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Does anyone in here go to raves? what kind, where, why Do you believe in PLUR?

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I go to raves as often as possible. I've been to them in NY, NJ, Philly, Pitt., DC, Miami, and other spots in PA. Most of the one's in Philly were Local 13 raves. The rest are a combo. of production companies. I like the mega-raves, but prefer the medium size ones because it brings out the right crowd. With larger raves, it sometimes can become commercialized too much, i.e. Whistle 3, and brings out those just looking to get wasted and sit on the dance floor, or those looking to sell and be hard. For that reason, the smaller ones tend to be a little more underground (if there is such a thing anymore), and thus a better vibe. I believe in PLUR, but also believe that the term has become a bit of a cliche. Everyone says it, but how many mean it. And then there are those that take it a little bit too seriously, and make raving their lives. I mean don't get me wrong, I love clubbing and raving, but that in no way defines me as a person, nor do I let it control my life. And its those people that have given raving the bad connotation it has, both throughout the club world and society.

But to stop preaching, I love raves and the talent they bring. The vibes are unlike any other, and to look around and see 10,000 kids partying the asses off is awesome. I wish more clubbers that haven't experience a rave would try it so the can experience it themselves. I'm sure they would like it.


Keep it movin'!



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PLUR stands for Please Let Us Rave but a lot of people think it stands for Peace Love Unity Respect

They have the potential to have better vibes than clubs as they are supposed to be where anyone can come and be accepted, but a large number of insecure, drugged out teenagers have attracted a lot of thugs and more cracked out kids. Ravers are cliquish and bigger conformists than any of the hoochies and guidos out there. I would avoid anything that is an all ages event and has a large multicolor flier. Ultraworld throw tight jams, even at 4000 and 10000 capacity. I am a raver at heart, but feel safer in clubs and feel that the right clubs have much better music because the djs actually have talent isntead of a lot of political skills. Too many rave djs get booked because they booked someone else for their party.

Most raves sucks and most ravers suck, but finding the quality ones makes all the effort.

Most people who say they are full of little kids were probably the same little kids a few years ago. The scene embraces youthful energy.



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Randy, I hope you're kidding about the meaning of PLUR. And how the hell are ravers conformists? And you have to be kidding me about the dj's. I love club dj's, but you can't really compare the two. Most of the huge club dj's, maybe not from NY, but around the world play raves. The rest play their style of music, and usually limit themselves to the same sound. Rave dj's come from such a huge spectrum of genres and are forever changing the musical presentations. For you to say they have no talent is not only uneducated, but is a knock to electronic music as a whole. The scene was created by them, so how in the world are they crap? I think you may need to re-think your "raver at heart" comment, b/c it sure doesn't sound like that to me.


Keep it movin'!



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oh no, the infamous raves vs. clubs debate is about to begin! there are so many pros and cons for each type of event, but it's all about just enjoying yourself and your time wherever you are. no doubt, the atmosphere helps in creating a better environment for you to enjoy yourself, but if the music is hot, you're with people you like to spend time with, then it's all good. god, that almost seems like such a philosphical way to look at things (but not, i know, j/k).

anyway, i do hit raves. i try to hit as many raves/clubs while i am home at NyC. i go to school in MA, and it's really interesting to see the different dynamics--- the rave scene rules in New England, but i gotta say. the clubs are the SHIT in NyC.

adidas, what raves have you hit up here in NyC lately? i went to this rave during memorial day weekend at flushing meadow, i enjoyed BM2K, and i've been to small raves in b/t those 2 events.

plur-- like many other theories in life-- looks good on paper and in thought, but it's really up to each person to look within themselves to see if they could say they represent plur. make sense? so i think a lot of people kid themselves by being plur this and plur that, and don't even really know what it means.

well that's my really heavy long 2 cents.

laters.. ahh! the weekend is almost here.



*turn it around baby*

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Cholo, sarcasm, learn it. Most ravers that say plur just say that cuz they are either high or need you to be their friend for something.

Ravers are generally conformists. They were the same clothes and dance the same. Go to a party and count how many people wearing ufo's. Those pants cost 60 bucks. I know they are supposed ot be comfortable, but the straps? And then the knock off's w/ the straps? For a group of people that is supposed ot be unique and full of expression, everyone looks the same.

