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mouth and taste buds problem

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i had my hardest ever rolls this past weekend, and now my mouth is all messed up. it's actually a recurring problem with me - my tongue hurting afterwards and groups of my taste buds turning white and feeling raw. but this time is the worst it's ever been - the inside of my mouth, including the roof of my mouth - is, like, exfoliating or something. it's like i got burned by really hot soup inside my mouth and now the dead skin cells are coming off. i know it sounds really great. i know other people have experienced this problem - any idea how to speed up the healing process, or how to stop it from happening altogether??? thanks!!

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I have never had a problem with my taste buds or the roof of my mouth but I have chewed up the sides of my mouth pretty bad. Ever since then I always chew gum when I roll and never had the problem since. The only down side is if your rollin hard all night and your chewing gum the whole time you might wake up with a soar jaw, Which I think is alot better then a chewed up mouth.

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i was just writing a reply to this and i think i hit enter instead of backspace, so i don't know if it will post or not....anyway, yes!!! this happens to me all the friggin' time!!! what the hell is it?? it's usually with the really good pills because i've been noticing that with all the crappy pills that have been going around a lot lately that it hasn't been happening that much. a few weeks ago, my friends and i even went a little nuts and did 4 1/2 in one night, and it still wasn't that bad the next day cuz the pills weren't that good......maybe it's not the pills, maybe it's a phase and it'll stop....if i ever get a good pill again, i'll certainly let you know, because besides myself, you are the only other person thati've ever heard of this happening to, and i ask people about it allllll the time because it's so freky and annoying. the bumps usually show up for me the following night and last for about 2 days, the second day being the worst to where sometimes i can hardly swallow, and they're usually on the back of my tongue....i've never had them on the roof of my mouth though, but i'm sure if you've got them there, i probably will too someday. i haven't found anything to make it go away faster, but i'm just so fascinated by the whole thing....i wonder what the hell it's from....maybe we're allergic ( although it never used to happen like this in the beginning).....i'm glad i'm not alone redface.gif)

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Hey, yeah I ALWAYS chew up the inside of my cheek, and sometimes my tongue too!!! I try to not do it but I can't help it. For the next 2 or 3 days my jaw just kills me!! There have been some times when its gets sooooo bad that I can't even eat for about a day!! Actually, I know this is gonna sound weird, but I love it when I bite down on my jaw, cause that when I know that I'm really fucked up or am gonna get fucked up!!! hehe







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the tongue blisters and all have to do w/ upsetting the natural flora in your mouth..ever notice when you are sick w/ strep and such or not eating properly you get the same thing....... it's cause you keep drinking water and not eathing food ..flushing out the good bacteria in your mouth.... simply upsetting the natural environment of your mouth.... next time.. take vitamins.. drink more than just water and i guarentee you that your mouth will not end up like that......


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The answer is to get some hydrogen peroxide solution but some in your mouth like mouth wash leave it in your mouth like a 60 sec and then spit it out .do not drink it.The solution will kill the germs in your mouth pluse it will let it heal faster. do this everyday till its all heal. My dad is a doctor ( U could buy the solution in any supermartket for 80 cents)

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The answer is to get some hydrogen peroxide solution but some in your mouth like mouth wash leave it in your mouth like a 60 sec and then spit it out .do not drink it.The solution will kill the germs in your mouth pluse it will let it heal faster. do this everyday till its all heal. My dad is a doctor ( U could buy the solution in any supermartket for 80 cents)

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The answer is to get some hydrogen peroxide solution but some in your mouth like mouth wash leave it in your mouth like a 60 sec and then spit it out .do not drink it.The solution will kill the germs in your mouth pluse it will let it heal faster. do this everyday till its all heal. My dad is a doctor ( U could buy the solution in any supermartket for 80 cents)

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The answer is to get some hydrogen peroxide solution but some in your mouth like mouth wash leave it in your mouth like a 60 sec and then spit it out .do not drink it.The solution will kill the germs in your mouth pluse it will let it heal faster. do this everyday till its all heal. My dad is a doctor ( U could buy the solution in any supermartket for 80 cents)

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Yeah, I get the white bumps on the back of my tongue sometimes too... it usually only happens to me when I don't chew gum, and my tongue gets really raw. This is kinda gross, but the "bumps" sorta come off after a day or two, like your skin is peeling, and the place where they came off is a little sore, like you drank something too hot. It seems to heal relatively fast, though... my advice would just be to chew gum and don't let your tongue be the only thing to keep your mouth busy.

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This happened to my sister when we were in cancun. We both usually get a little sore taste buds on our tounges, but she had huge white bumps all over the back of her tounge, I felt so bad for her she was in so much pain. I don't know what the hell causes them. They were in spots she couldn't of accidentaly chewed on, and we didn't have a lot of sugar or anything.



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thanks everyone. i don't know about the hydrogen peroxide thing - sounds gross and painful.

bill - they were rolling stones. pretty decent pills, and they were $15 instead of $20. i'd recommend.

i still the bumps. and last weekend i chomped on my tongue so hard that i cut it kinda deep - blood everywhere. yuck. but the tongue does heal quickly - it's wed, and my tongue is 99% healed. yay!

ps i do also chew gum and get the sore jaw, but the bumps almost always appear after every night of rolling. boo!

Originally posted by BillDaThrill:

hahah yeah I use to get those white bumps. Thats when I use to roll every weekend. If u do it alot u will notice things like that. I roll on occasion now.. so i don't get them anymore. Hope that helps. Also millele what kind did u get?

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