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Twilo Miami Opens..

Guest sobeboy

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Guest sobeboy

Hundreds lined the Miami street at 11:30pm Saturday night waiting to be

admitted to the new nightclub, Twilo Miami. Rumors spread over the

internet the past few months with last night finally putting them to


Once inside, club-goers could hear the thump thump of Dj Abel who in my opinion didn't and rarely does disappoint. The space was laid out almost perfectly for my tastes. Once you make your way through a small chillout area, you are greeted to a HUGE dance floor with two massive wall light fixture (not sure how else to describe them) with florescent type lights on either side. The restrooms and a bar on once side of the club with two bars on the other side. A patio area outside especially for smokers, since in the club there's no smoking. This patio area would later become a retreat for those escaping the heat inside. All the locals and many from Lauderdale where there. I like the space- many agreed with me too. Drink prices were very reasonable- $7 alcohol $5 for water.

Ok.. so the problems. There always are on an opening night and most can be overlooked for that fact.

I'm not sure really that they expected the crowd they got. If they did, some of these things can't be chawked up to opening night mishaps. If the didn't expect this size crowd, they should have.

1. The AC or lack there of. I'm told that it was too cold right before opening so it was turned down a bit...well a bit too much and it could never catch up to the heat generated by the crowd. Sober, I couldn't deal with the heat so I spent time outside chatting with people I haven't seen in a while. Tweaking an A/C can be difficult to judge and once the crowds are there, impossible to fix if too warm.

2. Alcohol shortage/mixers- No sour mix?? No Margaritas???? No gatorades? No redbulls? These all ran out by 1:30am (at least at the bar I went to).

3. Shortage of bartenders- I realize they have to learn, but these bartenders were not beginners. There were however too few of them for the amount of people. I'd suggest having a Water Bar/Beer bar too if the crowds are going to be quite large. That way people who want those wouldn't have to wait in line for 30 minutes to get something to drink. And yes, I did wait in line 30 min. The bartenders were working their asses off and I applaud them.

4. The system for going out to the patio should be reworked if the crowds are large like this in the future. It at times was a clusterfuck.

These things are easily fixed and the only real complaints I heard were about the heat. Giant fans? a Co2 blast? Something would have helped. In any case, the club is very nice and Hopefully will be a long lived Saturday night for gay people in Miami. It's been needed for a long time. Hilton and the rest have done a wonderful job and should be proud of themselves. From the floors to light walls to the DJ, very very well done. ;D



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Wow was it great to be back to a club called Twilo... I loved how the entrance is on the side.. and they had tents set up that you stood under so you didn't get wet if it rained (thankfully it didn't.).. The little lounge chill area is just like it was in NY... fucking love that. The dancefloor is huge and it was PACKED... the two walls of light that go up are amazing... and if you are next to them, they are cold.. amazing considering they throw out the cooooooolest light / images when your dancing... I love where the booth is... its just like Space... right on the dancefloor but not too high.... ABLE was throwing it PROPER.. the music was ON POINT. I believe I read that the sound system inside was Phazon... well it was excellent IMO... who ever their sound guy was did a nice job... the bass (which i looove) was pounding..... ughhh i was in heaven.. but it sounded great from the dancefloor.. i really wish i could have stayed longer to hear how it sounded later in the night.. but the heat... thought i was gonna pass out. LOL

Yes they need AC.. we had to leave becuz i couldn't take it anymore.... but I'm sure that is something that will be ready by next week for JR Vasquez... Also, the flow of traffic was kinda cluster-fucked at the front of the dancefloor but I'm sure thats due to people not knowing the club, etc.... that will work itself out with time.... Our bartender (we were at the bar to the right of the dancefloor from the entrance) was AMAZINGGGGG.. He made theeeeee strongest drinks i've EVER had at a club in downtown or sobe (with exception to the Ray at space. lol). I mean.. strongggggg... LOVED IT!

All in all, i love the club.. i think its a great addition to downtown... Without a doubt, Twilo should be here to stay.... welcome to the neighborhood guys :)

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Guest swirlundergrounder

So what's the word? Is DT going to play there anytime soon as the rumor mill says? Or will the be another DT vs Jr Vasquez war like in the old Twilo? :P

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Guest james stratus

Atleast from the video that lighting rig looks like it puts everything else in this town to shame. It's not surprising that they have the intelligent bulb lighting on the side walls as Twilo's legacy will always be associated with the UFO lighting rig the original had. I just hope they don't confine the likes of JV, DT, and VC (if they happen to get him) to gay nights like they have been here in Miami. Although JV 99% will be.

I cam't wait to see what they will bring on what I assume will be fridays :o

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Guest vaughan

Place looks great!

I haven't JV in a couple years and would love to catch him again. And James, I kind of agree but at the same time I wouldn't call it "confining"... you know that they let ANYONE in on those nights, it's just the fact that most straight men are too ignorant and homophobic to go. Some of my best memories are during JV nights

Here's one of them I found on video:


See ... I made a funny...

