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which is better???


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Yeah, I've been there.

I think it's really hard to find a common ground with a younger guy. It's like they're still at a point in life which you've moved past and often their maturity levels are not the same as yours.

They say women mature faster than men and I think this is relatively true. So being with an older guy would make more sense.

But in reality, it all comes down to the individual guy. It's not fair to say that all young guys are immature and all older men aren't.

I say date 'em both. Go into it without too many preconceived notions and see which one you get along with best!


You're only young once


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peache check your pms cwm38.gif



Big brown bear, blue bull, beautiful baboon blowing bubbles biking backward, bump black bug's banana boxes and Billy Bunny's breadbasket and Brother Bob's baseball bus and Buster Beagle's banjo-bagpipe-bugle band and that's what broke Baby Bird's balloon.

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Ok this is a my personal generalization so bear with me - relationships where one person starts out “further ahead” and another one is much younger and grows up to the elder: – what eventually ends up is the younger (usually the girl) will outgrow her mate and will resent/leave him when he is the one left "behind" – I mean c’mon if he doesn’t have the desire to be with someone of his own level -then surely there is something that is holding him back (and it will probably stay there to hold him back) – no doubt you will “catch up" with him.

But on the other hand maybe he just wants some hot young pussy – which is all right for ANY age in my book

Good luck peache smile.gif

My advice – keep both! tongue.gif he he he




TëMA AIM: ArthurBrooklyn

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This is a situation that i have been dealing with for a long time and finally it came to me last night while i was bed what the EXACT question was I keep trying to answer....

Is it better to be with someone who you can grow with and who is experiencing the same things you are OR someone who is established and already has their life set???

NOW i know people are always growing, experiencing,learning etc....but is it better one way or the other????



I am not afraid of tomorrow. I have seen yesterday and I love today.

I dont cry because it ENDED--> I smile because we HAPPENED..

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how much older is this guy?? cwm6.gif am i on the right track or no...cuz i think i feel yah..



Big brown bear, blue bull, beautiful baboon blowing bubbles biking backward, bump black bug's banana boxes and Billy Bunny's breadbasket and Brother Bob's baseball bus and Buster Beagle's banjo-bagpipe-bugle band and that's what broke Baby Bird's balloon.

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Originally posted by starcapone:

how much older is this guy?? cwm6.gif am i on the right track or no...cuz i think i feel yah..

DEF. on the right track....

One is 27 a man...you know what i mean...the other is 21 a kid still....



I am not afraid of tomorrow. I have seen yesterday and I love today.

I dont cry because it ENDED--> I smile because we HAPPENED..

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i think it depends on what YOU'RE looking for. do you want some sort of guidance and stability in your life (assuming that's what you don't have right now as far as relationships go) or do you want a "take it as it comes" attitude? i think the 27 year old will be more tuned into what he's looking for in a woman and more sure of himself and his career as opposed to a 21 year old who's still learning about himself.



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If you're after stability... then go for the one who is already established.

For me, complete stability is not my goal... I personally would rather be with someone who is at the same stage in life as myself.

Not saying that the more settled individual is necessarily more inflexible... but based solely on this criteria... I would rather grow with somebody... and not have to catch up.


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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If you are in luv and you think this person is truly the one for you, why does it matter? When you meet the right person it will all come together.



"No further evidence is needed to show that "mental illness" is not the name of a biological

condition whose nature awaits to be elucidated, but is the name of a concept whose purpose is

to obscure the obvious."

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Originally posted by sinergygrl:

If you are in luv and you think this person is truly the one for you, why does it matter? When you meet the right person it will all come together.

thank you!!

so i hit it on the nail...geez i'm good. who do u feel more comfortable with?? who treats u better??



Big brown bear, blue bull, beautiful baboon blowing bubbles biking backward, bump black bug's banana boxes and Billy Bunny's breadbasket and Brother Bob's baseball bus and Buster Beagle's banjo-bagpipe-bugle band and that's what broke Baby Bird's balloon.

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Its such a weird situation emotionally for me...I think about this kind of stuff all the time...

Its not that I'm in this exact situation anymore but I find myself becoming friends with my ex who was the 27 year old...and I wonder if I left for silly reasons...

I thought I wanted to deal with men going through what I am..but now im too sure...



I am not afraid of tomorrow. I have seen yesterday and I love today.

I dont cry because it ENDED--> I smile because we HAPPENED..

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Originally posted by peache5030:

Is it better to be with someone who you can grow with and who is experiencing the same things you are OR someone who is established and already has their life set???

GROW. If you dont, the other person will always be "ahead" of you, and eventually you will tire of the uneven-ness.

Trust me, I know this one well.


DJmikeDR@aol.com aim: DJmikeDR

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Originally posted by apotheosis:

GROW. If you dont, the other person will always be "ahead" of you, and eventually you will tire of the uneven-ness.

Trust me, I know this one well.

totally right buddy, I couldnt agree with you more. Its all about growing as a person and that whoever your with will help you grow not keep you down and stagnent ....




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