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Is infidelity needed in a relationship..

Guest LeVeL

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Guest drlogic


You tell 'em, TIGER!



What about the gay lions? ;D

actually, it's hard for a guy NOT to cheat. Granted, so long as he doesn't look like a troll. Nothing like "fresh"....well,,ya' know!

My wife messes w/ me sometimes when she snags some girl scoping me out or being a lil' too friendly/nice....she tells me (in joking manner, of course)..

"babe, (while she holds both hands out as if she were a scale and rocks them back/forth)...you pick...fresh pussy------or------your house, wife, kids, money."

she's funny, ain't she?

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Guest trancepriest


"babe, (while she holds both hands out as if she were a scale and rocks them back/forth)...you pick...fresh pussy------or------your house, wife, kids, money."

she's funny, ain't she?

LOL. I think it would behoove everyone to watch more National Geographic.

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Guest Floribel

Hey, if we haven't had the 'exclusivity talk' then it's all good in my book. Now, if you wanna be exclusive, I have ZERO tolerance for infidelity.

Like pod was saying, it's all about honesty really. If you both have an understanding that it's ok to hook up with others, then it's not really cheating/infidelity in the first place.

For me, personally, if I really really do care about the person, I can't help feeling sick to my stomach picturing them hooking up with someone else. And if I'm really really into a guy, a supermodel can come and hit on me and I won't even notice.

Recently, I have begun to accept the fact that all men will eventually cheat. (don't bother trying to fight me on my conclusion). I attribute this with a general lack of cojones to just get out of the relationship before screwing somebody else. So I wonder what my life strategy will be.... if I'm better off jumping from long realtionship/marriage to the next when they cheat... or just never having exclusivity talks, LOL. Sad, I know, but I'm only half kidding.

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maybe I'm old fashion but I don't think that infidelity is healthy for any relationship. You watch these shows on swingers and how these people claim that it made their relationship stronger, I think it's a crock of shit. There's no way I would ever share my wife with anybody (guy or girl) just so that I could endulge myself. Some things in life are just meant to be between 2 people. There is an intensity of emotion and bond between 2 people that you just can't share or it loses it's value. I'm happy to say that I've been in a strictly monogamous 10 year relationship that is as strong if not stronger than ever.

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I'm not suggesting the open relationship lifestyle is for everyone. As the perpetual single guy, it might seem odd that I of all people am dishing out thoughts and advice, but bear with me.

Any sort of relationship arrangement that defies convention is something that needs to be talked about by all parties involved. Even your standard one-on-one needs to be discussed before any sort of permanent and possibly damaging relationships are entered into.

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Guest drlogic

Hey, if we haven't had the 'exclusivity talk' then it's all good in my book. Now, if you wanna be exclusive, I have ZERO tolerance for infidelity.

Like pod was saying, it's all about honesty really. If you both have an understanding that it's ok to hook up with others, then it's not really cheating/infidelity in the first place.

For me, personally, if I really really do care about the person, I can't help feeling sick to my stomach picturing them hooking up with someone else. And if I'm really really into a guy, a supermodel can come and hit on me and I won't even notice.

Recently, I have begun to accept the fact that all men cheat. (don't bother trying to fight me on my conclusion). So I wonder what my life strategy will be.... if I'm better off jumping from long realtionship/marriage to the next when they cheat... or just never having exclusivity talks, LOL. Sad, I know, but I'm only half kidding.

Since your mind is set and there's no convincing you otherwise,,you might wanna go straight up gay and find yourself good girl who understands you. lol j/k,,,j/k.... ;)

Your pic indicates you're easy on the eyes,,,,,,which means you're gonna attract nothing but studs who have NO intention of being faithful. You might wanna look for average guys who'll appreciate you more. If you go for the Barbie-n-Ken look in a relationship, then you're screwed. You will get cheated on.

Reason I say that is cause in my single days....when I used to drool over exterior beauty,,,my roommate mentioned once that no matter how attractive I thought a girl looked,,,somewhere on this Earth, there is some guy(ie..ex-bf) who is sick and tired of sleeping w/ her. LOL That used to help me take them "off the pedastol" so I would not be so intimidated by their physical beauty.

