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I was thinking of trying acid with my friends but I just have a few questions...is it really harmful for your body?...is it adictive at all...is there anything that I should now before I try it?

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Acid is not addictive. After a hard, long 8-12 hours of tripping I dont even think of doing it again. Is it harmful to your body? I wouldnt say so much to your body as I would your mind. I dont do acid anymore because I use to do it all the time and I just dont really have the desire to do it anymore but I would say that it can be alot of fun if your careful. If it is your first time make sure someone is with you that is not tripping because things can get crazy at times. If you can, get shrooms instead. I've never done shrooms but I heard that shrooms are a better trip and they dont last as long as acid.

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Originally posted by keysersoze:

Acid is not addictive. After a hard, long 8-12 hours of tripping I dont even think of doing it again. Is it harmful to your body? I wouldnt say so much to your body as I would your mind. I dont do acid anymore because I use to do it all the time and I just dont really have the desire to do it anymore but I would say that it can be alot of fun if your careful. If it is your first time make sure someone is with you that is not tripping because things can get crazy at times. If you can, get shrooms instead. I've never done shrooms but I heard that shrooms are a better trip and they dont last as long as acid.

One time my friend tried shrooms and his stomach was killin him for a week(that why I kinda don't wanna try shrooms), do you know why this happened ?


"I don't like people who take drugs... Customs men for example."

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Yes, acid is extemely harmful, just because something is fun and people don't usually have bad experiences doing it doesn't make it safe. It is stored in your spine for the rest of your life, it doesn't matter how many times you do it. It can also cause a lot of problems later on down the road. I am pretty sure that dancesafe.org, (it might be .com, try both) has some info on acid. I really wouldn't do it. I don't know much about shrooms, but from what I heard they are safer, but I really can't say. Anyway, stay away from the acid. Most of the rumors you hear are true, it can cause brain damage in some people(rare), you can have a horrible flashback when you are 45 or 50, the list goes on.



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First, I never encourage anyone to do any drug. But if you are considering acid, I would have to dispute most of what Sinergygirl is saying. Acid is not stored in your spine. That is an old myth that adults used to tell kids to discourage them from doing it. It is also virtually impossible to physically o.d. on acid. You may loose your mind, but it can't kill you and it really has little effect on your body. As for your mind, that is a different story. With any drug, the effect it has on ones mind is the result of how strong of mind one is. If you are scared before you do it, chances are you'll get even more scared when the effects come on which may result in a bad trip. If your confident, and prepare yourself for a positive experience, you'll probably have a good trip. But the key is being relaxed and maintaing a positive attitude. But frequent use of LSD can definately cause serious mental problems. Again, the results depend on mental strength. You'll hear stories of people who have done it once and lost it and others who did it for a few years and look back on some amazing experiences. I seriously doubt the stories about the person who did it once and ended up in an insane assylum for the rest of their life, but who knows. As with any drug, moderation is the key. You may be better off with mushrooms if you've never tripped before. They are not as intense and last for a shorter period of time. Then, if you feel you can handle it, move on to the other.


So short a boy, so long a man, play with your toys as long as you can.

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Hun, the spine thing is not a myth! For a long time I thought so too, so finally when I was visiting my boyfriend at med school a few months ago I talked to a researcher there, and unfortunately it is true, he took the time to explain to me why and how it works, I wrote it down somewhere because I did a paper on various drugs, I will look for it. I am interested in where you heard it was a mythe so I can read about it, do you know of a webpage on the net I can check it out? Thanks.



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Here you go, I got this from dansafe.com, they are extremely reliable and have a lot of good info, you should check it out.


Take the person to quiet surroundings where they feel comfortable.

Find a friend who can reassure them.

Stress to them that their panic is caused by the drug, and will wear off in a few hours, if not sooner.

If they become uncontrollable or hysterical and you cannot calm them down, you may want to call your local poison control center. They can provide you with "triage" information to help you decide whether the person needs to be hospitalized.


LSD can trigger underlying mental problems and produce delusions, paranoia and schizophrenia-like symptoms.

It can also produce extreme anxiety states or panic attacks, not only while under the influence of the drug, but for some time after (flashbacks).

In rare instances, LSD has caused a long-lasting perceptual disorder known as Post Hallucinogenic Perceptual Disorder (HPPD).

LSD can impair judgement. Users should not drive or operate machinery while under the influence of LSD.

LSD is illegal and possession can result in long prison terms. Supplying LSD to someone else (whether or not money was exchanged) carries even longer sentences.



