suck ;D

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Guest obby

Never been a job for me. May be for some which is somewhat understandable but know that in my world it has always been the smiles on the crowds faces and their uncontrollable movements that beats the feeling of having a paycheck handed to me any day.

I have always wanted our cities music scene to flourish like no other BUT sad to say, lately I have noticed that a good ass kissing and same genomes will land someone a gig prior to one who processes the knowledge and talent. In the long run it's the one who posses the knowledge and talent that will eventually help our city's music scene flourish to the point were if you are an EDM fanatic, then Miami is the place to be. Greg happens to be and has been one of these individuals who I look forward in helping us flourish.

Some of you know that I have a saying that states "Those who know......know" and I truly believe that the amount of people "who know" are growing in our city which helps me keep hope alive. The more knowledge a clubber gains in our underground, the pickier they will become towards the sounds they prefer. The pickier they become towards their preferred sounds, the more they will attend an event for it's music and it's talent behind the tables and not because it's the "cool place to be". Not because "it's where they will take snap shots of them".

This past Friday was a reminder to me of the massive amount of talent that we have here (nubreeds and pioneers). I totally believe together we can accomplish more but the respect must stay there and I haven't seen much of it lately. The last thing we want are for those who are here to help our scene to actualy get to the point were they vouch never to spin here again due to such lack of respect. I know a few who are at that point already and it sucks to know that.

Just my 2 cents!

Our City still rocks and THOSE WHO KNOW...............KNOW!!!!!!!!!!

E Ya!!!!!

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Guest sross

hats off to stryke, dude tore it up sat night. finally brought that tomb back from the dead! and they don't have him there weekly cuz?? also saw they abandoned that pigeon perch booth up there for something more practical. maybe noc will turn it around after all. heard there might be a new oportunity for you dude, so good luck with that. as far as the scabs, yeah they should ship em all to an island and let them undercut themselves to oblivion. no discipline whatsoever, most of them lack respect and aren't worth the couple of free beers they get to play for. nice to punch out the clock and go wreck someone elses gig for free. im with the guys that say the market will regulate itself. i really believe this. but its the blatant disregard for the consequences. i wouldnt walk into your supercuts and offer to work for free without thinking, "dam im taking some jerkoffs job." oh yeah i forgot, "for the love." my ass.. thing is no one in their right mind would do that beacuse there is no glory in supercuts lol but "everyone wants to be a dj." not saying everyone does it for the same reason, but vanity drives alot of folks ambition around here. you just discovered at the age of 28 you love djing?? nigga please.. but the dude thats been doing it since 14 lost his gig to an accountant / dj wanna be?? i know, i know its the nature of the beast, ive been around the best undercutters in the indusrty. seen them come and go. eventually they will evaporate to make room for the next litter, but just needed to remind them we've been on to them. good topic by the way.

As Obby said, being on friendly terms with a promoter or resident DJ is a far more efficient way to get gigs than offering to play for free. You only need to look at the line ups of many nights in Miami (and indeed, all over the world) to see that is true.

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Guest ramon

stryke is ace..

is still have to get those 90.5 WVUM friday night recordings on MP3 for you....

whoa sort me out .. i dont have a tape deck anymore.

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Guest lulamishka

you just discovered at the age of 28 you love djing?? nigga please...

I'm gonna leave this topic to you professionals, but I just had to say, Ralph, you crack me up! :D

I'll go back to lurking this thread now... :)

Oh, and yes, Stryke has MORE THAN paid his dues. He most definitely deserves a residency here in Miami.

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stryke is ace..

is still have to get those 90.5 WVUM friday night recordings on MP3 for you....

whoa sort me out .. i dont have a tape deck anymore.

its so many tapes..some dont even have dates.. but tonight i will send you a recording from liquid night club

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Guest klubveteran

you just discovered at the age of 28 you love djing?? nigga please...

I'm gonna leave this topic to you professionals, but I just had to say, Ralph, you crack me up! :D

I'll go back to lurking this thread now... :)

Oh, and yes, Stryke has MORE THAN paid his dues. He most definitely deserves a residency here in Miami.

why not? your certainly more qualified than most here.

