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why do men like having sex w/ younger girls ?


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i don't get it either and i'm a guy. i don't get why a 25 year old guy is trying to get with a 16 year old girl. to me that's f@cking disgusting. I'm 21 and the lowest i would go is like 18 or 19. however i would def get with a woman that is older then me(late 20s - 30s) for some reason as i got older amd more mature i tend to lean towards older more mature women...

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I'm not one of these guys but a few of my friends are and the answer is simple.

Young girls are easy. If your have your own place and a nice ride, like to party the young girls wil just drop their pants. Plus its easy to get rid of them when their done. Older girls have been through all the bullshit and dont waste their time on guys like them.

Originally posted by rachel1997:

I want to see this question get answerd...

Would one of you guys please stand up and enlighten me?




wwwa.gif "Playa bust a Uee then, Fire up that duby then."

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Guess you can say its a power thing....some guys need to feel like there in charge all the time and with most girls there age....They aint having that!!!....hence thats why they go for younger chicks plus most guys feel younger chicks are easier to get with...



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Originally posted by anacondatro:

I'm not one of these guys but a few of my friends are and the answer is simple.

Young girls are easy. If your have your own place and a nice ride, like to party the young girls wil just drop their pants. Plus its easy to get rid of them when their done. Older girls have been through all the bullshit and dont waste their time on guys like them.

I think that it's a DISGUSTING thing do to, cuz the young girl is thinking, Oh, I found myself a guy. Little does she know that the guy is using her only for sex and then her lil heart gets torn. Fucking guys should THINK before doing something like that. My friend almost got RUINED cuz of stupid jerks like that.





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Okay I've come to an conclusion (sp) ::

Some of you guys out there are *sick* - sorry to say that.

Sex is not a game!!!

Why must men/boys think that it is???

Why, getting into more girls pants is a prize? WHAT DO YOU GET OUT OF IT?? Admiration from fellow buddies? WHOPPIE!!! Did that HELP you in ANY WAY to accomplish MORE Things in life??? Except to gain more sex knowlege and finally figure out that not all girls look the same?

No wonder some people think it's okay to cheat on their wifes. YUCK. I hope I never have to meet such a person. Some Men/Boys out there should think of the feelings of girls that will occur to them down the road. Wow she's 18 now. Wow she's being seen riding around in a phat car. What's the big deal here??

BUT - When GIRLS/WOMEN Play the same game, it's DISGUSTING.

There's something wrong with the world.



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i'm 18 and i like older men and am with one. i'm not a slut, i'm actually a virgin, well kinda sorta - i shared that with him. i wouldn't care if he didn't have money, a nice car, look goods, etc. as long as he treats me right and as long as i see that he cares about me - then it's all good. if i felt that he was with me cuz he thought that he could get a younger chick then it would have been over already. i know i care about him! cwm38.gif


....i'm crying invisible tears.... athenalust@hotmail.com

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i'm 18 and i like older men and am with one. i'm not a slut, i'm actually a virgin, well kinda sorta - i shared that with him. i wouldn't care if he didn't have money, a nice car, look goods, etc. as long as he treats me right and as long as i see that he cares about me - then it's all good. if i felt that he was with me cuz he thought that he could get a younger chick then it would have been over already. i know i care about him! cwm38.gif


....i'm crying invisible tears.... athenalust@hotmail.com

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I know a 29 year old women with a master's from an Ivy league school, reall cute and bright. she's dating a freshman guy who is 18. I know he's psyched, but that shit is strange, esp. because she could easily date guys closer to her age.




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it all goes back to that relationship with papa! they have been raised all their lives by an older man.......and some how have a need to continue that relationship with an older sexual parter! cwm32.gifcwm20.gif



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This is going to sound totally gross but:

In a fantasy sort of way, I think it's sexxxy! I think it's an erotic, power, sort of "I've been a naughty girl" thing. To picture an older man seducing a young girl...her excitement and fear... his excitment and lust... Classic Lolita, or Amy Fisher...or better yet... Poison Ivy!!!

But puerly fantasy... In real life, If I think of my bf's 17 y/o sister getting it on with a 30 y/o man, It's gross!!!

hahaha twisted? cwm31.gif



"O.K. Kids.... but just pick one..."

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That’s easy: It’s a combination of three things:

1) Ego

2) Society

3) Instinct

The ego comes into play because the older guy’s pals will be impressed that

he’s got what it takes to “pull it off”. As a man gets older he starts to wonder if

he’s still got it. What is “it” you ask? “It” is the ability, looks, balls, etc. to meet,

attract, and eventually bed a woman whom he considers to be hot. .Interestingly,

age seems to alter our perception of what’s considered “hot”..

The fact that he pulled it off also tends to make younger guys a little jealous and

if this whole issue was a game or competition then the older guy would have won, and everyone likes to win.

The bottom line to the ego thing: the older guys want to feel “proud” of an

“accomplishment” which he feels will make him respected by his peers and

competition, and desired by other females.