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Guest Floribel

Even your standard one-on-one needs to be discussed

This is the one that needs to be discussed the most.

Unless you've stated it's one-on-one, I'll assume it's not. Maybe I'm nuts.

But I will also not consider it a 'relationship' in my book unless it's one on one. That would just be a 'regular-hookup' or fbuddy.

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Guest dahzel

Look, you guys need to quit assuming that everyone is like you. *You* may not understand women, but that doesn't mean nobody does. All that means is that you don't.

who is that directed towards? every person replying with a serious answer has been talking about their personal experiences. Who is assuming that everyone is like them or claiming that they understand women? Every woman is different and unique and for one person to claim they understand women as a whole is full of shit.

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Guest dahzel

maybe I'm old fashion but I don't think that infidelity is healthy for any relationship. You watch these shows on swingers and how these people claim that it made their relationship stronger, I think it's a crock of shit. There's no way I would ever share my wife with anybody (guy or girl) just so that I could endulge myself. Some things in life are just meant to be between 2 people. There is an intensity of emotion and bond between 2 people that you just can't share or it loses it's value. I'm happy to say that I've been in a strictly monogamous 10 year relationship that is as strong if not stronger than ever.

well said and good for you man. once you lose that value, then it is the begining of the end

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Guest Floribel

you might wanna go straight up gay and find yourself good girl who understands you. lol

LOL hahaha... can't. Sorry. Not knocking lezs, but I like a man. And girls (many times) are way too dramatic.

teehee... didn't mean to sound that bitter in the post. I'm actually not a bitter person at all, I'm just being realistic from what I have experienced personally. How does the saying go? The definition of insanity is someone that repeats the same behaviour expecting different results (or something like that?)

In any case... my answer is... for ME... "No", infidelity is not needed in a relationship. But it's also not infidelity if others agree to seeing others beforehand.

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Guest drlogic

Look, you guys need to quit assuming that everyone is like you. *You* may not understand women, but that doesn't mean nobody does. All that means is that you don't.

who is that directed towards? every person replying with a serious answer has been talking about their personal experiences. Who is assuming that everyone is like them or claiming that they understand women? Every woman is different and unique and for one person to claim they understand women as a whole is full of shit.

malarky! rubbish! i completely understand 'em. I know 'em like I know the back of my hand.

Everyone knows that when God makes women,,,,it's a virtual cookie cutter...the only things that change are the hair and the vag. They're all wired the same.....


Okay, I'm kidding.....at this point, i'm just typing crap to make myself laugh. Sorry guys...and girls......I'm silly like that!


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But I will also not consider it a 'relationship' in my book unless it's one on one. That would just be a 'regular-hookup' or fbuddy.

I don't ask for or assume loyalty unless it is discussed at some point. Just because I whip it out and jam it in someone doesn't mean we're married and exclusive.

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Guest drlogic

But I will also not consider it a 'relationship' in my book unless it's one on one. That would just be a 'regular-hookup' or fbuddy.

I don't ask for or assume loyalty unless it is discussed at some point. Just because I whip it out and jam it in someone doesn't mean we're married and exclusive.

HOw times have changed......for the worse...IMHO..

In my day...granted i'm 33, but feel like i'm going on 60. I'm more oldskool in how I see this stuff. Back in my day, if you kissed a girl, that's it,,,YOU WERE IN A RELATIONSHIP...

If she gives me a hummer or lets me get stinky finger,,,THAT'S IT,,WE'RE GOING STEADY!

nowadays, girls are sleep'n w/ dudes and don't even care to ask for the guys name. ?????????

??? Not all,,,i'm generalizing....

Don't get me started on the crap that goes on in college...Especially those who study away from home......LMMFAO....Many of those girls will carry skeletons to their damn graves!!!!! :o

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maybe I'm old fashion but I don't think that infidelity is healthy for any relationship. You watch these shows on swingers and how these people claim that it made their relationship stronger, I think it's a crock of shit. There's no way I would ever share my wife with anybody (guy or girl) just so that I could endulge myself. Some things in life are just meant to be between 2 people. There is an intensity of emotion and bond between 2 people that you just can't share or it loses it's value. I'm happy to say that I've been in a strictly monogamous 10 year relationship that is as strong if not stronger than ever.

