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Guest lulamishka

Lee, you vomit on command and you know what Michelle is thinking.

You're awesome! Lee, you're awesome! :)

LOL, woohooo!!!

Lee is Jewish??? WTF? I thought you were hispanic! LOL! I suck at all that stuff. People is people to me.

BTW, I am sitting here listening to internet radio and I swear your little dancing avatar was *exactly* on the beat to the song I was listening to!

LMAO, I'm going to go out one night and only dance like that. Looks like a fun dance

It looks similar to the "Monkey Dance" except with up and down movements instead of side to side.

Watch out! She might get nervous! lol

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Guest michael^heaven

---Ok, I'm super gutted on this one >:( >:( >:( >:(!!! So, Volusia County (where I live) just finished a beach replenishment program to the tune of $42 million. This comprised of pumping sand & silt from the Intercoastal Waterway onto the beaches. We have this huge, ugly pipe stretching like a snake from hell for about 15 miles along the seashore. Now, the sand is starting to wash into the ocean & has now completely destroyed the surf break on my street. We're talking about a kick-ass a-frame, sandbar that can produce up to 50-yard lefts & rights during a good swell. F@#king gone!!! Now, it breaks like some bastard spawn of Bethune mixed with Melbourne.

---This is for you Volusia County>>>>


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Guest pod

not every girl there are those that i just want to be friends with.. anyways i dont know that many single women.. most are hooked up already :-\ >:(

Bling-Blong, this is Miami (this is not Dubai), hooked-up is a very temporary state, even if it's been blessed by the church, local temple, mosque, justice of the peace, or notary.

I had dinner tonight with 2 girls I hadn't seen in awhile. One is like me, she's realistic about the whole dating thing.

The second was married for two years, but as of now is one week clear of a divorce. I hadn't seen her or talked to her since January of 2005. Fast forward to April of '06. What appeared to be to me a picture perfect marriage, was a wreck and she was glad to be free of what had become an intolerable situation.

Now I'm not suggesting hover over some girl you like who is taken in hopes that she'll be single one day, but I'm just saying around these parts, nothing is permanent in the relationship world.

You know, I'm a big fan of not actually going out of my way to chase down girls. Oddly enough sometimes it works. Mild disinterest goes a long way. People speculate about me a lot because of this, but I really don't care because at the end of the day I know what I'm into.

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Guest Electric Eel

Lee, you vomit on command and you know what Michelle is thinking.

You're awesome! Lee, you're awesome! :)

LOL, woohooo!!!

Lee is Jewish??? WTF? I thought you were hispanic! LOL! I suck at all that stuff. People is people to me.

BTW, I am sitting here listening to internet radio and I swear your little dancing avatar was *exactly* on the beat to the song I was listening to!

LMAO, I'm going to go out one night and only dance like that. Looks like a fun dance

It looks similar to the "Monkey Dance" except with up and down movements instead of side to side.

Watch out! She might get nervous! lol

LMAO, oh no i'm getting nervous!!!

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Guest coach

Seriously, Slide, there's your problem right there. Girls don't like nice guys. The minute you realize that, the minute you will be more successful with them. If you ask a girl what she wants in a man, most girls will say, "I want a guy who treats me nice...blah blah blah..."

That's bullshit. That might be what they think they want. But that's not true. Yes, they want a guy to treat them nice sometimes, but not ALL THE TIME. Girls don't like predictable guys, and when you're ALWAYS nice, you're ALWAYS predictable. Ask any girl I've been involved with [read: had sex with] if I can be an asshole sometimes, and they'll say, "HELL YEAH, THAT DICK!" And yet, they're still right there, next to me.

Your goal should be to always keep a girl guessing. When a girl you like goes home and says to herself, "he intrigues me...there's something about him...I just don't know what he's gonna say or do next," that's when she's yours.

Guys, I hope you don't think Renzo is kidding here, because he's 100% right. This old mantra always works: Tell the smart girl she's beautiful; tell the beautiful girl she's smart.

I can't even tell you how hard I've fallen for that bullshit in the past.

The other thing you have to remember is that in the end everyone wants to be treated well. Be an asshole till you catch her, then be sure to let your true loving personality shine through once she's interested. Those grade school games only hurt in the long run ;)

dude you need to stop putting the pussy on a pedastal.

its that simple.

lmao... this is so true, even if it did come from 40 Year Old Virgin :D

'Bout time you showed up. Bling definitely needs some Talmagiation. So does Slide.

Oh, and Slide, we are definitely down for a Star Wars marathon, if we are invited.

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Guest coach

Oh, and since we had the little afternoon snafu, here is a late I FUCKING HATE FUCKING FUCKED UP EPSON FUCKING PRINTERS.

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Guest coach

Actually, I have a Canon that rawks. I have used Canon printers forever and never had a problem. And their drivers are very low profile and use very small resources. Epson, on the other hand have these huge clunky drivers that are always popping shit up at inopportune times. And the mechanics suck, too.

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Guest michael^heaven

---I got bit by a poisonous spider.

AGAIN!!! >:( :( >:( :(

spider man

---I got ripped!! I have yet to receive my super powers. :-\

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Guest lulamishka

cant eat bread, rice, spaghetti ... pretty much anything but salads and potatoes for 8 days grrrr

Get creative with your matzoh! Dang!

I should send you my stepmother's recipes. Maybe then you'll quit your complaining! :P

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Guest coach

cant eat bread, rice, spaghetti ... pretty much anything but salads and potatoes for 8 days grrrr

Get creative with your matzoh! Dang!

I should send you my stepmother's recipes. Maybe then you'll quit your complaining! :P

I think the only thing that would do that would be if you sent him a hooker.
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cant eat bread, rice, spaghetti ... pretty much anything but salads and potatoes for 8 days grrrr

Get creative with your matzoh! Dang!

I should send you my stepmother's recipes. Maybe then you'll quit your complaining! :P

I think the only thing that would do that would be if you sent him a hooker.

I THINK FOR PASSOVER TIME SHE HAS TO BE JEWISH THOUGH lol dont know of many jewish hookers though :-\

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Guest lulamishka

Haha. I'm not buying Bling a Jewish hooker. Or any kind of hooker, for that matter.

Now if you'd like to, that's another story...

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Guest pod

i've never been an asshole and i've done pretty well for myself. ;)

I don't know. Being an asshole is just easier for me. Too much work to be nice.

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Guest coach

i've never been an asshole and i've done pretty well for myself. ;)

your girlfriend is speshul ;)

I think he's lying, anyway. About the "asshole" part, not about the "done pretty well" part, of course.
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Guest Devilicious

i've never been an asshole and i've done pretty well for myself. ;)

your girlfriend is speshul ;)

I think he's lying, anyway. About the "asshole" part, not about the "done pretty well" part, of course.

Wrong! He treats his woman better than any boyfriend I've ever had. Better than any boyfriend she's ever had too. Shit he treats me better than any other guy too!

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Guest Electric Eel

i had a POS mandarin chicken salad im fuckin starving....


im not happy

I just had some wonderful matzoh ball soup and i'm soooo full, you can find shit to eat, its not that hard.

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