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Depression after you roll?

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Does anyone else feel down after rolling? I must have had some really good stuff, because I am so down and it's Thursday. I'm also sick from standing outside in the rain Friday night. Just thought I'd share that.

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I totally feel you Jenny. I was depressed for 3 days after my roll....I had the weirdest mood swings ever...from complete bitch to laughing hyena....LoL biggrin.gif

Its all part of the experience...I cant wait until tomorrow so I can do it again... wink.gif


Virgo Gues+list

Exit Fridays



~*A friend in needs a friend indeed a friend with weed (or E) is better*~

[This message has been edited by Calyandra (edited 07-27-2000).]

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get some 5-htp. also the more speed in your pill the more depressed you'll be and for longer. if its straight up mdma, 100 mg of 5-htp will not only give you a secondary roll for an hour or 2 after you take it, but will kill the blues, and keep your seratonin system somewhat healthy. everyone out there that rolls should take 5htp after. i actually bring them to the club with me and eat them once i'm finished rollin. again, they will only help you if the pills are mdma, mda, mdea and meth are other stories, and the downs with them are much worse. hope this helps.


deez nuts

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I feel that sometimes. I usually sleep it off...well...I actually I slept for two days straight. When I woke up I had no clue what day of the week it was. sleep.gif


Are you feeling it???


[This message has been edited by shadowchaser (edited 07-27-2000).]

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Any one get really strange dreams (nightmares) a day sometimes more after rolling. My dreams 2 days later are so intense is scary sometimes



Saci Fri, Joe's Pub Sat.


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5-HTP for sure...and if you roll often (every weekend, every two weeks) its good to pre-load with about 100-200mg say an hour before you drop. Definitely take about the same after you roll. 5-HTP helps rebuild your serotonin levels.

I usually get really vivid dreams when I try to sleep after rolling...just part of the visuals I guess. Another thing..if I try to sleep while I'm somewhat rolling, I get weird visuals and then suddenly just JERK violently awake!

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Don't worry Jenny, I totally know what you're going through!!! Even though its been a while since I've actually had a good roll, I can remember when I did, coming down and even for a few days after that, I was sooooo depressed.

I used to have mood swings, cry, it was like I wasn't enthused about anything at all!!! It was horrible! Even now, my boyfriend who gets much better rolls than I do (I don;t know why) he gets extrememly depressed and starts to think about bad things!! I get really scared when that happens too. I love doin E but thats the only bad part.

But, anyway don't worry, be happy, and almost everyone who's done e know's what its like. smile.gif





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jenny, it's normal to feel down for a couple of days after . . . the depletion of the serotonin in your brain will do that to you. Like Pooh said, 5HTP will definately help in that area. Also, right after you get home from clubbing you should take some antioxidant. It will clean your system out of what ever bad shit is left in you. Just remember 5HTP and antioxidant! biggrin.gif

flava, another side effects of E are nightmares. There are always prices to pay when you're having fun. Solution . . . just gotta learn to deal with it. tongue.gif




"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write,

but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."

By Alvin Toffler.

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that really interesting what you said about sleeping while on e cause that's happened to me a couple of times as well. the few times that i was sleeping and rolling hard, i'd wake up by my body sort of jerking and end up jumping out of my seat and standing in the middle of the vip room in twilo thinking, "where the fuck am i ?!? oh yeah, twilo."


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I have strange dreams after I roll as well, usually it's the events from the night before replayed in my head but all distorted & crazy, I also get sick cramps in my calves, not sure if it's from dancing for hours or from the pills.

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Droppin science -

5-HTP can be purchased at your local vitamin store. 5-HTP is natural typtophan and when ingested, gets converted into 5-HT (serotonin) within your brain. Serotonin is the major neurotransmitter which gets secreted from your noggin during the "roll-effect". MDMA makes it's way into the brain causing a massive release of serotonin into the synapses of the brain, flooding the "pleasure" 5-HT receptors. Overuse of MDMA can damage the receptors due to their overstimulation, resulting in mild forms of clinical depression.

Serotonin is also involved in regulating sleep patterns and the nightmares associated with the comedown are due to the abnormally low levels of serotonin. Due to the low levels of serotonin, your brain has a wee bit trouble keeping you into the deep stages of REM, which are associated with dreaming. Because you drift in and out of this sleeping phase more abnormally, you have a tendency to remember your dreams. Think of it as "waking up" more during your dreams. I find it quite fascinating, but then again, I get off on hallucinations smile.gif

Anitoxidants such as Vitamin E, Vitamin A, and Vitamin B-complex can aide in the fight of the toxicities associated with rolling. Alpa lipoic acid has also been shown to reduce the toxic effects and can be added to the post-load. 5-HTP will not extend your roll, but will only help in aiding your brain replenish the low serotonin levels back to baseline.

Your brain needs at least 2-3 weeks to get back to this baseline level, so moderation is the key. YOUR FUCKING YOUR BRAIN UP MAJORLY BY ROLLING WEEK IN AND WEEK OUT, nevermind putting a huge dent into your bank account. All the while, your increasing your tolerance, causing you the need to eat more and more of those beans.

Think of your brain as a car and serotonin as the gas. You will not cruise anymore "happier" (ie. roll harder), no matter how many more times your step on the gas (ie. eat more pills), if your car doesn't have gas(ie serotonin) to go. Make sense?

Eat a diet low in fat (to increase antioxidant absorption), low in protein and high in essential vitamins (fruit, veggies, etc) to combat side-effects.

Keep your pill count low to combat tolerance and follow the above guidelines, and you'll have a nice and happy rolling career.

Take a month off in-between, but continue to get your weekly intake of beats - they will never harm you wink.gif!

Oh, and one more thing - listen to Orbital any chance you get and dance like a motherfucker smile.gif


Sinthetik (bluelighter)

[This message has been edited by sinthetik (edited 07-27-2000).]

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We'll definitely get together, I don't think we're going back to Factory until after Labor day but if you guys wanna check out the Jersey shore, drop me a line & I'll set something up. Talk to you soon, take care.

Still Blinking.. biggrin.gif

P.S. Those things were a hit over in Jersey, everyone wanted to borrow them. smile.gif

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