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why are woman attracted to older guys??


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Originally posted by bowl97:

the question got asked for the guys so now i would like to hear a girls side of it.

i don't think that is as true a statement as the other post...you more often hear about a man leaving their wife for some young chickie...

For me, I would prefer to date an older man only for maturity...however, just because a man is older does not make him mature, and just because a man is younger does not make him immature...



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Originally posted by cmb1975:

i don't think that is as true a statement as the other post...you more often hear about a man leaving their wife for some young chickie...

i remember back in high school and in middle school i had a lot of girl friends that were dating guys 5 - 12 years older then them. these guys would treat them like shit, cheat on them, but they loved them because they were older. they always said that the guys were more mature then younger guys, but from what i saw it was just that they were older but still acted like they were 15...

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Originally posted by bowl97:

i remember back in high school and in middle school i had a lot of girl friends that were dating guys 5 - 12 years older then them. these guys would treat them like shit, cheat on them, but they loved them because they were older. they always said that the guys were more mature then younger guys, but from what i saw it was just that they were older but still acted like they were 15...

yes, but let's remember the keywords here... HIGH SCHOOL & MIDDLE SCHOOL!! granted, there are plenty of girls like that, but that's a completely different topic my friend..


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damn dude..

tell me where all these women are??? i'm mature some of the time!

Actually.. when you think about all the broken homes out there.. the missing fathers.. the deadbeat dads..

A lot of young girls are missing a natural emotional attachment to an older male figure.

When I was in high schol, there was a counselor who had tons of hot chicks always in his office. Now the guy was about 40 and balding, nothing special. But his job was talk to, and listen, to students. The girls who were missing that.. flocked to him.

The problem is.. most men, whether young or old, are not able to communicate with women. They cant speak to them about their dreams.. their desires. They wont allow themselves to even attempt to enter a state of mind where they can put aside their machismo and talk openly.

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Originally posted by djmoonshine:

yes, but let's remember the keywords here... HIGH SCHOOL & MIDDLE SCHOOL!! granted, there are plenty of girls like that, but that's a completely different topic my friend..

please, please , pretty please elaborate on this!

thank you




AIM: ZUinc2000


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i like older MEN cuz they have more experience, more mature, have themselves together. all these qualities can also have a negative effect..more experience maybe had/has an std, more mature - not always nd have themselves together - may be stuck on themselves. but this is still what i like, i guess it runs in the family. my mother was 19 when she had me and my father was 30 something cwm38.gif


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I tell ya, older men may give the illusion of being more mature but when it comes down to it you will be thinking to yourself "and I'M the young one in this relationship???"

I've dated younger, I've dated older. There's really not too much of a difference.

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I tell ya, older men may give the illusion of being more mature but when it comes down to it you will be thinking to yourself "and I'M the young one in this relationship???"

I've dated younger, I've dated older. There's really not too much of a difference.

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A friend of mine is dating a man 15 years older than her, she only just turned 21. To her age is nothing more than a #. She's madly in love w. him ... not only does he give her what she wants from the relationship (commitment, breaks, etc) but best sex ever. cwm38.gif

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I don't know if it's coincedence or prefrence...perhaps a bit of both, I seem to end up with older guys all the time. I'm 20. I generally tend to date guys 5-10 yrs older, I have dated people my own age and have nothing against them! When I usually meet guys a bit older than me it's assumed that I'm 24-25, and I assume they are 26-27...I guess it meets in the middle. I'm always straight up about my age-right off the bat, but out of curiosity I make a point of asking them how old they think I am as well. I never go around lying about how old I am cause it can freak guys out and that isn't fair to them and it's just plain stupid. I can't really say that they are always 'more mature', but most of them have been with enough women to know what a woman wants, needs...emotionally. With me it has to do with compatability, not material wealth or daddy complexes. I once went out on a date with a guy that I thought was 28-turned out he was closer to 38! He lied to me about his age...he had a daughter my age, 2 younger sons and thought that this set-up was ok. I flat out told him that I had a father and didn't need another one and wasn't into playing baby games-after I told him this he asked me if he could still call me. You wonder WTF running through a man's head if he thinks that this is ok!

I don't get too much interest from guys my own age (then again my friends are a few years older than me and I prefer an older crowd when I go out), I love to party, but I'm not materialistic or hoochied out-it always tends to be guys 5-10 years older that show their interest. Within reason, I won't shut a guy out because he's older than me...and I have to say that anyone I have ever dated or been in a relationship with - older or younger, has been a complete gentleman.

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Well said, Opala and I tend to be in the same boat. Also, I think that generally older men (or women for that matter) tend to have more experience under their belt in terms of relationships therefore more emotional maturity in how to handle whatever kind of relationship you're in.

They've done the dance before, so to speak. And they're more familiar with the steps.

That's a plus to being involved with an older man. The downside can be the "father" complex that tends to emerge from time to time as Opala pointed out. Big, no thank you.

I don't look for men who are older than I am specifically. Generally, they too just tend to be the gents who are attracted to me and me to them. To be honest, would I think twice about dating someone younger than myself (I'm 22). Yes. I would. I've yet to meet a man in his early 20s/late teens who has enough emotional maturity for me to be willing to commit a lot of time to a relationship that is commited/sexual what have you. If he's out there though, I'd be happy to.


Originally posted by opala:

I don't know if it's coincedence or prefrence...perhaps a bit of both, I seem to end up with older guys all the time. I'm 20. I generally tend to date guys 5-10 yrs older, I have dated people my own age and have nothing against them! When I usually meet guys a bit older than me it's assumed that I'm 24-25, and I assume they are 26-27...I guess it meets in the middle. I'm always straight up about my age-right off the bat, but out of curiosity I make a point of asking them how old they think I am as well. I never go around lying about how old I am cause it can freak guys out and that isn't fair to them and it's just plain stupid. I can't really say that they are always 'more mature', but most of them have been with enough women to know what a woman wants, needs...emotionally. With me it has to do with compatability, not material wealth or daddy complexes. I once went out on a date with a guy that I thought was 28-turned out he was closer to 38! He lied to me about his age...he had a daughter my age, 2 younger sons and thought that this set-up was ok. I flat out told him that I had a father and didn't need another one and wasn't into playing baby games-after I told him this he asked me if he could still call me. You wonder WTF running through a man's head if he thinks that this is ok!

I don't get too much interest from guys my own age (then again my friends are a few years older than me and I prefer an older crowd when I go out), I love to party, but I'm not materialistic or hoochied out-it always tends to be guys 5-10 years older that show their interest. Within reason, I won't shut a guy out because he's older than me...and I have to say that anyone I have ever dated or been in a relationship with - older or younger, has been a complete gentleman.


I am NOT a fag hag. I'm a fairy princess.

"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"I heard of a man that says words so beautiful that if he only speaks their name, women give themselves to him.

If I am dumb by your body while silence blossoms like tumors on our lips it is because I hear a man climb the stairs and clear his throat outside our door." - Leonard Cohen

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Well, I just found out another friend of mine is seriously dating an older guy. Now 4 of my good girl friends are dating guys 6-15 years older. What I've noticed about these 4 friends is ... they all want to be in serious relationships. Maybe that's the difference? I for one absolutely do not want to be in a relationship and the thought of dating someone 6 years older flat out scares me.

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