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Age vs. Mentality

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Alright people, I'm looking to get some feedback on the current mentality on age. (plus I'm really bored right now)

So, how old are you? How old is too old/young? and why....I mean really, why?

I think this could get interesting if people throw out the real deal, plus....all ya'll with age hang-ups can identify the people in your range.

Keep the faith and your feet moving....


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Hey, I'm 25 (almost 26), and I've only been in the scene about a year. I don't think that any age is too old to party...as long as you have fun, enjoy the music and contribute to the vibe all's cool! However, I'm just a little against really young kids going to raves and doing stuff (I mean I sometimes see 13, 14 year olds all fuckd up on drugs). At that age your body's still developing...do drugs then and you're fuckd for life. How about 18 as a minimum age?

My $.02...

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Maybe thats why 18 IS the minimum age most places....though most get around it, im 18...and since i started so early, i guess all i will say is that, if you do it for the music, you cant be too young....those were my reasons around 15 or 16 anyway....it wasnt too long ago that it wasnt ONLY about drugs...

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I'm 26 and been in the rave scene off and on since I was 20 (well the rave scene and the club scene pretty much both take place in clubs these days with all the old underground DJ's spinning at megaclubs....doesn't mean I don't still go hear 'em though). I do feel like I'm way over some things... like glowsticking and sharing your lollipop with EVERYONE and sitting on the floor...however I have never much gone in for the trendy tight-clothing crowd either.... just don't really belong to any one corner of "the scene" anymore. Oh I dunno. I guess I'm a bit of an "age-ist" because I want to hang out with people I identify with. But that doesn't mean I'd totally exclude a 19-year old who was inhabiting the same mental zone as I do. I never was in it for the drugs, but I sure did enjoy them. Still do on occasion, though not nearly as much. You know it is never the same as your first 10-15 times, I htink someone said that already on this board somewhere. I'm also keenly aware of how the vibe has changed since I got started. Or maybe it's me that's changed... well you can't stop progress. I guess I'm a lot more mellow about it now...still LOVE the music...still LOVE to dance like a maniac....but I have a job and I'm pursuing a career and all that too. I think I try to balance everything. And I do think it's possible.

Well that kind of went absolutely nowhere.

Oh well, I tried.

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I'm 18 and I just started getting more into the club scene recently. I really dont care about how old people are who go to the clubs but I do think if you are under 17 or 18 you shouldnt be going to clubs....clubs were not designed for children of 13 and 14 years old. They should go to concerts or something not go to clubs getting drunk and all sorts of high. I never even thought of going to clubs when I was that young. The owners should start paying more attention to matters like that. As for the 27 year old dating the 14 year old....I do hope you are joking because that is soooo freaking against the law..... eek.gif

I've kind of been hanging with this 30 year old dude lately..heh...but I'm not breaking any laws.... biggrin.gif



~*A friend in needs a friend indeed a friend with weed (or E) is better*~

[This message has been edited by Calyandra (edited 07-25-2000).]

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I'm 31 and I still large it at the weekends... it really just all gets better and better (although the hangovers take longer and longer to get over....) best is the look on 20 year old guys faces when they've just invested 20 minutes chatting you up then you tell them how old you are. biggrin.gif

or am I just a sad old cow who should be married with kids, just desperately trying to mis-spend my youth all over again????

stay at home with the knitting? I don't think so....

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I'm 19 almost 20 and I've been in the scene for 3 years...and wow has it changed in the short amount of time that i've been around for it


For the "Absent Minded" guestlists at Exit, Aria, or Tunnel,

email me (IrvGrampa@aol.com) or call me @ 914-912-9518

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Hey all

I'm 28 and I've been clubbing since I was 16. I party harder and more now than I did when I was 16. I don't plan on stopping anytime soon either. My clubbing buddy is 31 and she too does not see the end of her clubbing days arriving anytime soon. We both love the scene, the music and the great vibe. It's sooo weird tho, because most people our age are married with children. We can't even imagine having that life at this point in time!!

I have to say tho, that we do avoid clubs that are 18 to party, because you know that there are going to be 16 y.o. in there and we don't like to party with the youngins.

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32 y/o and feel uncomfortable sometimes seeing so many YOUNG faces and thinkin its there time now, you had your time 10 years ago. But then that beat hits me and Im 19 again.Most kids i s/w at clubs just say no biggie age is just a #

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27 and still a rock star. I don't mind hanging with the 21 and under crowd as long as the music and the space is right. I definetly don't like the candyflipers passing out on the floor. If you party right no need to label. If you party like a kid I'm going to treat you like one.

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26 and havin the time of my life. It could definitely use a little more play than work but I'm not slowing down anytime soon. I'll have to agree w/several other's here. Teenage crack-heads are not for me but teenage music lovers w/respect for those around them are more than welcome. Recently, it's definitely become more about the music for me (although I still enjoy other aspects of the party every now and then too) and it just seems like the younger crowd is in it solely for the 'treats'... biggrin.gif

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i've been going clubbing since 93 and times have definitely changed.back then to get into a club it wasn't about your age it was your appearance and attitude.the clubs were packed with people out to have fun. what i don't understand is the older crowd now glorifies those days but then complains about young people in clubs.(does anyone understand what i'm saying). anyways i don't care how old but maybe too young can be hazardous to your health. as long as your out to have fun and party i respect all in a club.

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I'm 27 and have been doing this since about '91. I have noticed the change, especially being out of the area from '96 to now. Detroit has a very different scene. Slowly getting back into the scene over the past couple of months has been an interesting experience.

Alcohol is my drug of choice. The Man does not mind so much if that is in the cup, but does get tweaked if other things are there. The job is almost too good to give up.


Corporate Tool

North Jersey

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22, 23 next month. Started dj'ing house parties at 17.

I totally agree that the 18 should be enforced harder. I know it's difficult to do, but these kids are screwing their lives by starting so young. They haven't had a chance to know about anything else, yet.

I never touched a drug until earlier this year (short of drinks and Marlboro), and I never felt the need to. I've recently been doing E, though, but I don't need it to enjoy my experience.



We are the music makers,

and we are the dreamers of dreams.


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What up. Im 25, been clubbing since 17. First club I went to was Limelight then USA. Been to Palladium, Nasa, Robots, and everything that still exists. Still havent been to Exit though, cant stand Cheetos.

I dont club too much anymore, usually once a month, Im semi retired. I keep up with the music though.

remember people you CAN be too OLD!!!!

You dont want to be that guy, you know, the old white top walking around the club wiht the look of a stalker. Dont be that guy!!!

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Guest christie

Hey there

Im 25 almost 26 in NYC.

i dropped out of the clubscene for a few years, got married .... etc...etc...

but now im back!! and just in time..... ive never had more fun!!!

Never did the after-hours thing years back and am loving it!

Factory, Twilo!!!

Exit was wayyyy too young for me though on a Friday night! I swear average age was 16-18!

Ive partied with 20 year olds and with people in their 30's in the factory.... all is good all long as everyone has a good time!

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Im 19 ... i've only been on the club scene for alittle over a year .. i was a bar man befor that ... i feel as tho right now all these clubs have turned in to high school dances .. cause thats all i see .. i've been to exit and twilo and limelight and seen all little inmature KIDS ... websterhall was the only place i've been to were the age to get in was inforced ... ... now dont get me wrong .. most of the clubs out there are great clubs if your looking for music ... but i just dont like to go to clubs and have little kids bouncing all around me ... thats not what i paid $25 for ... i feel as tho by time i hit 21 my club life will be over ... the way these places are turning out now ... i cant see my self being there when im 21 ... keep on truckin ........

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