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How long do you usually wait before....

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you roll again? I wait at least 1 month.



"No further evidence is needed to show that "mental illness" is not the name of a biological

condition whose nature awaits to be elucidated, but is the name of a concept whose purpose is

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I get depressed and wiped out too after a roll. It takes so much of my energy sometimes. 5-HTP helps sometimes, but other times I wonder if it is doing any good.



"No further evidence is needed to show that "mental illness" is not the name of a biological

condition whose nature awaits to be elucidated, but is the name of a concept whose purpose is

to obscure the obvious."

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Take Vitamin C both before and after you role. Not sure if there is any chemical support for this, but it definitely helps based on first hand experience. Regardless, you should wait at least 2 weeks between rolls for seratonin to replenish!

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I used to go every weekend...now I only do it once a month if that. I use these vitamins called melatonin. They are a precursor to seratonin. They help you sleep too. I usually take 2 5mg tablets before bed for three weeks on then I roll that next weekend. Somreimes I take L-tyrosine too. It's an amino acid that's supposed to help you roll better. But to be honest I don't know if any of this stuff works. But it's worth a try.

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5 htp will help. You should be taking 1 capsule/day for at least a week before you roll.

Vit C dostn do much but makes you stomach more acidic therefore you absorb the drug faster. It wont help as far as seratonin levels/receptors.

The only way not to feel so fucked up for the next few days is to limit the amont of pills you drop.


"Nobody picks on a strong man." - Atlas

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you can keep dropping every hour, day month whenever. Just remember the more times you drop the more you will have to drop to feel the same effects.. cwm2.gif


"we are the music makers- we are the dreamers of dreams... We are the movers and shakers of the world forever, it seems"

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Originally posted by andypandy:

you can keep dropping every hour, day month whenever. Just remember the more times you drop the more you will have to drop to feel the same effects.. cwm2.gif

Not true. Once your seratonin is gone, it needs to replenish. If you don't give it a chance to replenish, it doesn't matter how many you drop, you won't have seratonin to release and you won't feel the same affects.

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Hmm....I have taken it on average once a week for the past 3 months....and every time it has been cool. The last time I took it, I didn't take it for 2 weeks and it hit me really hard. Or maybe it was because the pill was pretty strong? But yeah I should do it every 2 weeks, because serotonin does take that long to replenish. I think I should invest in 5-HTP pills. Perhaps before I go away to Europe this summer...I might need it over there, because I will probably increase my intake due to the cheaper prices I will pay for pills. I took 2 pills in one night and it seemed as if my serotonin was there, but probably not...just the speediness of the pill.


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Originally posted by fearlessnyc00:

dont wait,, just do it when the next chance coms up, only in a club , never just chillin

I SAY! cwm11.gif


-dusk til dawn-


"You take the blue pill: Capsule-02.gif

The story ends, you wake up in your bed, and believe whatever you want to believe.

You take the red pill: Capsule-03.gif

You stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes..."


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Well, being an ex-raver, I used to drop every week, sometimes acid, sometimes E, and sometimes both. It's fun for a while, but the comedown is rough. My head was constantly in the clouds, and my body took longer and longer to recover each time. I just stick to a few times a year now, just to stay connected to the other world. Now my high of choice is shrooms, but they're not much of a club/party thing.

A general rule for any of the above is about two weeks. You can trip before than, but it's not a full on experience.


A Fungus Among Us





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