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tall guys=big dick?


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Hey y'all...

I've been with two fairly tall men, one 6'3, the other 6'4. Both of them happen to have length inclined dicks! I'm an art student and i've drawn a few tall men as well...is it a given that a tall guy has a big dick? Maybe this is a stupid question, but I just wanted to know what everyone else's experience has been. I've never been disappointed with tall guys!

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Hey! Mugwumps are not known for height but when it comes to sexual components...we Far from disatify. Round..full and plump and lengthy enough to reach those secret spots waaay back where there are spider webs. But as the old saying goes hunny.."It's not the width..it's not the size..but how many times you can make it rise.." I aint got noooo problems with that!

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well I'm 6'6'' and I've never had any complaints I'm a little bigger than average average being 6'' I'm around 7 or so but not you're prolly thinking is a myth because its like every black man is hung like a horse which is true in some cases but most aren't cwm7.gif


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Separate the sorrow

And collect a ball of cream

The candy man

The candy man can

The candy man can because he mixes it with love

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My boyfriend asked me that the other day after we had had a good long fuck. We were lying there and he asked if as a girl-I get 'penis anxiety'. I was like 'what?'...he explained, whether I get very concerned about the size of a guys dick...it being too short etc. I've only been with 3 guys-the smallest wasn't that small - all 3 have been well equiped. I don't know what I would feel like with a guy with a smaller dick. I like them long...but GUYS!! If you are blessed with a big dick-don't thrust so hard and deep all the time! that's all I have to say smile.gif

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Ive been with two men under 5'6 and they were packing!!! OMG!!..

So I dont think it has to do with HEight...or maybe these two guys were just an exception...


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Just to set the record straight, current science (and of course this could change)suggests thatthere is a correlation between height and the size of a man's appendages. This includes, feet, hands, and penis sizes. But this correlation, while statistically significant, is notoverwhelming by any means. This of course means that thereis no direct connection between say feet size and dick length except so far as a tall man is more likely to have both - both are related to height. But a short man with big feet is not more likelyto have a bigone.

As an aside, there also seems to be a slight correlatin between races and penis size with Black men having the largest, white in the middle and asian the smallest. This corelation is also small but significant. However, the racial corealation works in conjunction with th height corelation sometimes. Especially in Asian men who at equal heighthavesmaller penises AND also tend to be shorter so there's an even increased chance of being smaller than say Black men.

Butremember these are all only statisticallysignificant corelations - there are so many exceptions it is not funny. And of course future science might provethis wrong although the research is pretty sound. Nevertheless, the Japanese guy sitting behind you that is 5'4" with baby feet could easilybe hung like ahorse smile.gif

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Originally posted by peache5030:

Ive been with two men under 5'6 and they were packing!!! OMG!!..

So I dont think it has to do with HEight...or maybe these two guys were just an exception...

Thank you! Finally someone who has discovered the secret of the shorties. Please pass the word around at all girl topper ware parties etc..

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