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The day after the day after...

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... cwm3.gif I hate the feeling. Would be nice if I could somehow avoid it. For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about, I'm reffering to after I roll. cwm29.gifcwm12.gif


"I try to make everyone's life a little more ~surreal~copy.jpg ." - Calvin, "Calvin & Hobbes"

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It will only get worse. At first its a day after, little later it turns into 2-3 days of depression etc. You can eat a bottle of 5-htp/day and still feel like shit.

This is the main reason i got off the shit, after some time the morning or 2 after feeling is not worth the few hour high.


"Nobody picks on a strong man." - Atlas

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I keep hearing about the depression stage of post rolling. What's that like? Do you really feel depressed? Or are you just not as upitty as usual? I mean, depression is a serious illness. It's sad to imagine that people experience such an overwhelming feeling of unhappiness. I know I used be pretty quiet the day after, and not very bubbly, but I wouldn't say I was depressed, just a bit tired.


"I try to make everyone's life a little more ~surreal~copy.jpg ." - Calvin, "Calvin & Hobbes"

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i get very depressed after I roll. It totally sucks! The only thing that has helped is 5HTP. I think it really works. I take 50-100mgs a day for 3 days.

Although, since I started dropping in '99, I find that I'm depressed a lot more. But I don't know if it's because of e or the fact that I hate my job, I still live at home, I have no boyfriend, I need to find a roommate, and I have no clue as to what I'm doing with my life and I'm 24..... cwm36.gif

Either way. Try the 5HTP. I hear more good things about it from users than not. The thing I don't like about it is that I get a little headache.


You're only young once

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Sorry to hear that dale77. Perhaps if you tried to get a job you can enjoy, and become more independent you may feel much more positive about yourself and the direction your life is taking. Life is what you make of it, and should be cherished very dearly. You never know what can happen the next moment or the next day, try to stay positive. Sometimes I feel the same way about my job and the stage my life is in. Yet, for me going to school and working towards a goal is a reminder for me of the positive future that I will soon have. Keep your head up. Just remember to take advantage of the freedom you have to make something great out of your life; don't let anything get in your way.




"I try to make everyone's life a little more ~surreal~copy.jpg ." - Calvin, "Calvin & Hobbes"

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Originally posted by imjustagirl:

i know exactly what u mean...i usually feel completly out of it the next day like really stupid and shit..and my body aches like hell...But come on, its worth it! cwm29.gif Keep rollin!

nahhhhh. its starting to not become worth it anymore. maybe its just me, but that shit kills me the next day. im all stupid, tired, hurting, i dont talk at all. i get all depressed. so im gonna chill w/ that shit for a while. it used to be fun to do it, now i take it, and its not really that much fun anymore. cwm34.gif


" Music is a universal language. Where speech fails, then music begins. It is the natural medium for the expression of our emotions - the art that expresses in tones our feelings which are too strong & too deep to be expressed in words"

Charles W. Landon

"Give a girl the right pair of shoes and she can conquer the world"- Marilyn Monroe

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Hey, I remember when I first started doin E, which was like over 2 years ago, I always used to get depressed the day after. I mean it was really bad!!! I used to cry, feel sooooo depressed, and just want to go back to the way I was feeling that night. But now for like a year, I haven't gotten depressed, but then again I don't roll the way I used to. So maybe thats the reason why too. Wow, what I would do to bring back those first few times!!!!

But anyway, back to the topic, nowadays the day after, I just feel really really dumb, and like lost!!! And just a complete bum, and my body kills me too!!!! Seriously it takes me like 4 days for me to recover, on my sleep especially too. Thats another thing that I notice lately, I'm always tired!!! I never have any energy to do anything, I've become more lazy then I was and I didn't think that was possible.

Anyone else here feel like no matter how long you sleep, it never feels like its enough??? Or is it just me?

romy20 cwm41.gifcwm7.gif






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Thanks for all the responses. Fortunately I don't go through the depression stage, but I do physically feel out-of-it. You know: lazy, tired, head feels heavy, yada, yada, yada. But then I snap out of it within a few hours...I just wish it could ALL be avoided. Know what I mean jelly bean?