The music is comparable. Music is universal. Raves are supposed ot be a bit more "high energy" so I understand faster music and whatnot, but the music being played still sucks. Now, when I say raves, I am only referring to the NYC area. Club DJs of europe play raves, yes, but most of hte popular nyc djs suck too. Either that or they play too long for raves. By that I mean that the most common set at a nyc rave is an hour, which most club jocks won't waste their time with. An hour is an insult to the dj and to teh crowd. If you think otherwise you need to reexamine what it means to take a crowd on a journey.

I'm not saying that all rave djs suck, just most of the ones that play nyc events. Listen to the rhythms, they are boring. The genres have so much better music to offer but only the cheesiest gets played. It is ignorant of you to try t oassume what my musical background is when I state that otehrs suck. I could havea degree in music composition but poor language skills, ya dig?

Yes, I am a raver at heart. I love the youthfulness and free spirit that raves can offer. Unique settings for parties. More diverse crowds. However, the msuc comes first to me, and most raves are lacking on the music. Starscape will be an exception as Ultraworld books good djs. I've got a warehouse I'm eyeballing waiting to throw a true, proper rave in there. Warehouse party, hmm, that sound rootsy enough?

Before putting me down I want you to open your eyes and ears a lil bit more first. The scen is not all that. I jsut see how it could be and thats what keeps me in.


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Personally I like the club scene better than the rave scene, possibly cause I'm 21 and generally like to party with a crowd that is at least over 19, and I like the vibe and setups at clubs better. I'm not familiar with raves, but many of my old school raver friends has told me the rave scene has changed alot over the past 10 years and it today it just isnt like the good ol days. At clubs I know what I'm getting, and people go for the music. With all the recent hype rave has been getting in movies and tv its attracted the outside wannabe crowd who go just to claim they have been to a "rave", or just cause E is popular now and they want to be rebellous, I think movies like Go and stupid 60 minute news specials (who are completely clueless) on raves have fueled interest in people who would otherwise not be part of the scene, who just go to be all big and bad and not cause they are into it or the music. Clubs are somewhat different, people into the music go for the dj generally and not for the hype, though recently twilo has been getting a little overhyped. I've met people who were into heavy metal and now want to be ravers cause they saw the movie Go, I think thats cheesy and being wannabe. Today the word "rave" is used in so many contexts that it has no meaning anymore, now when someone says they go to "raves" I have now way of telling if they are into commercial dance or underground house, trance, or whatever its like some people just go out and buy some dumb generic cd titled "Ultimate Rave" or something without having any clue of the tracks, and all of a sudden they are a raver, thats sad. I dont consider myself a raver and I wouldnt want to, I hate this mentality that ravers have that if you dont rave then you're commercial, fine, I'm a clubber who is into trance and deep and hard house and if thats being commercial than fine by me. I Agree with the person who said there are too many people who define their lives around raves and clubs, clubbing and raves are a great part of life, but if thats the only thing that defines someone then I dont think that person has any personality, the same goes for people who ONLY listen to rave and club music and arent open to any other style. "PLUR" is kind of a fake statement and people say it cause they're high or wanna look "be down", its like how the words "keep it real" led to the death of REAL hiphop.


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Randy, I was only commenting on your comments. If you don't want people to critique you, you should watch the words you use, i.e. suck, etc... The rave scene in NY is very different from the rave scene in the rest of the US. Because people in other areas don't have the clubs that NY has, raves are their only option. Therefor, the quality of them tends to be a lot better. That's the standpoint I'm coming from. Maybe one day they'll be something really phat and we'll go to it, and maybe then you'll know where I'm coming from. Just don't give up on the rave scene just so soon, it does have a lot to offer.


Keep it movin'!



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Give up? Where did I say I was gonna give up? Every other month I try to organize a small house party. I go to all the freebie events, from teh warehouse party in queens after whistle, to a park jam in flushing or jersey, jsut to experience a lil osmething different. Like I said, I'm in the process of trying to secure a legit warehouse so underground parties can be thrown w/o the threat of being busted for trespasing. I buy music! That is something that most ravers do not. Music is the fundamentl core of the scene yet most ravers don't support any of the artists, jsut an occasional bootleg tape. Promo tapes are fine, selling them is illegal.

