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Why are SOME women soooo stupid????


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I know I don't post that often, it's been a while, but I have to vent about this.

Ok, so my friend and I were at that new techno night at Fuse/Venue. Gabe Palomo was spinning. He was definitely werkin' it. And for the scarcity of techno nights in Chicago, it was off the hook. BUT, as soon as we left the club, my friend makes the statement, "oohhh, gabe was off da hook tonight! I wanna marry him! Or at least jump his bones."

Now why da hell did she say that? I've notice that lots of girls will say that when they speak of some talented or famous dude. You all have encountered it. Groupies and girls fucking DJs just b/c they're DJs. But they'll always say "oohh, he's so talentd!" Now why is it that females proclaim their admiration for talent by saying that they wanna sleep w/ the man or marry them?! LIke that's the best they could ever do. Marry em or fuck em. Why couldn't this friend of mine just aspire to be as talented as the DJ herself? instead, the best she (and other females) think they can do is sleep w/him.

God forgive me, b/c I know I'm guilty of this too. I don't know how many times I've expressed this bout Richie Hawtin. But, I've been thinking about it some more. Seriously, females need to rethink what they say these days. You can't be crying out for equality and mutual respect while saying things like this.

That's it. I guess I'll be postin in another month or two. Peace.

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I understand what you're saying completely. I guess it's just all about self-respect. There was a show on MTV about groupies and they described the lenghts that women would go just to meet anyone in the band, which of course always involved some kind of lude sex act. Since I'm not a girl then I guess I can't understand why someone would feel the need to sleep with someone becuase of their name, but like I said, I think it comes down to a severe lack of self respect.


"Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead."

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There is a difference between saying and doing though, I mean I say I want the singer from blink 182, but he has a girlfriend and I would never be able to be with him.

I say that, but it isn't true, plus if it did actually come down to it, I wouldn't just have a one nighter with him... so is she talking or actually doing?


0b32d3c0.gif Life is only complicated because you make it so. Remember what it was like to live carefree - and live that way again!

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BMitch, are you talking about that special where the girl let limp bizkit and sugar ray throw lunch meat at her while she stood there naked?? Man how degrading.

But have you ever thought about how when a girl says that she will have sex with someone famous it is considered degrading, but when a guy says it it's normal???



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She was probably just drunk and talking trash...maybe trying to have something to say like the guys she hangs with. Some girls really are like that, though (as you guys mentioned). Some are so low on theirselves that they have to screw someone like that to make themselves feel better so they can brag about it and make themselves look "elite".

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Originally posted by kimberlyco:

I say that, but it isn't true, plus if it did actually come down to it, I wouldn't just have a one nighter with him... so is she talking or actually doing?

I see how it is now. One nighter huh???? and your right, it will never happen.... ha!!!!!



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hey don't dig too far for this one. It's totally primal for a woman to want to procreate w/ someone w/ talent, intelligence, or physical prowess. This insures that the next generation will have a contribution to their society. It's a totally natural instinct to have but not a trait that is acceptable to vocalize publically.

No worries tho, it's a very noble thing. Dudes don't have as much discretion when it comes to procreating the human race.

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Originally posted by der:

hey don't dig too far for this one. It's totally primal for a woman to want to procreate w/ someone w/ talent, intelligence, or physical prowess. This insures that the next generation will have a contribution to their society. It's a totally natural instinct to have but not a trait that is acceptable to vocalize publically.

No worries tho, it's a very noble thing. Dudes don't have as much discretion when it comes to procreating the human race.

Some of what der said even happens on a biological level. Women are more attracted to masculine men during their menstrual cycle. This comes from hundreds thousands of years of programming by natural selection. A strong rugged man is more likely to care for the off spring more effectively.

As for talent, that's more of a social thing isn't it? I wouldn't have thought natural selection gives there child anymore chance of surviving, infact look at most rock stars children they grow up to be drug addicts and die in pools of their own vomit wink.gif

I guess caring for their children is a natural thing, most of these women know they have no chance of getting married. I suspect (with rock stars and actors), it's more of a bragging right, or even a material thing. A member of my family went out with a million air for 27 years knowing he was married and would never leave his wife.

Most groupies know they don't stand a chance but SEEM happy with short term 'gratification'.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


[This message has been edited by back2basics- (edited 06-13-2001).]

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Originally posted by der:

hey don't dig too far for this one. It's totally primal for a woman to want to procreate w/ someone w/ talent, intelligence, or physical prowess. This insures that the next generation will have a contribution to their society. It's a totally natural instinct to have but not a trait that is acceptable to vocalize publically.

No worries tho, it's a very noble thing. Dudes don't have as much discretion when it comes to procreating the human race.

Der, gotta disagree with you about the "intelligence" bit...if that was true i'd be fending women off with a stick...


Female primates are attracted to males having indicia of dominance or power: muscular bodies or indicators of wealth for example. Women also are attracted to men having characteristics they desire in the children-- e.g. looks...