"I try to make everyone's life a little more ~surreal~copy.jpg ." - Calvin, "Calvin & Hobbes"

[This message has been edited by ~surreal~ (edited 04-20-2001).]

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Party with any kind of drug, alchohol and there will be concequences. I roll probably every other week, I don't get the depression and never have, but I defenately feel drained, But then again I feel drained when I go out and stay off the E. Partying with or without E is still going to drain you. I mean you dance for hours, drink or whatever you do, and then sleep, your body gets worked all night. What do you expect? I think it's worth it, as long as you don't have anything important to do the next day roll away. There is nothing wrong with vegin' on the couch watching tv the following day if you don't have to work... or what not. Party, and pay the price to each his own... I personally like the afterglow feeling. After a long week of work and commuting it's good to have a lazy day to unwind...



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I agree p, but that's the problem: I have to work the next day which means no recovery session for me. I sure do miss being able to lay in bed all day, wake up in the afternoon, and grab dinner. That usually helps me out. But believe me, my party-meter is going back down to 0.

Live and enjoy life,



"I try to make everyone's life a little more ~surreal~copy.jpg ." - Calvin, "Calvin & Hobbes"

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girls watch out...i did e for about 11 months straight...in school at home i couldnt live without it...it fucked with my period and i ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks...i needed a blood transfusion...3 bags full...and i couldnt walk, stand up, smoke a cig, do anything without fainting...just a warning...i have done it a handful of times since that happened in 1999...i was a junior in high school and it freaked me, my friends and my family out..i went to therapy for a year....e is addictive...to your mind...then once it gets to your mind...your body needs it...just a warning...but have a lot of fun cause those were the best months of my life!!!!!

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Originally posted by ~surreal~:

... cwm3.gif I hate the feeling. Would be nice if I could somehow avoid it. For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about, I'm reffering to after I roll. cwm29.gifcwm12.gif

I never got that depressed feeling the day after that a lot of people talk about. The only thing I felt depressed about was how much money I spent the night before wink.gif

I kinda have a problem with taking one drug, then taking something else to counteract the first drug.

I don't do it much any more, I'm little worries about my brains ending up like scambled eggs...


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Sometimes I feel down, sometimes I don't. It might depend on the hit or how much you take. Or if there are other things in your life that would naturally cause depression, e or no e. As long as you don't trip every weekend, you shouldn't get severely depresssed. I roll maybe every 4-6 weeks. It's not like I fiend for it though if I go longer than six weeks. I have friends that trip only twice a year. Don't get me wrong, I spent two summers tripping almost every weekend, but I never got severly depressed. I'm almost sure the following is true (I'm not a dr. or anything). The depression is caused by your brain overloading with serotonin when you trip. So after tripping, your serotonin levels are low. Supposedly, it takes about two weeks for your brain to get serotonin levels back to normal.

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Originally posted by yme143aaf:

girls watch out...i did e for about 11 months straight...in school at home i couldnt live without it...it fucked with my period and i ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks...i needed a blood transfusion...3 bags full...and i couldnt walk, stand up, smoke a cig, do anything without fainting...just a warning...i have done it a handful of times since that happened in 1999...i was a junior in high school and it freaked me, my friends and my family out..i went to therapy for a year....e is addictive...to your mind...then once it gets to your mind...your body needs it...just a warning...but have a lot of fun cause those were the best months of my life!!!!!

How much E per week did you do?


You're only young once

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Yes, taking any type of substance will mess with you the next day. E, Pot, Alc, etc... I used to drink at the clubs and wake up the next day hurtin... Nothing is worse than wondering what happened the night before because you were too drunk to remember. $100 credit card bar tabs, gettin sick, making an ass of yourself. I'll take E any day over alc. Just only once a month!



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FWIW: i did E every weekend for 7/8 years..at the end (now) i call it my seratonin depletion day. if i roll sat then come monday or sunnight im all sorts of depressed. Its better i dont take it with that and the fact that it has adversley effected my teeth and health in general. o well..the price u pay...


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