As for ny having such a developed club scene, look at most urban areas, they all have something developed. Miami, Boston, Philly, DC, SF, Chicago, Detroit, etc. The diff w/ the scene here is that everyone thinks they are the shit cuz they are from ny. NYC is great, but whenI graduate I may jsut move back to california. People are more relaxed, more chill there. Desert parties! Warehouses galore and everyne has a car to get to where it is cuz they have to haveacar t oget anywhere in cali.

I'm 21 if it means anything. I have nothing wrong wit hyoung peple attending parties as a ton of clubbers got their start when they wher underage. My beef is with the way overdone kids and the thugs present to prey on them. Thats what really makes the nyc scene so crappy. Raise the admission to 18+ and make all the sets at least 2 hours and the problems will prob go away


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I think you have a very valid point about the thugs, but in my experience, that is a urban thing. I've only really seen it in NY and Philly, maybe even Chicago, but most other areas don't have that as much. Given some punks will always turn up, but if the rest of the crowd is right, they tend to get weeded out. I'm 24, and sometimes the age thing gets me. I understand why raves were created in the first place, and therefor can't really say there should be a limit on age. But then again, the crowds have been getting younger and younger, even to the point where I think I see 13 and 14 yr. old kids. Now that's too much. If the youngest age was about 16-17, then that would be fine. But if its younger, then I agree with you 100%. I think that's why I like Nation in DC so much. Its a club that has a basic rave every Friday, and the age limit is 19+. That is always a good time.

And I know exactly what you mean about cali. The vibe is so different, and the raves out there are the bomb. No real comparison with NY, just two totally different kind of scenes. Hopefully we'll get there some day...


Keep it movin'!



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God dude i take it you hate ravers... ever been to a rave how many ravers have you met....

all the ones i know are friendly great lovabale people smile.gif

Originally posted by Randy:

PLUR stands for Please Let Us Rave but a lot of people think it stands for Peace Love Unity Respect

They have the potential to have better vibes than clubs as they are supposed to be where anyone can come and be accepted, but a large number of insecure, drugged out teenagers have attracted a lot of thugs and more cracked out kids. Ravers are cliquish and bigger conformists than any of the hoochies and guidos out there. I would avoid anything that is an all ages event and has a large multicolor flier. Ultraworld throw tight jams, even at 4000 and 10000 capacity. I am a raver at heart, but feel safer in clubs and feel that the right clubs have much better music because the djs actually have talent isntead of a lot of political skills. Too many rave djs get booked because they booked someone else for their party.

Most raves sucks and most ravers suck, but finding the quality ones makes all the effort.

Most people who say they are full of little kids were probably the same little kids a few years ago. The scene embraces youthful energy.



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Randy made some good points, a lot of what he said is true...and as always right now nyc's scene can't compare to a lot of others...

Can't wait for Groove!!


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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Hey Whats up all :0

I donno PLUR randy stands for Peave Love Unity and Respect......Thats what i know anyways........

I like raves with 18 and up peeps...

I went to "I HAVE A DREAM 2000" ...it was all ages way too crowded but the music was good, this was at Club Amazura. I also went to Reeespect which was at the Roxy it was on a wed night so less peeps and it was 18 and up and mostly college kids were there.

Kind - a rave thrown by cousins LI at the lime light was awesome .... they are throwing one 22nd of june called Summer Daze

it should be good to

I think a lot of people are clubers and go to raves... what is a real raver anyways?

I like going to clubs and raves each has a different atmosophere.

The best rave i went to was at the Roxy cause you got to meet people. The venue is pretty cool as well.

I went to a few raves at the tunnel theyre fun... mostly the music and the style of dancing is the funnest part of ravin... what do ya thinkg?


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  • 2 weeks later...


When clubs say it's a rave, it's a bunch of shit. It's just another night at the club, except their trying to pull in a new crowd, or a young crowd or whatever. I just don't think that people should consider it a rave. It's still Limelight, roxy, exit or whatever.


