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Meathead Invasion!

Guest danmoro

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Guest danmoro

Did anyone notice the meathead invasion at Twilo this past Friday. It looked like Temps ran a big bus trip to Twilo. I actually witnessed a couple of meatheads with swinging jaws drinking Carbo-Fuels on the dance floor. I was laughing my ass off.

Is anyone up for taking a collection to get SoundFactory a better soundsystem and some better DJ's on Fridays so they don't start invading Twilo?



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I dunno man, I got in Twilo around 4:30 and the crowd wasn't as bad as the last SnD party. Sure there were a few juice heads but most of the peeps were kewl (or maybe it was just my roll smile.gif. Seriously though, I agree that meatheadz can mess up the vibe but I just thought that most of the people at Twilo were pretty chill...

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Oh yes they were out in full force Friday night and I love the fact that they have to take their shirts off and show off them beautiful big red zits on their back. Guys, girls like men who are cut up, not monsters that look like they are filled with water. I'm sure these guys are working out right now waiting to hit their next event to show off. We are laughing at you, not admiring you. Give me a guy who can dance and talk deep. Your muscles will go away, you can't juice forever!

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I dunno, WAS there a lot of meatheads there?? I was in the VIP room all night and when we came downstairs around 6:30 . . . the crowd was very kewl. But then again, usually by that time . . . it's only real PVD headz in there.



"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write,

but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."

By Alvin Toffler.

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I saw them guys you were talking about. They were near the old DJ booth drinking that crazy shit. I hope these meatheads feel out of place in Twilo and go back to Temps, Exit or SF. I'm all for banning meatheads and kicking out people with thier head in thier lap all wacked out. There is no need for people to be in that shape in a club (go to tunnel), especially when there is a couple of hundred/thousand people in line outside. when i see this I wonder why the fuck security doesn't kick them out. I saw one kid leaning against a pole with his head facing the ground...what a waste of space!!!!! I love to roll but give me a break, if you need to get that wacked stay in your basement.

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Guest danmoro

Originally posted by boredofhouse:

I think they should start steroid testing at the door. Like you have steroids in your system, you automatically get send to Exit.

That's a great idea. I'm not one who cares about people's looks, but these meatheads aren't there for the music. They are there to try to pick-up chicks. It's actually kind of funny.



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An asshole is an asshole whether he is a skinny rail or a huge beef. True, steriods increase a BAD temper; however that's not always the case. Its not about "keeping meatheads out" its about just staying away from ASSSHOLES period. There area always going to be clueless people in clubs; it hasn't been since the mid 90's that you had certain clubs/parties where there were virtually none. Perfect example was ARENA - half the chelesa boys were on roids and yet the vibe was so beautiful, unified, family-like and just insanely loving.

Personally I find the annoying ones to be either the tourists who cant speak english, or button down straightedge dorks who just KNOW they arent (my) or whatever girl's type and STILL insist on rubbing up against her from the back and dancing (horribly!) even after they keep moving away. EWWWWWW!!!

lol smile.gif



--=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--

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I must agree that there were a bunch of those guys at twilo on friday. It really doesn't bother me who shows up as long as they're into the music and don't act like fools/asses, but, being a female, i had a couple of these guys hitting on me. I even had one guy just put his head on my shoulders from behind; it totally scared me b/c I wasn't expecting someone to do that, and because I had no idea who he was. They need to kick that testosterone down a notch.

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I must agree that there were a bunch of those guys at twilo on friday. It really doesn't bother me who shows up as long as they're into the music and don't act like fools/asses, but, being a female, i had a couple of these guys hitting on me. I even had one guy just put his head on my shoulders from behind; it totally scared me b/c I wasn't expecting someone to do that, and because I had no idea who he was. They need to kick that testosterone down a notch

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in regards to twilo, i went there for carl cox and i just noticed a lot of "preppy" dressed kids- the girls were all wearing matching steve madden black slides, khaki skirt, and a black halter. the boys in matching cargo khakis, doc martin shoes, and a buttoned down oxford shirt. what's the deal?!

i like diversity. and when these same kids, who probably came to twilo b/c they heard it was cool, are giving real clubbers, ravers, househeads, dirty looks? come on. rolleyes.gif

that was probably my one complaint of that night. sorry, just needed to throw it out there.



*turn it around baby*

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hey kitty19, I was there for Carl Cox...I thought the vibe was very good (better than PvD)but there WERE many people dressed up. I had on khaki cargos, and a black tank-top thing (not exactly dressy looking) - but then that came off after I started rolling hard!

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I see nothing wrong with Khaki Cargo pants. I don't find them repulsive, I actually think they look comfortable. I laugh when I see people dressed in clothes that you can tell they are not comfortable with. I saw a few people who were wearing UFO's and checking themselves out in the mirrors to make sure they looked ok, or at least that's how it seemed to me. Be yourself at the club, regardless if you're a prep or not. As long as you enjoy the music and are not a menace to the crowd, then Enjoy. Keep the juiceheads out though!

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Guest danmoro

who gives a fuck what kind of pants someone has on? How does that affect the vibe of a party? I wasn't trying to make that big of a deal about what the meatheads looked like. It's the hard-ass, pushy attitude that they come in with that bothers me. They probably didn't even know who PVD was!



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There a bunch off assholes. everytime your dancing and someone slams into your back you can look up and 9 of 10 times it's a big ugly sweaty meat fucken head. they either still do not know how to walk through crowded places or they just get off bumping into people hard, my guess is the latter.

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