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ive never BOUGHT it...what are the denominations and how much does it usually go for?




1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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im not getting addicted, i just need it for one night




1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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Coke IS Evil, there is no doubt about it. You do your 1st line and are like Yeahhh!!!!!!!!!....then all you think about the entire night is doing your next line. Then when you're out you're nights over...you get all cranky and moddy. But if you must know. It is sold in many different ways. 20 bag, 30 bag, 40 bag, 50 bag. By me and many other places it is sold by grams. A gram will run you anywhere from 50-70 bucks with the average being $60 nowadays. Usually if you are getting a gram for $50 it is .08 instead of 1.0. Rock is what you are looking for because coke is stepped on so much with lots of different shit. Powder doesn't mean it bad...but rock is better. If you are going large with a bunch of buddies most peeps get an 8-ball. This is 1/8th of an ounce of coke (3 1/2 grams) just like an eight of weed. These usually go for 150-170...depends on how cool the dealer is. Lots of peeps don't even sell real eightballs...they call them 8-balls but are 3 grams instead of 3.5.

As said before...coke brings out the evil in peeps...it's a shady drug



Do You??

AIM: GaHuB 69


This information is not intended to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions, or adverse effects. If you have questions about the drug(s) you are taking, check with your health care professional. This information is provided as a guide only. cwm2.gif

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i think it will be ok because even when i do want more my friend will be gone for the weekend so ill be out of luck




1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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Originally posted by chris817:

Originally posted by trancend:

im not getting addicted, i just need it for one night

LOL thats what everyone says!!

coke is a more drug- you do one line and all you want is MORE..

and you get evil on that shit

stay away

It's so true. STAY AWAY!!! Coke and heroine are the ONLY two drugs I would strongly advise someone NOT to try. Bad news!


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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Hate to break the news to you people but, alcohol can be just as bad...ecstasy even worse.

Coke is completly fine if you do not abuse it. Just like any other drug...alcohol included.

I usually pay about $20 for what looks like the size of a stick of gum wrapped in foil. But that's the ghetto version.

When I get the little vile which I call a "bullet"... it is filled with rocks and costs about $50. When broken up into the powder it fills the little jar.

I'm terrible with measurements, so I couldn't tell you how many grams!!!

I firmly believe you should try anything once. If you have an addictive personality, I wouldn't recommend it... It can drive someone crazy...



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I don't agree. Cocaine was one of the first anesthetics ever used in surgeries. The reason why it is no longer used for that purpose is because of the unpredictable nature of the drug. Patients would suddenly die from massive strokes or have episodes of claudication or ischemia of the bowels. It is notorious for causing vasospasms. Point is.....it is not safe by ANY MEANS!!!!! Yes, alcohol has drawbacks and so does E but they are associated with extremely high doses and consistant, chronic use. Cocaine is a whole other story.


[This message has been edited by bbflux (edited 06-19-2001).]

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Originally posted by beautious1:

Hate to break the news to you people but, alcohol can be just as bad...ecstasy even worse.

Coke is completly fine if you do not abuse it. Just like any other drug...alcohol included.

I usually pay about $20 for what looks like the size of a stick of gum wrapped in foil. But that's the ghetto version.

When I get the little vile which I call a "bullet"... it is filled with rocks and costs about $50. When broken up into the powder it fills the little jar.

I'm terrible with measurements, so I couldn't tell you how many grams!!!

I firmly believe you should try anything once. If you have an addictive personality, I wouldn't recommend it... It can drive someone crazy...

Comparing Cocaine to Alchohol is like comparing Heroin to Marijuana.

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Speaking strictly from the pov of its mentally addictive powers... coke is waaay worse than E. You can't do E all the time and still function. You can do coke every day and still go about your everyday activities. In a cracked-out fashion, yes, but you can still function. At least, at first.

Being best friends w/a dealer, I did it nearly every day my 1st semester senior year, and still got decent grades. BUT... that thought was nearly always there. Like, when am I going to see my friend? When is he going to first pull out a baggie? Then when the first line has been sniffed- when's the next line?

And even when you know how bad it is- like now!- that craving sneaks up every now and again.

