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well... yeah, carrie brought it up, but come on... what better place to get topics to talk about then from Sex and the City?? (aren't you in pure bliss now that it's back?!! cwm32.gif )

sooooooooo... what do you guys think? soulmates? is there truly only one person in the world for us? or is it just a dumb concept? what do you guys think???



life's a ride... pack light...


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there has to be a soulmate for eachone of us if there isnt I DONT KNOW WHAT IAM DOING HERE my whole propose in my life is to find it and i wont die until i find it no matter if i have to travel to timmbukto or what ever is call. the problem is people often see theire soulmate pass and they dont catch it they are to bussy with work, money etc.. they dont pay attention to love ...

it may sound stupid for alot of people but my propose in this life is to find it and I will find THE REAL love,i wont die until

i find it , i would not get in any relationship if is not the right one , if is not the one who will love me like the first day , I will search and search until I find the one who will make my heart grow eache day until the day I die.

I bealibe in Love,if there was no Love,

this world wouldn't be for me at all !!!!!!



Making Love And Having Sex The Biggest Pleasures in This Life. ScaredGirL.

[This message has been edited by scaredgirl (edited 06-04-2001).]

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Geeeshhh, I hope there is more than one soulmate out there. If there is just one, then the odds of me meeting her really suck(1:5000000000), and if I did see her, what are the chances of me actually talking to her. knowing my luck I probably elbowed her on the dance floor....DOH!

I think that a soulmate is a best friend with sexual attractions. And your always bound to meet a good friend no matter where you go, its not easy but it happens. So there has to be 1000's of soulmates out there. Just my 2 cents.


I do drugs and I AM CANADIAN, eh!

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Guest xfactor834

there's more than one person in the world for everyone.

there is not just one soulmate. there are plenty. they just have to be found.

sometimes, women feel they need comfort instead of attention. and other times they need sex instead of intellectual stimulation.

a soulmate is one who understands the other person completely yet likes him/her anyway.



Just win baby

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That's a tough question. I don't have very much luck in the relationship dept. and sometimes I think that I never will. But it's nice to think that maybe out of all of the relationships that went bad or never flourished, that there will be that ONE relationship that was meant to be. But with the high rate of divorce these days, I doubt that this is true. Plus, I think it is in my cards for me to always be single.


You're only young once


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i luv sex and the city. i can't believe Carrie fell on the runway.. cwm6.gif soulmate...hm..i'm not to sure, but anything is possible. i do think Carrie & Big are made for one another!!



GRAVITY is my bitch..don't let this he/she say otherwise!!!

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Just my humble opinion ....

....there is only one true "Soulmate" for each of us. We never interact with that soul while we are in this stage of our spiritual progression (here on earth), due to they are are part of our spiritual guide team while we are here ... just as we are for them when they are here. Instead, there are thousands of people that we interact with during life that we are "spiritually bound" to. These are the people we are meant to spend our lifes with ... be it as friends, family, mentors and/or lovers ... those that we find that "Special" bond with are those that we are "spiritualy bound" with ....

.... they are the people you feel drawn to in life ... no matter if they are the same or completely opposite of you .....

... good luck to you all finding those that you are "spiritually bound" with that also make you happy in life. It's not easy sometimes, but it's worth it everytime you find each other .... smile.gif



Next total solar eclipse:

21 June 2001 Zimbabwe

(look for live web broadcast)

"Are there really Angels? ... Or are they just in our mind?"

RIP - Mota20

[This message has been edited by djstripe (edited 06-04-2001).]

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I believe that there is someone out there for each of us. I think you can ruin things with that person, but you definantly will find them and have the oppertunity to be a part of their life.



"No further evidence is needed to show that "mental illness" is not the name of a biological

condition whose nature awaits to be elucidated, but is the name of a concept whose purpose is

to obscure the obvious."

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Well "I like the word SOUL, and I like the word MATE"


Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long.

Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

Aolimer: Glowgirl42000

Email: Sugar4@earthlink.net

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The top portion was taken from an old Horoscope article ... After is My Opinion...