BAC up + BAC down + BAC all around.

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Just a reminder of the meaning of PLUR:

PLUR - Spirit of Raving archive (click on the link)

I'm a raver at heart (but I'm also a Goth at heart or a Punk at heart). I discovered Dance music thru rave parties, 7-8 years ago in France. At first I wasn't going over there because of the music (when I wanted the music, I was going to rock or industrial music concerts -sober-), it was because of the feeling of unity, meeting other people and the drugs.

I loved to dance on pounding beat in potatoes field, warehouses, factories, places which were not necessary meant to make a dance party. When I got into the rave scene it was already dieing. On one side you had the big events with thousand of djs and big glossy colours flyers, on the other side you had unnalowed parties in junkyard with a few unknown djs playing almost only hard Detroit techno and Hardcore. I must say that I prefer the unallowed ones but some of the big ones were incredible (I discovered the Masters at Work with 10000 other people in one of these big raves.)

When I hear about raves in clubs, I wonder: "but what are they talking about?", I've been to a few of them but I got bored. A few Techno parties thrown by Tru Skull, Deep Unda Brooklyn or a party at the Frying Pan (a boat on the Pier ion Chelsea) had a little bit the feeling of those raves I was going too.

I love Detroit Techno, Hardcore and all the sound I used to hear in the old days raves.

Now I prefer clubbing because now I prefer deep house or Drum&Bass and the feeling of Plur is in those clubs where you hear Deep House or Drum&Bass (now if I could hear those musics in the same clubs smile.gif ... Dance-Ritual, Destiny, Body&Soul, TwelveWest, Shelter, Direct-Drive, Physics, Prohibeated Beatz etc...)

If there is any good rave in a warehouse or a patatoes field soon, I'm all for it.


Joël S.

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AWWWWW . . . and I thought P.L.U.R. meant . . . Pretty Little Underaged Raver!! hehehe. wink.gif

I have to agree with Kitty19. Rave or Club . . . it depends on who you're with and how you make of it.

One of my best memories are at Twilo on a PVD night. Great vibe, music and I met my bf there. But then again Starscape in Balitimore was the shit too!! Had the best time of my life. You really can't compare a club to a rave . . . it just can't be done. It's two very different thing. However, whether you're in a club or at a rave . . . the "good times" start with you.

I don't understand other ravers who complain about clubs (i.e. too crowded and rude bouncers) . . . just block them out. You're there for the music, enjoy it. Then I don't understand clubbers who trash raves(i.e. underaged drug users, bad djs') cause you see them in clubs too.

It's true that P.L.U.R. may be just all bullshit, but it's a nice thought, right? Just leave it and let it be.



Music is the language of souls . . .

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the music at kind mostly sucked ass. Of course if simple rhytms impress you and your on a few pills, it might sound good.

Most ravers may seem like very lovable people at parties when they are high.

Starscape was what a rave is all about

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Sorry, one more thing!!

I have to agree with what Randy said about the urban underaged ravers ruining it for the rest of us. It's true that the whole rave thing has caught way too much media attention because of too many urban white kiddie ravers doing way too much drugs. Hence the sudden attention of the government as well, which will in the long run ruin it for all ravers across the country.

Like I said, I went to Starscape and there was "NO DEATH" or any paramedic around. Nobody so drugged up that they were passed out in the middle of the road . . . although I did see a naked girl running around but that doesn't count! wink.gif



Music is the language of souls . . .

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Raves are no fun anymore.. All the kids are shady thugs, and need to get smacked.. The rest of the place is a bunch of dusted, mangled kids that think they have no limit on how many drugs they take.. I use to go to a lot of raves, but now I cant seem to find a good one.. They either get shut down, or have 40 people cause the tix are $50.. Only raves worth going to are the Roseland parties.. Too bad Roseland is getting shut down, now NY will have no more good parties.. I think as people grow up, they grow out of the rave scene.. A lot of people started off going to raves before clubs, but then you grow up.. I'm not saying all people grow out of it, but a majority of the people do.. You dont see that many 21+ year old people at raves..


F U...

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