Like I said before, bad news! Maybe you'll just do it once and never touch it again, but I suggest not even putting yourself to the test.


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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Yep, I agree with TastyT!!

I love coke but I hate it!!!!

And I agree it does bring out the evil in people, I know from first hand experience (I try to stay away from it now though).

When I used to do coke, its like I'd wake up in the morning just to think that "oh, this days gonna be great cause I'm gonna do some more coke!" And when my friends would go to get it, it would take FOREVER!!!!! Well, it seemed like forever to me at the time.

Then when there was no more!!! OMG!!!

Its like you seriously do ANYTHING for one more line or one more bag of coke!!! I'm not even joking!!!

Its even worse when you do it by yourself and then you have no more!!! Might as well shoot yourself its so bad!!!

Now its been like 4 months since I've done it, but every once in a while I'll want to do some! Even when there's those specials on TV or something about coke, I have a really hard time watching it, cause it makes me so anxious to go and get some.

But to make a long story short, stay away from coke!!!!




Aim: Romina321

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I am so glad to hear all these stories about how sick coke is. I won't even try it b/c I'm afraid I'd like it. I know if that happened it would be all over...my good friend lost his business b/c of coke, so I know it's serious shit. He even went through rehab TWICE and still hasn't got his shit together. It's completely changed him.


"You look Disco-Bitchin Fine!!"

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I have a very addictive personality. When I first tried herb, I started smoking it daily (and still do). After my first good roll, I went rolling/clubbing (they were synonomous last summer) like every weekend. I figured that I would be the same way with coke, since it is a physically addictive drug. I've done it two or three times, only once got a good high on it (where I was blown up for like 3 hours). The next day I was totally depressed and pissed off at the world, way moreso than after a roll (since I am usually just a tired space cadet). I kinda enjoyed it, but never really felt a driving urge to do it again.


Mushrooms... how to see god, be god, and make god obsolete while listening to Pink Floyd

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to tell ya the truth... I love coke. you cant beat it. Just dont go bangin out an 8 ball yourself on the first night ya try it. be safe with it. True. It can be very addictive. but dont let it get to that point, control it. If ya use it right its the best drug (i think). Be safe.

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Hey, how are ya'll? Not much of a MB poster but I'm damn bored and started readin through these and thought I'd give my first hand experiance.

Coke. Ah, darling Coke. I have to agree, Coke is bad, BAD stuff in many ways. Its also total horseshit that you get addicted from using it once. But if you believe teh placebo can be just as bad. I find and have found Coke to be very habit forming and truthfully I will not have any contact with any source of Coke. I have an addictive personality and it is pretty easy to flush your life down the toilet with a decent Coke habit. When your nose is pouring blood and hurts like 9 types of hell but you STILL are chopping just ONE MORE line... well, I'd probably take stock. Maybe in the country away from all contacts and Coke. wink.gif

But to play Devil's Advocate Coke is also probably the best drug I've ever used, and I guess I've used almost all of them to one degree or another. I've never considered Coke an ends (Like E or A), rather it is a great way to enhance/prolong a great night out. What I've always found to be great is you are awake, aware but not really messed up. You can still socialize and have fun. Plus the positive glow it gives you is great. Downside is whatever good you get you gota give back, you ALWAYS pay back the good parts with pain and anguish. Not too dissimilar to booze, another drug that can get to be ugly.

Gee, I do fuckin ramble... If you made it this far and have never done Coke I'd say try it once, or twice. Never buy more than you can use in a night. For me the habit started from using nightly. Then around 5-6:00pm the next day I'm grumpy and just wanna go home. I never thought about the lines at first but they always came. Then I'd be happy and out havin beers but no sleep for at least 4 hours after my last line. So I'd go to bed way late, show up at work on 2-3 hours sleep and start the process again. If it wasn't for my job and how important it is to me I doubt I would have broken the cycle yet.

ANYWAY! From first hand experiance I'll say that it can control your life if you let it but how can we leave any experance untried?? smile.gif Just be careful, people do get broken and there simply are no hard and fast rules.

Clean (of Coke) for 13 months and counting.

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