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What happened to the club scene of old?

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The other night I got together with some friends that I used to party with and as I looked around all I could ask is what happened to us. My answer was nothing happened to us, because we are all in search for that great party from the past that we miss so much. Half of the group have given up and won't venture out anymore. I find that all of a sudden we're bar people. This didn't used to be so. A couple years ago I could never be found in a bar, maybe I meet someone outside of one on the way to a club, but know the later is really entered.

My boy Liquid was reminiscing of the old days at USA, when the night was about the music. Where we never saw a glow stick and the doormen were actually picky. There were weird occassions of actually paying to get in and the price never exceed $10. Drink tickets were given out by the handful and the overall feeling was this was about the music and not the money. There used to be clubs that cared about getting good Dj's and setting the mood for a crowd of people who new about the music and came out to enjoy it.

After USA the Tunnel was the party, but the crowd started to change at that point. We'd only go on gay night just so we didn't have to deal with these new partiers. Crowded rooms became all to regular and that no problems no beef atmosphere was gone. At points I think someone should have jumped on the mike and scream out Rave is very dead. It came to the point that I would leave a club 20 mins after getting there and not caring that I just paid $20 to get in.

When JV started spinning at Systems on Wed. nights, we all felt like maybe it's not over after all. Yeah the crowd was very small but it was filled with true club heads. There could not have been a lot of money made by JV for those parties and our respect for him as a DJ was grew, but he soon fell off too.

To be in college, in PA, and have these beyond suburbians pumping Junior and heading off to the Tunnel and the Twilo, cut my ties to my old world and any hope of the scene turning around was lost.

We all tried to find salvation in lounges and underground parties, but they've been blown up with all those articles about star sightings. For 2 months last year I found a little happiness in the Sat party at Roxy's. Even though overpriced, Victor Claderone, made it worth it, but the Chelsea boy, though friendly, didn't cut it.

I'm probably the only one left that still holds out hope that a good party will emerge like way back when, but as time moves on I'll be joining you at the bar.


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Quote from UK Mixmag, May 2000, which I think is very appropriate for this post and several others I have read recently:

"...listening to the growing ranks of 30-something deep house obsessives you would think the world had somehow stopped in 1990. Welcome to the sorry world of Dad House....You've had your shot and, no matter how much you try and convince everyone that nothing will ever be as good as Tony Humphries at Shoom, what you mean is that nothing will ever be as good again for you. Rubbish. Get yourself a Fergie mix CD, head down to Insomniacz in Sheffield and open your mind. You'll never want to hear another bass guitar solo again."



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"My boy Liquid was reminiscing of the old days at USA, when the night was about the music. Where we never saw a glow stick and the doormen were actually picky"

If the night was about the music, why were the door people so picky and why were glowsticks an issue?


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Originally posted by johnb:

Quote from UK Mixmag, May 2000, which I think is very appropriate for this post and several others I have read recently:

"...listening to the growing ranks of 30-something deep house obsessives you would think the world had somehow stopped in 1990. Welcome to the sorry world of Dad House....You've had your shot and, no matter how much you try and convince everyone that nothing will ever be as good as Tony Humphries at Shoom, what you mean is that nothing will ever be as good again for you. Rubbish. Get yourself a Fergie mix CD, head down to Insomniacz in Sheffield and open your mind. You'll never want to hear another bass guitar solo again."


BULLSHIT! Forget about all the "trendy" euro crap and listen to some REAL home grown AMERICAN Dance music at Body n Soul. Your Fathers House???? YO! Most of the crowd is in their 20's. The problem is that the powers that be have marketed you guys to death to brainwash you into thinking all the crappy euro shit is actually music. Just a little FYI, it AIN'T! America is the home of MUSIC. Wheather it be Jazz, Soul, R&B and even Rock. But the real innovation here was and still is dance music. It's still around, it's sitll VERY musical and NO it is NOT imported.

The scene is dead because crappy DJ's that were just got into the scene think all the music is coming from the U.K. and you guys follow them like they were gods. Whatever.

The big club scene is dead. It is very commerical and overratted. Just thought you should know.



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Guest clubkid77

Its like this, people like what they grow up on so to speak... Nestor is an old school house fan, and he hates the "trendy" stuff comin out now. My father loves doo wap, and old rock and roll. Nothing later than like 1963. This argument about what is good and what is garbage applies to music as a whole, so its not going to be any diferent for a specifig genra. Nestor have you ever though that maybe older school "disco heads" think that the music you like is garbage? Its always gona be like this... You cant change the masses cuz the masses moved onto now. If you like older body & soul style house music thats cool go have fun with it, but dont expect every club in nyc to suddenly "wake up" and rediscover that they have been fooled by the euro sound....