(I take this topic very seriously)


I Want a Soulmate, Not My Husband

Q.: I am 29 years old, married to a wonderful man, yet I feel lost. I'm interested in finding out who my soulmate is. I don't think my husband is my soulmate. Finding my soulmate is very important to me and it has always been something I feel I have needed to know for as long as I can remember. Can you help me in any way in helping me figure out who this person is? Any details at all will help me -- age, gender, sign, anything.

A.: I often wonder what has caused people to think that there is one "soulmate" and that they must search to locate this person out of the vast hordes on this earth, as in finding some holy grail. We have many soulmates in our lives. We don't have to hunt for them. They come in and out of our lives with ease and without searching.

We don't necessarily marry our soulmates. A soulmate is anyone who has contracted to help you on your path. You made these contracts before you incarnated here. These persons enter your life with a specific purpose.

Some soulmates stay for a lifetime and others for a brief moment, but they all have a dramatic impact on us. They all are treasures to us. We don't even like some of the soulmates in our lives. However, everyone whom you learn a lesson from is one of your soulmates.

Regarding your feeling of wanting someone more, I see that it is less a search for a soulmate than it is a desire for a different level of fulfillment in your relationship.

Your husband represents safety to you, and you find that this safety impedes your growth right now. You may wish to consider finding yourself before you begin to search for someone else to make your life better and happier. It has to come from you first.


My Own Testimony:

>Recently, I was talking to a good friend who had a bit of the same insight. Until then, I too thought there was only ONE(soulmate). After talking to her(my friend)& reading this article did the picture finally make sense. It really changed my perception of the definition of "Soulmate".......

>Throughout my life I have had many blistering relationships until I found happiness being alone /(within myself)..... Thereafter it seems that the relationships that followed were not only better but each one taught me how to Love Better without "loosing myself"... Since my-ex as some of you may know I went on the N.L.T. (No Love Tour). It was almost a year & a half before I allowed myself to feel again.. Believing that there's only one of anything in life is ridiculous.. that belief almost killed me...I thought my-ex was my soulmate (until it all went to hell). As different & unique each one of us is there's someone, somewhere that is a mirror image. Therefore there has to be more than one soulmate. And no matter how special that (current) person is ...someday they will leave you. It may be death.. it may be a separation, or someone moving... No matter what happens / happened just keep the positive with you because the negative will tear you down... and eventually break you!








The DJ From Another Planet â„¢

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I would love to believe that I have a soulmate, but who knows?? I'll meet a girl who I think is "the one", then I'll realize she isn't, so I go back to believing that there's no such thing, until I wind up meeting someone else, who I eventually realize isn't "the one" either. Maybe I just haven't found the right person yet. I hope! cwm36.gifcwm12.gif



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a soulmate to me does not neccesarilly have to be my partner or my best friend......

Best way to explain the way i see it is in that movie ummmmm....I think it was called "Only You" with that dude that got locked up for drugs from Ally Mcbeal cwm1.gif



*Lick it, Stick it, and Smile cause your with it* ~^.^~

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i once believed that i found my soul mate, but now i find it hard to believe that there is that "one" perfect person. I think that you can fall in love with many different people, and it should be okay. There are so many different people out there and you should take a little of what you learned from each relationship so you can be the best person you possible can for that person you decide to settle down with. All i can say is dont limit your self to your home town, city state or even country, you never konw where you can find love

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  • 3 weeks later...

Do I believe in soul mates yes. But I have tried to expand my view of them. I no longer believe that it is only one person that can be your soul mate.

I think that everyone will meet their soul mate(s), but not in the form they wish to think they will. You can have a soul mate who is a friend, not always a lover.

Also, everyone always says they want to find their soul mate. The person that makes you feel complete, but we truely never take in all the possibilities. Our soulmate could be a person twice your age, a midget, handicapped, blind, deaf, deformed, or simply someone you would not look at twice as for attraction.

I myself know that I have cancelled out people as potential boyfriends if I am not attracted to them. I do believe we are each given the chance to meet our soul mate, but most of us are too wrapped up in appearance or superficial beliefs, that we allow that person to pass us in life.



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