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Guest klubveteran

stryke is ace..

is still have to get those 90.5 WVUM friday night recordings on MP3 for you....

daaaamn. hit me up. were talking like '95 :o :o hearing that on the way to the edge or marsbar was sick

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Guest ramon

stryke is ace..

is still have to get those 90.5 WVUM friday night recordings on MP3 for you....

daaaamn. hit me up. were talking like '95 :o :o hearing that on the way to the edge or marsbar was sick

yeah i was pretty lucky to get that and a few tapes of mary's house from greg .. good stuff .. :)

has stuff like wink - don't laugh (the original release)

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I was not there, but I don't doubt that he rocked it.. that's why he's one of my favorite Locals. They need to give this guy his residency back before Metropolis picks him up. You guys need to also check out JAE VYNEL. IMO he's a very talented Local DJ that deserves recognition. He's from up north and brings that different flavor. He's been with NOC since the beginning and used to open for Greg. He always opens up for Diaga on the patio. You guys need to check him out. He's a badass 8)

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Guest vynelmuzik

I was not there' date=' but I don't doubt that he rocked it.. that's why he's one of my favorite Locals. They need to give this guy his residency back before Metropolis picks him up. You guys need to also check out JAE VYNEL. IMO he's a very talented Local DJ that deserves recognition. He's from up north and brings that different flavor. He's been with NOC since the beginning and used to open for Greg. He always opens up for Diaga on the patio. You guys need to check him out. He's a badass 8)


Thanks for the shout Turbo, Greg rocked it out as well as all the other DJ's did. I have not been living in Miami very long but this thread has proven to me that when a leader speaks the soldiers follow. Great post Oscar, I think we need to elect you into office as the Miami Chancelor of clubs and DJ's or something like that. It is admirable to stand up for what you believe and have passion and conviction in doing it. Nice to see you supporting all the locals @ Nocturnal on saturday and I wish you the most success on your current Made IN Miami tour.

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I find it funny that edgar, oscar and ralph like to preach down to us, yet I do 1 show at Noc and we put in writing that Stryke has to open...

Has og ever had stryke play with him at space?

Has ralph ever had stryke play with him at crobar?

Has edgar every had stryke play with him where ever he spins?

I find it funny the very people who are trying to make us aware of how good a dj he is, are the very same people who never ever ever ever invite him to play at their residencies...

Sorry guys, it's true, like my doctor once told me, "you have to pratice what you preach"...

When Stryke plays with you guys at crobar and space then preach down with me, until then, keep cashing those huge checks and pretending you care...

Stryke when you get to your new residency , and if you don't have a wingman, call me, I'll be your wingman..

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Guest ramon

I find it funny that edgar, oscar and ralph like to preach down to us, yet I do 1 show at Noc and we put in writing that Stryke has to open...

Has og ever had stryke play with him at space?

Has ralph ever had stryke play with him at crobar?

Has edgar every had stryke play with him where ever he spins?

I find it funny the very people who are trying to make us aware of how good a dj he is, are the very same people who never ever ever ever invite him to play at their residencies...

Sorry guys, it's true, like my doctor once told me, "you have to pratice what you preach"...

When Stryke plays with you guys at crobar and space then preach down with me, until then, keep cashing those huge checks and pretending you care...

Stryke when you get to your new residency , and if you don't have a wingman, call me, I'll be your wingman..

oscar has had greg close space down atleast once. :)

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I find it funny that edgar, oscar and ralph like to preach down to us, yet I do 1 show at Noc and we put in writing that Stryke has to open...

Has og ever had stryke play with him at space?

Has ralph ever had stryke play with him at crobar?

Has edgar every had stryke play with him where ever he spins?

I find it funny the very people who are trying to make us aware of how good a dj he is, are the very same people who never ever ever ever invite him to play at their residencies...

Sorry guys, it's true, like my doctor once told me, "you have to pratice what you preach"...

When Stryke plays with you guys at crobar and space then preach down with me, until then, keep cashing those huge checks and pretending you care...

Stryke when you get to your new residency , and if you don't have a wingman, call me, I'll be your wingman..

oscar has had greg close space down atleast once. :)

Dude thats great!