While as B2B suggests women desire "masculine men" with "harder" facial features features & bodies at the peak of ovulation, one interesting tendency is that as women get older they then will start looking for men with "nurturing" characteristics--aka "nice guys"--to be husbands/fathers. (There's a fair amount of research suggesting that their children tend to be more successful)

This whole thing also ignores the competition to be the "dominant female"...while as Der suggests most guys will--in theory & with enough booze--hook up with almost anyone...guys generally look for women with indicia of fertility...which basically are good-looking young women, normally one with curves (which sort of explains implants)...Again there are variaitons as the particular beholder may have a different idea of beauty say J. Lo. vs. Calista Flockhart...and as guys get older they start looking more towards a potentional mother (smarter, more stable)than having someone hot to impress the boyz with.


"He sought to know all things, but nothing did he learn"

-Gerard de Nerval


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no we don't, it's just another classic case of men thinking that they understand women, when in fact we will never figure out how women think or what women want, it's just a huge headache trying to figure it out. The only way we will ever know is if a woman tells us, and that isn't going to happen.

damn women, complicated creatures you are...



AOL IM BouncyBy

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Originally posted by xlovestarx:

Der & Fiatmusica, both opinions very well written! cwm1.gif

it's probably coincidental that d & i are two oldest guys here (i think)...

Scratch: How come we heard from you more when you were in DC?

A couple of people on this board know Gabe...do you want us to set your friend up with him? sex.gif


"He sought to know all things, but nothing did he learn"

-Gerard de Nerval


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Originally posted by der:

Let's take it right back to the topic here: maybe some women are just so stupid.

Maybe considering on the top 2% of the population have a University degree. The top 9(ish) have college degrees and the illiteracy rates of most (even developed) countries are pretty darn high... then lots of men AND women are stupid wink.gifsmile.gif

Then what is stupid? It's a relative term.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


[This message has been edited by back2basics- (edited 06-14-2001).]

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Hmmm, all bring up really good points, esp (I'm not sure who said it, Der or Fiatmusica) bout the procreation thing. But B2B was right about it being mostly a social thing. Originally I wasn't talking about the sex, I was just more frustrated with the way my friend said it. ie, Why couldn't she just try (like really hard b/c Gabe's pretty good) to be just as good a DJ? instead, like lots of women, the next best thing's to marry them or make that talented guy "your man". It seems like this society (and maybe the biological factor has something to do w/it) encourages the men to be the talented, successful ones and the women's role is to admire them and marry them.

And I shouldn't have used that topic tittle, b/c women are NOT stupid, we're "victims". . . we've been "socially conditioned". cwm2.gif But complicated? Yes. And why men havent' been able to figure us out after millions of years of interaction? I don't want to say it (this board's predominantly male).

I haven't been posting as much b/c I'm working like 50-60 hrs a week ever since I got home and taking a class.

(BTW, I thought Gabe was kinda cute too, but that doesn't mean I'm askin for anything. If you know him, tell him that Scratchapella gives him much props!)

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I think we need to change this topic around a little, let's ask the question why are women so damn complicated. When you give them what they want, they aren't happy, when you don't give them what they want, they aren't happy, and why is it that women always flock to the guys that treat them like shit instead of the nice guys???

I think green day said it best with

"Nice Guys Finish Last" anyone agree???



AOL IM BouncyBy

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Let me just say that its all about the person you are & the choices you make in your life & how you choose to handle yourself...Any gender can fail or succeed in handling themselves well...Its all a matter of choice & working towards being a better person in this world...which requires a conscience, maintenance & work. Often times, people do not think about what they are doing, either b/c they don't care & are selfish individuals or don't look at the consequences that could lie ahead before doing it...Those are the ones that eventually, inevitably, suffer down the road...A person who was so prominent in my life once told me 'nothing good comes easy,' and its true...life requires work...most people are just too lazy to work at it & are 1/2 assed...How can that be fulfilling?

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lovestar - you said it.. no one ever said life was easy.. everything requires work.

here are some quotes from various people:

"If men knew what women thought, they'd take more chances"

"All women require drama, if you dont give it to them, they will create it"

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can I just say Holy shit lovestar.... I couldn't agree with you more. Now if only everyone were willing to work on it, and put forth the effort the world would be a hell of a let more pleasant.

Preach on girl



AOL IM BouncyBy

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It's really easy to sit here now and talk about how everyone should just work harder to make relationships work. In the real world though, relationships (like people) are incredibly complicated. I don't think (most) women play ridiculous little games just to mess with guys' heads. I think, deep down, we're all just afraid - not just of a failed relationship, but also of a successful one. Each outcome brings with it its own difficulties, and ultimately that's what drives everyone into emotional hiding. I don't know what the answer is - vulnerability is a volatile thing that can't be summed up in a message board. But I think that fear is something that should reasonably be taken into consideration before we just write everyone off as lazy.


Nothing can be as savage as love...one taste is never enough...

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No one is calling anyone lazy, I guess some people are just a little bit more emotionally challenged then others. I would just say girls suck, but us guys couldn't live without em.

I agree with the fact that anything worth having is going to take a little work, but what do you do when you are willing to work on it, but the other person isn't? Or they act stubborn, bullheaded, tell you they care but don't show it? I want to know why women do this? I guess it's a mystery that us guys will wonder about until the end of time.



AOL IM BouncyBy

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