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While on X i.........

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Well, I have to say one of the wierdest xperiences I've had while rolling was..

this past Sat. I was at Tunnel, I think I was on my 2nd pill, well I went to go upstairs to the bathroom, I went sat on the seat, all of a sudden I went into my own little world and I thought that there were people in there talkin to me in the stall (the wierder part was that I was actually talkin back to em). I don't no how long I was there but all of a sudden I look up and the bathroom stall was wide open!! (that was pretty embarassing!!) So all these people were staring at me wonderin who I was talkin to!!

Thats like the second time its happened where I actually hear voices and people talkin to me.

Has this ever happened to anyone or am I the only one???





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No no no - I know exactly what you're sayin' . . . my exboyfriend and you used to take entirely too much E - to the point that he and i would be having conversations with other 'people' and totally thinking we were doing other things -

a couple examples -

we're laying on the floor in our own little worlds and my ex sits up and he goes, 'you know what this room really needs? a rearview mirror!" you try to explain that one. he had no clue until like five minutes later, he was like 'what did i just talk about?'

i'm sitting on the couch and for some reason, i am convinced that i'm drinking out of a straw. when i came back to reality, i had my hands in the position of holding a straw and a cup to my mouth, much to the surprise of my ex . .. cause i had apparently offered him a sip in my lil world.

we were also driving home one night at about three or four in the morning, down a dark and slightly curvy road - and all of a sudden i saw people - i was like, "hey, watch out so you don't hit those people!!" he slowed down while shaking his head . . and replied, "Bran, what people? Those are deer!" I closed my eyes for a second, and when i opened them again, there was open road. people? nope. deer. nope. Both of us, cracked out? ab so lutely.


"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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One time i popped 3 Mitsubishis at the same time and I was seeing people's auroas. Same night, I sat down and just stared at the lights and I thought i was in the Matrix. This other time was my last roll for a looooong time... I took two pills that were laced with acid and I saw Smurfs. No lie tongue.gif


Are you feeling it???


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I remember when ufo's were around and I took quite a few at the factory. We were upstairs and I was looking over the stairs and I could have sworn I saw this girl standing next to a pair of overalls and two seconds later a blow up doll blew up inside of them. I kept saying to my friend..look!!!! some girl brought a blow up doll to the factory!!!! she just started laughing at me..then when I looked again, some guy was standing next to her..I was like DAMN IT! I hate when that happens. But it was funny as hell! biggrin.gif

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I love that feeling where everything is whizzing by you but time is going soooo slow. i also love how you can see strange and wondrous things and people,...the only thing that sucks si being the only one on e while everyone else is drunk and laughs at you....

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I can remember being all cracked out @ like 8-9am ...chilling outside the Tunnel waiting to sober up ...fucking w/ the hotdog guys ... and it was the funniest thing seeing all the DragQueens stumble out the front doors and up street ..all torn and tattered looking with their 5 o'clock shadows on their faces and chest ... Ah! The good ol days where the women were women, and men were women also rolleyes.gif

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When I popped some X last weekend I was having tremors like noones business..LoL...My friend was going to cry because she was rolling and thought I was dying or developed tourettes...heh....nothing terribly crazy but slightly amusing.. rolleyes.gif



~*A friend in needs a friend indeed a friend with weed (or E) is better*~

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i remember it was this past fri at twilo with pvd. i was sitting for 2 hours bc i couldn't move, guess it was the pill. then i would be there with my girl and out of nowhere i would say random shit like, i had to check email and she would be like what? then i would say i have no idea what i just said. i really didn't know why i said stuff, i think that's the first time i have not really known what the hell was going on. normally im in control and talk a lot, but this time i just talked without even realizing it. scary.. i guess.


dancin to my own beat

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You guys need to take a look at your life and realize these drugs one day are going to kill you. Music is the drug...use it and cut out everything else. In case you didn't know...a kid died on a od. You think it may not happen to you...but I'm sure that kid was thinking the same thing. Life is too short to make it even shorter over a bad pill. Take a step back people and realize!

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My boyfriend and I went to the Factory and we both took a few pills and we were hanging out upstairs and I looked over at him and he was staring at the wall for the longest time. So finally I was like "what the hell are you looking at?" and being completely serious he was like "one second I'm trying to watch the Knicks game" I was like - what the hell???? and I just started cracking up and then he realized what was going on he was like f@#! our friends still ask him the score when we go out...hee heee that was too funny!