The instinct comes into play when considering the fact that as much as we all

hate to admit it: we’re animals with a natural instinct to pro-create and pass our

genes/lineage on to the next generation, thus ensuring that our “kind” lives on.

The youngest, strongest, fastest animals have the best chance of survival, are more

attractive to the opposite sex, and theoretically have the greatest chance of creating the largest number of offspring.

It’s been argued that men instinctively seek out as many mates as they can during

their lifetime in an effort to satisfy that drive to mate. Although this behavior is not

looked too kindly upon in our society, the fact remains that when talking about animals

they instinctively seek out mates with the “best” chance of bearing the most offspring.

Anyway, I’m sure many people will disagree, but this is just my own opinion there's no need to Flame me.



"Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."

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Younger gurl are no doubt... mad easy. they want some action and they'll get some action by that guy having that dope lookz, ride and attitude.

i've gotten with a couple of young pigeon headz getting their propz by other pigeonz because she's going out with a fine guy..

it's all temporary shit becauze they just want some action; then out of the blue.. they fall in love easily; that's some shit right their

i'm not a pervert or anything.. but cant be breaking novice,tender heartz..

it's all sick and shit so stick to your range

bail out


to the world, you might be one person... but to one person.. you might be the world..



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When you're young.. you want to have sex with your mom.. (women of that age).

When you're older.. you want to have sex with your sister.. (women of that age).

When you're even older.. you want to have sex with your daughter.. (girls of that age).

It's a simple model.. yet oh so true.

And the guys who think being with younger women is sick.. wait until you turn 40 and are flooded with 18 yr old girls on the cover of every magazine. Look at the titles of the porns out there.. "Bring Em Young".. "18 and Nasty"... "Barely Legal".. "Extreme Teen", etc..

The age of sexuality gets younger and younger each year.. With every Britney and Christina making it more and more acceptable to be 'sexual' at a younger age.. Its only natural for men to fantasize.. People generally only fantasize about what they dont have. If it were easy for a 40 yr old man to pick up an 18 yr old girl, it wouldnt be so taboo, or desirable.

Also.. there is that contingent of men who go for younger women because they are *desperate*.. and the younger you are, the easier you are to manipulate.. I'm reminded of the movie "Kids" and the guy on there (telly?)

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i think that the decision is made on both parts, the young girls want to look cool in front of their friends because they got a hot older guy to drive them around and buy them stuff, and usually treat them like shit, the guy is thinking ok.... young poon and nice body she likes to fuck like an animal and thats about it, the guy really isnt in it for more than that, but the reason for that is because the guy has the same maturity level as the girl but is just older, you can see in society that people that have goals ie want to go school or just want to be the best that they can be (i kno that sounds mad corny) generally stick to people in their same age range or people with similar interests in mind, of course there are always exceptions to this rule that people of all different ages do actually fall in love, but i think that situation here is that the younger girl is getting out of what she wants and the older guy is getting out of it what he wants, the whole issue about these older guys being disgusting i dont think that you can argue because the maturity level of these guys is equal to that of a typical 15-18 yr old, i also dont believe the girl when she goes into the relationship actually loves the guy, but is only infatuated with him and with his material possessions and outward appearance, there are plenty of young girls that have no problem saying no to these types of guys, but the girls that this does happen to...where they go out with an older guy and then fall in love, dont really kno what love is, they think they love him, but only possibly love all the attention and gifts and the status that they get with their friends by going out with this guy, oh well i dont kno if i made a point there, i hope what i was thinking came out somewhat coherently, LOL

thats just my 2 cents, anyone feel free to rebut what i have to say


Our civilization is still in a middle stage, no longer wholly guided by instinct, not yet wholly guided by reason...

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This is such a simple one. On a purely physical level young girls are often very, very firm and hot and nubile - fresh in a way older women aren't. We dig that - hell, bi-chicks dig that. Now older woman can be hot too - sometimes even in physical ways that young chicks aren't. But with older women there is attraction from more than just looks. Men like variety,. I think its fine to occassionally indulge the senses in some fine, firm, young female pussy. However, I think its stupid to assume that you can have relatrionshiops with them 99% of the time. They are just not at the same stage. So be honest and up-front and try not to hurt them. You can give them some sex that 19 year old boys could never dream of and they can give you a taste of something different. But they should be a sweet treat - not a regular meal because ultimately sex and conversation and everything is better with a fine looking woman who is also your equal and is mature.

IMHO the best thing is for you and your more mature woman partner to share the delectable treats of a 19 year old honey together smile.gif Now that would be choice.

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I like younger girls myself.. Not that I'm that old, but I find younger girls more attractive.. They have to be atleast 18 [it's the law].. Younger girls are more "pure" then older chicks.. Older girl's been around the block a few times, and I hate that..

..Just call me Chester


..It Wasn't Me..

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