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This may sound trite, but I BELIEVE you've got to "go with the flow". Music is always changing - you can't expect it to stay the same - that's the beauty of it. And I definitely don't believe you always prefer the music you grew up with - I grew up with the Beatles, for God's sake!! So, relax, and try to enjoy where you're at!




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Originally posted by Randy:

"My boy Liquid was reminiscing of the old days at USA, when the night was about the music. Where we never saw a glow stick and the doormen were actually picky"

If the night was about the music, why were the door people so picky and why were glowsticks an issue?

Picky door people,the reason it was better was because door people knew the heads that were there every week to party and eliminated,meatheads,tube top trendies,

and kept the party for the people they knew "Got It" as opposed to letting anyone

with cover charge money in the door. There is still a party for every different type of thing your into,but now money wins.Clubowners want EVERYONES 20$ they dont care about selecting positive hardcore music junkies to make the vibe great,too much about the room(lights,decor) not enough about the crowd.Somewhere Raving,and clubbing infused,badly..people think clubs are clubs so they come out decked out to a club expecting a primarily Social,pick up atmosphere and find people barely dressed talking very little and dancing very much they dont get the music(alot of them) but they think they got the idea.."You can get f***ed up til noon here??? Im stayin" Who and why different people go out causes the



[This message has been edited by voice (edited 05-24-2000).]

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I love the fact that the assumption is that I'm ana ncient person still trying to hold on to my glory days of the past. Eventhough I'm all of 23, I feel 30-something when I'm out lately because I'm surrounded by a bunch of kids or yuppies trying to play catchup.

Sorry but Dad House isn't sending me rushing to the door with my $20 held proudly over my head. If you got what I wrote you'd see that I was speaking about a time, not too long ago, when it was about the music, not the money. I'm not interested in hearing old house from the past, but there is a big difference between its creation and that of now. Any DJ can spin fluff, but only a few can actually make you feel the music, which makes you feel higher than any drug can reproduce. That's why old farts like me are heading underground b/c there are people actually creating, creative music, music you can feel, but DJ's can't get paid for that so they now pack up the bars. On any given weekend you can travel along the city and go from place to place and hear the exact same thing. The exact same way. With a bunch of people who don't have a clue to what they're listening to. It's just so cool to be in the club in the first place. And I'm sorry if you think that a doorman can't tell the difference between someone who gets it and who doesn't. I can see a glowstick weilder a mile away. I've yet to meet one who really gets it an is not out for the show.


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After reading your post I am going to have to say I am giving up on the clubs. No longer will PVD move me, I will now be moved by doing the 2-step and the hoe-down at the local hick bar. I'll introduce them to the glow-stick and try to incorporate a new style when listing to the shit kicking music. Does anyone want to skip Sasha and Digweed and do this instead? Goto the bar and get hammered and reminisce on your glory days, while the rest of us are enjoying the party that is going on today! Who's heading to Twilo on Friday?


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The reason I thought Dad House was appropriate was because you mentioned Jr Vasquez so many times, and when I hear his name Dad House is the first thing that comes to mind. I wasn't making any assumptions about your age. He is an example of a legend brilliant for his time who the world of music has passed by.




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I'm a lot older than you and most people on this board and I've seen the club scene change so much in my years of going out. I never understand why people knock the current scene, I think it's all good. I love change. Believe me, I still remember and love my freestyle and old house and I miss the days when being on a <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank">guest list</A> meant something. Now I totally love hard house and trance. Gotta admit I was annoyed that glowsticks came back into the scene because I'd been there, done that, but when I see how good people spin or how happy it makes them, I'm happy.

I'm not wishing for the clubs of old, even though they were great (1018, Emerald City, Palladium, Underground). That time has come and gone and it's time to move on. I love that I experienced it and I love what I'm experiencing now.


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I'm a lot older than you and most people on this board and I've seen the club scene change so much in my years of going out. I never understand why people knock the current scene, I think it's all good. I love change. Believe me, I still remember and love my freestyle and old house and I miss the days when being on a <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank">guest list</A> meant something. Now I totally love hard house and trance. Gotta admit I was annoyed that glowsticks came back into the scene because I'd been there, done that, but when I see how good people spin or how happy it makes them, I'm happy.

I'm not wishing for the clubs of old, even though they were great (1018, Emerald City, Palladium, Underground). That time has come and gone and it's time to move on. I love that I experienced it and I love what I'm experiencing now.


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