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I heard it was a myth from a health official who came to speak to my fraternity when i was in college about drugs. She said the fluid in your spinal column is enclosed and could not be penetrated. Now i'm definately no expert and i don't take LSD anymore but I'd be curious to know the real truth. i also looked on dancesafe and it does not list that as a potential hazard to doing the drug. As for mushrooms, I feel they are definately less intense. A normal dosage, which based on what i've seen people take (as well as myself) is about 1-2 grams. That usually lasts anywhere from 2-5 hours. A single hit of LSD can be a 8-12 hour trip, obviously depending on purity. The effects of a dose of mushrooms is also more closely related to body weight. The less you weigh, the less you need. The thing about mushrooms is that a lot of the stuff sold on the east coast is actually dipped in LSD, because the natural stuff really does not grow in these climates. Real organic mushrooms are mostly found on the West Coast, particularly the Pacific Northwest. So if you haven't had organic mushrooms, then it would be hard to know if you were really taking LSD, because the effects are very similar.


So short a boy, so long a man, play with your toys as long as you can.

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A lot of people seem to think that mushrooms are a better idea, but I don't think so, especially for your first time. Mushrooms really taste like shit for one, I mean where do you think they come from. They are grown in cow shit (I think its grain fed cattle but not positive). Mushrooms can be just as intense as acid and can last just as long. Most acid is cut with all kinds of shit so there really is a minute amount of LSD on most tabs you can get around here. LSD if you can get it would be the best thing possible. Pure LSD is extremely visual and not as mental, it wouldn't make you crazy in other words, whereas (from my experience) the acid made me feel like a mental patient.



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As always I don't want to say yes do it or no don't; everybody should be free to make up their own minds. Do a little research beforehand (I personally don't know the best websites). Tripping can definitely be fun tho. If you decide to do it I would advise being with at least one person who is straight, and at least one experienced tripper too. Also for your first time do a day-trip, not in a club.

Also, shrooms are not less intense than acid in any way, as with anything it depends on how strong they are and how much you take.


I never try anything, I just do it... Wanna try me?


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No way no how are shrooms less intense than acid. They do not last as long but they will take you on a JOURNEY while they last. My first time tripping was on shrooms and I was fuuuucked up. But I had a great time. They do taste awful though, we would soak them in Wildberry Zinger tea to help disguise the taste.


I never try anything, I just do it... Wanna try me?


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I totally agree thats shrooms are more intense if you take enough,

1-2 grams laughing and being dumb

2-4 grams wall may move, see some trails

4-6 grams Walls move, see lots of trails mind starts thinkin fucked up shit(intense), may see some elves running around on the floor.

6-10 grams and I quote, " I can see through space and time."

And to help the tummy, take the TUMS when you eat the shrooms, because Its to late to take them when tummy hurts.

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I used to trip on Acid twice a week for about six months. I had a couple of bad trips, and a lot of awesome times. Just remember that everything is exagerated while tripping. Your mood, colors, lights, even your train of thought. I will never touch the stuff again, shrooms I would. Shrooms are much more mellow, and relaxed. Acid is really edgy and intense. The day after you do acid your back and jaw will hurt, you will feel really dirty, and you won't be able to eat. I stopped doing acid because it was getting to the point where I couldn't even think straight when I wasn't tripping. Someone would talk to me for about five minutes and all I could say back to them was "HUH??" Go and get some shrooms, or drop some E, but stay the hell away from the Acid, that shit will mess you up, trust me I was there, and it took about a year for my mind to feel normal again. And if you do trip for the first time, make sure you do it in a quiet, private place where there is going to be nothing to make you paranoid, or no one else is around that isn't tripping. I have had the police show up while I was tripping in a forest, wasn't fun trying to talk to the copper while his face was bubbling. Be CAREFUL...




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LSD, like any other party drugs has negative indications that can be severe in certain people based on their body chemistry. if not, it wouldn't be schedule 1. LSD can screw you up physically and emotionally, beyond the bad trips you might experience.

it's bad for you. e is bad for you. coke is bad for you. shrooms are bad for you. if you think otherwise, you're kidding yourself. know the risk, educate yourself before you make that decision. if you don't, you're being juvenile and you'll hurt yourself or someone around you. after you learn everything you can, make a decision and be smart about it. it's your body and your mind and you only get one of each, so bad decisions don't get you a 'do over'.

take a look at the thread from a few days ago about a person deciding whether or not to do e for the first time with friends at exit. she went out there and learned everything she could and then decided based upon that knowledge.

sorry if this is preachy, but just don't make these decisions until you are ready. too many people worship their drugs on this board and that isn't healthy. no kind of worship is.

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Originally posted by p-poppin:

I used to trip on Acid twice a week for about six months.... stay the hell away from the Acid, that shit will mess you up, trust me I was there, and it took about a year for my mind to feel normal again.

No offense intended, but i always find it funny when people are like, "well I used to take 5 hits of substance Y like every weekend for five years and now I'm really fucked up so stay away from it." I'm not just referring to you, P-Poppin, I've read several similar posts.

Of course, if you abuse ANYTHING it is going to fuck you up!!! What's the word of the day, boys and girls? MODERATION!!!


I never try anything, I just do it... Wanna try me?


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