My thoughts exactly ;D

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Guest Floribel

But I will also not consider it a 'relationship' in my book unless it's one on one. That would just be a 'regular-hookup' or fbuddy.

I don't ask for or assume loyalty unless it is discussed at some point. Just because I whip it out and jam it in someone doesn't mean we're married and exclusive.

Yup, I think we're saying the same thing...

Unless you've stated it's one-on-one, I'll assume it's not.

And I don't necessarily think it's sad. Maybe it's just a more honest discussion. What girls and guys do hasn't changed that much since the 50's. It's just now we talk about it.

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Infidelity and so forth have been around since the time of the Romans and even before. It took "civilization" to define infidelity. It's a man-made concept, essentially.

Who's to say society couldn't shift soon to be accepting and 'of the norm' of non-exclusive relationships?

I'm not here saying I won't settle down with anyone at some point, but I'm not calling down the fire and brimstone on those who decide to just be casual or non-exclusive. I'll support them 100% as long as there's mutual respect all around.

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Guest drlogic

But I will also not consider it a 'relationship' in my book unless it's one on one. That would just be a 'regular-hookup' or fbuddy.

I don't ask for or assume loyalty unless it is discussed at some point. Just because I whip it out and jam it in someone doesn't mean we're married and exclusive.

Yup, I think we're saying the same thing...

Unless you've stated it's one-on-one, I'll assume it's not.

And I don't necessarily think it's sad. Maybe it's just a more honest discussion. What girls and guys do hasn't changed that much since the 50's. It's just now we talk about it.

Floribel,,,,i've gotta disagree w/ you on this one.

I think times have changed. Girls used to make guys work for it. Now they're just giving it away. A kiss used to be something nice and not always a given. Feel'n each other up was a big plus. playing w/ each others prvt's was a BIG DEAL....and if you got lucky and has sex....the girl was usually considered a slut.

What took weeks (at the least)to get, now takes a matter of hours...IF THAT.

I'm not saying it never happened back in our parents days...but it's just not even the same now. I've seen it get progressivly worse through the years. I work for the public schools and find out about things that happen w/ today kids.....first you hear crazy stories in a high school, then yrs. later...similar stories in a middle school.....now I've actually hear rediculous stories of stuff that's going on in elementary schools. Time are chang'n....fo' shizzle.....and I don't like it....

I've got a little girl to worry about now......I see myself in jail one day for beating the life out of some little punk one day. I sure hope not. I'll hope for the best,,as I always do.

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Guest dahzel

At the end of the day in those situations it's up to the parents to raise the kids to avoid that sort of thing.

we all know how that works sometimes,i.e.... catholic school girls goin buck wild because they've been sheltered way too much. it's a matter of education and being upfront and open about it with your kids. i have seen first hand kids that have been sheltered and get to a point where they get more out of control than what they probably would have.

i was watching a porn documentary and 75% of the girls on it said they were in catholic school and had a tight leash around their neck until their late teens.

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Guest Floribel

I think times have changed. Girls used to make guys work for it. Now they're just giving it away.

....and if you got lucky and had sex....the girl was usually considered a slut.

I understand what you are trying to say. And understand your concern, specially being a father.

But I also want to point out that the "good old days" were not that "good" if a girl was considered a "slut" for having pre-marital sex with someone. I'm glad we're breaking the double-standard on a societal level.

On a household level, you have nothing to worry about if you have instilled self-respect in your little daughter. My family was so involved and gave me such confidence that I knew I never had to look for sex as self-validation. Now... as an adult, if a girl wants to have fun on her terms, she doesn't have to be a slut.

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Precisely. I mean, even if your thing is banging around three or four times a week. As long as everyone's cool with it, who cares?

At the end of the day, like it says outside the Hustler Store, "It's just sex!"

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