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Guest vanbuurenfan

Place looks great!

it's just the fact that most straight men are too ignorant and homophobic to go.

well ill try and say this without sounding "homophobic". That video was great, the club looks great, and the sound/lighting looks great...but.....

3000 gay men dancing without their shirt on is not my idea of a good time... call me what you will, and to each his own but i do hope that this place has straight nights. It would be nice to see a few chicks in there in a regular setting......

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Guest sobeboy

Just to answer the questions... Yes there will be a straight night in Sept or so, however, there were plenty of straight people there Saturday night. Especially women. So don't think that it's only for gay people...bring a girl and have fun. If gay night isn't your thing, I totally understand, I don't particularly feel comfortable at straight nights at clubs.




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Guest swirlundergrounder

Just to answer the questions... Yes there will be a straight night in Sept or so, however, there were plenty of straight people there Saturday night. Especially women. So don't think that it's only for gay people...bring a girl and have fun. If gay night isn't your thing, I totally understand, I don't particularly feel comfortable at straight nights at clubs.




A good mixed crowd is the best crowd anyways...imo
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Place looks sick, and the gay thing doesn't bother me as I foud out going to see Victor at the Colesium...

Jr will be impossible to get into...

did you get my text messages? lol Place is definately siiick... those lighting things are frickin' awesome..

i won't be going for JR though until i get confirmation the A/C works..

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Guest aj2234

Im glad you all enjoyed the venue! Remember, this was only a construction party. There are many more things in the works. One thing I will say is the sound system and lighting are some of the best I've ever seen.

And for those of you that wont go to the gay night. Dont worry the straight night starts in September!

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Place looks great!

I haven't JV in a couple years and would love to catch him again. And James, I kind of agree but at the same time I wouldn't call it "confining"... you know that they let ANYONE in on those nights, it's just the fact that most straight men are too ignorant and homophobic to go. Some of my best memories are during JV nights

Here's one of them I found on video:


See ... I made a funny...

too bad og can't spin at twilo, he's a huge huge huge JR fan from way back, those two together would simply rock! But, og's my boy, but Jr would school him...

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Btw, nice fucking lights!!!!!!!!! Totally NYC! How come it's taken 5 years for a club to do their lights right???? Well done peeps, I'm def gonna check it out on a gay night, I have zero issues with the gay crowd, I guess I have an invisable sign above me that says str8, they don't even look my way.. Plus, gays don't drink so the bar usually is empty for us beer drinkers..

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Guest wasted24_7

Btw, nice fucking lights!!!!!!!!! Totally NYC! How come it's taken 5 years for a club to do their lights right???? Well done peeps, I'm def gonna check it out on a gay night, I have zero issues with the gay crowd, I guess I have an invisable sign above me that says str8, they don't even look my way.. Plus, gays don't drink so the bar usually is empty for us beer drinkers..

Second time you say that gay thing doesnt bother you... Denial ::):P

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Guest james stratus

How many rooms is this place going to have? And is there more than one level to the club?

They really need to start updating their website with pictures and more info.

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Btw, nice fucking lights!!!!!!!!! Totally NYC! How come it's taken 5 years for a club to do their lights right???? Well done peeps, I'm def gonna check it out on a gay night, I have zero issues with the gay crowd, I guess I have an invisable sign above me that says str8, they don't even look my way.. Plus, gays don't drink so the bar usually is empty for us beer drinkers..

Second time you say that gay thing doesnt bother you... Denial ::):P

he's just trying to grease some palms (or grease something else...if what you are referring to is correct)

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Btw, nice fucking lights!!!!!!!!! Totally NYC! How come it's taken 5 years for a club to do their lights right???? Well done peeps, I'm def gonna check it out on a gay night, I have zero issues with the gay crowd, I guess I have an invisable sign above me that says str8, they don't even look my way.. Plus, gays don't drink so the bar usually is empty for us beer drinkers..

The bar was packed nick.. LOL

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Guest LeVeL

Btw, nice fucking lights!!!!!!!!! Totally NYC! How come it's taken 5 years for a club to do their lights right???? Well done peeps, I'm def gonna check it out on a gay night, I have zero issues with the gay crowd, I guess I have an invisable sign above me that says str8, they don't even look my way.. Plus, gays don't drink so the bar usually is empty for us beer drinkers..

The bar was packed nick.. LOL

So Lola were there a lot of Lesbians in the House ? :P

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How many rooms is this place going to have? And is there more than one level to the club?

They really need to start updating their website with pictures and more info.

well when you walk in - there is an outside patio (ground level, not rooftop).. you pay then go upstairs into a chill area with couches.. then you go into the main danceroom.... there's a bar to the right and one toward the back... its really not divided into rooms as the music is heard throughout the entire club... to the left of the dancefloor is another area with bars and a downstairs VIP area....

thats about it... its a nice space.. i like it.

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