Nice to see once every 5 years or once every 260 saturday nights they invite him over to spin with og...

not bad, not bad at all..

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Guest ramon

I find it funny that edgar, oscar and ralph like to preach down to us, yet I do 1 show at Noc and we put in writing that Stryke has to open...

Has og ever had stryke play with him at space?

Has ralph ever had stryke play with him at crobar?

Has edgar every had stryke play with him where ever he spins?

I find it funny the very people who are trying to make us aware of how good a dj he is, are the very same people who never ever ever ever invite him to play at their residencies...

Sorry guys, it's true, like my doctor once told me, "you have to pratice what you preach"...

When Stryke plays with you guys at crobar and space then preach down with me, until then, keep cashing those huge checks and pretending you care...

Stryke when you get to your new residency , and if you don't have a wingman, call me, I'll be your wingman..

oscar has had greg close space down atleast once. :)

Dude thats great!

Nice to see once every 5 years or once every 260 saturday nights they invite him over to spin with og...

not bad, not bad at all..

this was when oscar had his weekly residency.

i think oscar's night's now our special due to the fact its a marathon and its only oscar playing.

this is also before nocturnal was open etc etc.

however now with stryke not being tied to anywhere?.. it'd be cool to see him spin around town more often .. however he is going on tour so it would late this year or early next.

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Guest Electric Eel

I find it funny that edgar, oscar and ralph like to preach down to us, yet I do 1 show at Noc and we put in writing that Stryke has to open...

Has og ever had stryke play with him at space?

Has ralph ever had stryke play with him at crobar?

Has edgar every had stryke play with him where ever he spins?

I find it funny the very people who are trying to make us aware of how good a dj he is, are the very same people who never ever ever ever invite him to play at their residencies...

Sorry guys, it's true, like my doctor once told me, "you have to pratice what you preach"...

When Stryke plays with you guys at crobar and space then preach down with me, until then, keep cashing those huge checks and pretending you care...

Stryke when you get to your new residency , and if you don't have a wingman, call me, I'll be your wingman..

oscar has had greg close space down atleast once. :)

Dude thats great!

Nice to see once every 5 years or once every 260 saturday nights they invite him over to spin with og...

not bad, not bad at all..

If Tsettos wasn't playing at Noc, where Stryke has had issues with his residency, would you have insisted on Stryke opening?

Both Oscar and Ralph were there last weekend showing their support for a fellow local and they have worked with him on productions of theirs, I don't see any reason to be putting them down.

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I find it funny that edgar, oscar and ralph like to preach down to us, yet I do 1 show at Noc and we put in writing that Stryke has to open...

Has og ever had stryke play with him at space?

Has ralph ever had stryke play with him at crobar?

Has edgar every had stryke play with him where ever he spins?

I find it funny the very people who are trying to make us aware of how good a dj he is, are the very same people who never ever ever ever invite him to play at their residencies...

Sorry guys, it's true, like my doctor once told me, "you have to pratice what you preach"...

When Stryke plays with you guys at crobar and space then preach down with me, until then, keep cashing those huge checks and pretending you care...

Stryke when you get to your new residency , and if you don't have a wingman, call me, I'll be your wingman..

oscar has had greg close space down atleast once. :)

Dude thats great!

Nice to see once every 5 years or once every 260 saturday nights they invite him over to spin with og...

not bad, not bad at all..

If Tsettos wasn't playing at Noc, where Stryke has had issues with his residency, would you have insisted on Stryke opening?

English please! If Denny's didn't play noc, would stryke had opened for him?? Is this sorta like if a tree falls in the woods.....??

I think what your poorly written comment was, if denny played another club would we ask to have stryke open? The answer is yes and no... Behind the scenes, I've asked for a ton of djs to open up rooms for Denny.. I just don't tell them, but I get denied not because of the dj I request but because the club already has some resident who will do it. Djs I've asked to open: Bside, Jimmy T, Teo T.. Denny only has played Miami when Stryke was affilated with Noc and could not play other clubs. Any dj who travels to nyc or nj around the time Denny spins, we will try and get them in to open...

I'm not trying to cause an issue, but Ralph and OG have power unlike a dj who comes down as a guest to play. At temps Denny controlled everything and held the power...

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