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i just had to share on this one.

this took place at A Family Affair in Ohio...one of my friends had 2 batches that nite= mitsubishis and S's (don't ask). this was the first time in MY LIFE that i have EVER hallucinated on E. i had taken a mitsu upon arrival + went to chekk out the party. it was such a beautiful nite (chilly + misty)that my frend + i were laying on the grass staring at the sky. i started buggin + tol him + sum chikk that "i see skyscrapers!" i had to point it out + describe all da details on height n windows n shit. they too had taken the mitsu, and guess wat??? they saw it em too! but the best part was, when i rolled over to chekk out the clear sound of "cling-cling-clang (like a dog chain)", i started laffin + asked said, "i thought we weren't allowed to bring dogs in here!" because wat i saw looked like a panting cocker spaniel running down the grassy knoll...umm hello??? it was a friggin GIRL! i coulda swore i saw a dog! my god was i trippin ballz!!!! my frend thought he was a trojan soldier + stole a roll of tin foil from the food stand and made himself an outfit and hat. the dummy also layed out large sheets of "shiny carpets" on the ground for peeps to "float" on. shall i convince myself that it was "normal?"..........I THINK NOT!

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I dropped 1 and a half Mitsubishi's at an office christmas party. And then this BigWig in my company drunk and coked off his rocker tried to drag me and this chubby chick into his limo for a threesome! The mofo actually even said , "do you wanna get fucking fired?!". I booked as soon as I had a chance and spent the rest of the nite in SF getting a kick out of the midgets dressed as Oompa Loompas... or maybe as Christmas Elves???

The real kicker is the asshole didn't even remember it on Monday.


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I took 5 chinees stars in night, and needless to say I was seeing shit all night. My girl thought she was having a religious experience because people in monk outfits (really ravers in ufo's) kept walking by her and singing in chorus. I kept on thinking that I saw people in suits from my work, but in reality they were just wearing white t-shirts. And I had an arguement with my friend that I was a die hard vegitarian (which I am not), and went around the club asking everyone if they eat meat.

This is only in addition to the fact that on a pretty regular basis, I start a conversation with someone, and in my own head finish it. For both them and I. So I come back to the actual conversation, I'm like two or three subjects ahead of them. What the hell must this do to my body. Oh well, it makes for good laughs...


Live life every day as if it were your last!



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. . . I fell in love with my boyfriend all over again. love.gif



"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write,

but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."

By Alvin Toffler.

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I won a weekend trip to NY (from Smirnoff), we had to fly from Heathrow so we drove down the night before to say at friends.

Not wanting to waste the night we went out to the Ministry of Sound (this was when it was a great club). Anyway we were staying with a friends relative, who came out with us. So we finish off around 12:00am after indulging lots and seeing all the sights (people having sex in the chill out room, smoking with ZZ sputnik and taking the piss out of all the minor stars). We go back to this girls house for a few house sleep before a flight @ 4. Now little did we know that this girl was going to go directly to the gym from the club. We were expecting her to wake us up, she comes back in at 3 and finally wakes us up. Due to all the crap we had consumed a few hours before, we ended up taking the M25 the wrong way round (it's a circular road round London). Having to travel at over 100 miles an hour all the way and missing the flight (and all that free vodka) by minutes.

So nothing else to do but go back the next night and make the best of it.

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i took three e-s at factory and was dancing on stage ,then all of a sudden the coloums on the dance floor were pyramids and the speakers had hyroglphics on them. i turned to my friend to tell him about it and he yelled at me and said "stop talking i cant find my tools. ??????????????????????


"cameras ready prepare to flash"

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Never hallucinated on E, but...

I took 6 old-skool clear gel-caps (my personal favorite) throughout the course of the night/morning and we went to a nature park and I was petting swans.

It was so phat, it was a nice summer morning and the swans' feathers were so fluffy.

OK, who's got a gel-cap, gimme one!!



Darrell G.

HAZE Promotions

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Guest blckraven

while On X I become a kid. I find myself loving all my friends and worshiping my girlfriend. I am not kidding you. I can see stars in her eyes surrounded by a blueglow. ( gorgeous )

P.s: while one X I become a dancing machine and go into my own world. I love to dance and find myself surrounded by light. feeling like god is carressing me. I feel so special.I feel beautiful !

p.s: for those people who start having conversation with invisible people...my god how many are you people taking ? lol !

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That thing about the tinfoil is CLASSIC!!

My best friend used to have a hatchback car w/ a sun roof, so when you lay back in it it looked like you were in a bubble...one time we were in it, just sitting there in the parking lot around dawn, and decided that the coming sunlight would kill us, but that we were protected by our "bubble." Earlier that night I had grabbed canister of Romano cheese thinking it was a drink, and carried it around for hours "drinking" the cheese...

Another good one was when I had a Strawberry Quik (anyone remember those) and it was way too strong, reduced me to non-functionality. My friend tried to introduce me to some new people, who looked sketchy to me, and I didn't understand what they were saying anyway. They were trying to say something to me and I just interrupted and said, "Excuse me, I can't do anything." they were like, "what do you mean?" I answered, " i mean....I...CAN'T.....DO....ANYTHING. AT ALL." Well needless to say they thought I was weird.

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