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Question about certain men!

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since we're talking about dancing skills, i have to add my 2 cents. someone mentioned sf and one thing i can't stand about that place is the attitude of the people there. many of them swear they're the best dancers, which i beg to differ. the best dancers in sf, in my opinion, are the black guys in the room downstairs and they don't have that stuck up attitude. i love dancing with them. i prefer exit in the sense that the dancefloor is open to everyone and everyone is dancing and feeling the music. i don't feel that energy at sf, i think a lot of people are intimidated there.

as for the people on this board who are constantly dissing others and the way they dance, i say we all have a battle this weekend and see who on this board, can and can't dance.

whose in?

i'll make a post later about the clubplanet battle.(a friendly battle of course)

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Originally posted by buccafm:

Just for the record, I am not trying to offend anyone by any means by posting this topic. I was just curious to see if anyone else had the same thoughts. I don't care if you can or can't dance, it's all about having fun. My point is that these guys, excuse me, "muscle dicks", stand around the dance floor, with their shirts off, not moving, thinking they are the total shit and everyone around them is nothing, and you walk by, sorry you TRY to walk by and you can't get through, you say excuse me, they still don't move, so you push through and they look at you like your nuts. Okay, well this happened to me Saturday night at one of the clubs here in Philly. I couldn't get by cause this dumb ass big prick was taking up so much space, so i try to squeeze through his dumb ass, and trip over his foot, and he looks at me like "I'm gonna kill you" Ooohhh, sorry there big fella, did I take up your space that your not even using??? That's what I'm talking about that I can't stand. Sorry for rambling and I don't know if this even made sense, but whatever. Big dudes with attitudes that can't dance and just stand there SUCK MY ASS!!!!!!!!

Where were you at in Philly? I was probably there too.

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Originally posted by scramble360:

ok here goes, guys that need to make themselves that BIG usually have a low self esteem, i am not saying all, but alot of them feel inadeqaute be it, small brains, small dick, whatever. So many times do i see these juicebrains in Factory or what ever other club, and all they do is take up space. Me i goto dance not to pick up(if it happens thats an added plus) but dancing is my main thing.

to listen to sick music and go off.

one thing i hate is how they stand around flexing there lats! why your not supposed to stand like that, didn't you mom ever scold you to STAND UP STRAIGHT???

Also if your not gonna dance why the fuck are you on the dance floor? your just taking up precious space that I can be using..

and most of them are so tight from working out and you never see any of them stretch at all. (make no mistake i am in the gym 4-5 times a week, but no juice for me, a good body can be accomplished without juice, you won;t be freaky big, but you can put on a lot of size naturally its just that most of them are lazy, besides only barbie girls really like the big juiced out freaks who can't get an erection if pam anderson was naked in front of them)

Most guys that are that big have no agility and finesse when they walk let alone on the dance floor, imagine how they must be in bed? just something to ponder...

P.s. why do they all do that same bop and usually let out some neatherthal yell with it??

where is Kelly when you need her?



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Originally posted by glowdancer:

since we're talking about dancing skills, i have to add my 2 cents. someone mentioned sf and one thing i can't stand about that place is the attitude of the people there. many of them swear they're the best dancers, which i beg to differ. the best dancers in sf, in my opinion, are the black guys in the room downstairs and they don't have that stuck up attitude. i love dancing with them. i prefer exit in the sense that the dancefloor is open to everyone and everyone is dancing and feeling the music. i don't feel that energy at sf, i think a lot of people are intimidated there.

as for the people on this board who are constantly dissing others and the way they dance, i say we all have a battle this weekend and see who on this board, can and can't dance.

whose in?

i'll make a post later about the clubplanet battle.(a friendly battle of course)

I am pretty good dancer but I would never battle anyone. Its cool to show off your skills but since when did clubbing become competition. Everytime I think about battling I think about the movie Beat Street.

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scramble360...I thought I saw you at my gym b4..I'm a Bally's girl.

BTW, being a 6 footer...I can see eye-to-eye with a lot of them juiceheadz and have yet to be bothered by them. If I say excuse me and they are being too "cute" to move...I am actually able to move them out of the way!


Tutto e possibile!

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I need to disagree with you on this, weren't you the one saying how 90% of most people in clubs can't dance? I have been going to Factory for about 3 years now and you talk about attitude? Attitude lives at Exit. A bunch of Juiceheads that just got into the scene because its "cool" right now.

Secondly the guys in the basement are real good i am not in any way shape or form saying there not, though sorry to say but break dancing is old and played out. if it wasn't Peters would be in the basement spinning and Cleveland would be on the main dance floor.

And to speak on your last comment, Its not just people at SF that "think" they can dance its people all over, and there is nothing wrong with people having confidence in there ability to dance. it happens to be a talent. There is a difference between knowing you good, and telling everyone your good. let your actions show. Besides you saying 90% of a club can't dance is pretty much putting yourself in a very judgemental postion don't you think?

I personally would never say i am better or hes better, a style is a style. A lot of my friends happen to be Profesional dancers, be it in a studio or at clubs (cheetah,surfclub,strippers) usually the best dancers are the most humble too.

as far as a battle goes, anytime....

Originally posted by glowdancer:

since we're talking about dancing skills, i have to add my 2 cents. someone mentioned sf and one thing i can't stand about that place is the attitude of the people there. many of them swear they're the best dancers, which i beg to differ. the best dancers in sf, in my opinion, are the black guys in the room downstairs and they don't have that stuck up attitude. i love dancing with them. i prefer exit in the sense that the dancefloor is open to everyone and everyone is dancing and feeling the music. i don't feel that energy at sf, i think a lot of people are intimidated there.

as for the people on this board who are constantly dissing others and the way they dance, i say we all have a battle this weekend and see who on this board, can and can't dance.

whose in?

i'll make a post later about the clubplanet battle.(a friendly battle of course)


I take my problems to the dancefloor...

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which Bally's my cousin used to work at one so would stop by from time to time.

Originally posted by jamjimvin:

scramble360...I thought I saw you at my gym b4..I'm a Bally's girl.

BTW, being a 6 footer...I can see eye-to-eye with a lot of them juiceheadz and have yet to be bothered by them. If I say excuse me and they are being too "cute" to move...I am actually able to move them out of the way!


I take my problems to the dancefloor...

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I used to go to the one on Kings Hwy, but the "new" one on Tilden Avenue is closer to my house and nicer lookin'.

Maybe I can watch you work out...I mean workout together sometime! wink.gif


Tutto e possibile!

[This message has been edited by jamjimvin (edited 08-15-2000).]

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Originally posted by jamjimvin:

I used to go to the one on Kings Hwy, but the "new" one on Tilden Avenue is closer to my house and nicer lookin'.

Maybe I can watch you work out...I mean workout together sometime! wink.gif


I take my problems to the dancefloor...

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Unfortunately no pic...If you went to Tempts last Sat (I know you are a XS head)...I was there. I was the black girl in all black tearing up the dance floor ALL night and watching all the juice head groups dancin together.


Tutto e possibile!

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Originally posted by jamjimvin:

Unfortunately no pic...If you went to Tempts last Sat (I know you are a XS head)...I was there. I was the black girl in all black tearing up the dance floor ALL night and watching all the juice head groups dancin together.


I take my problems to the dancefloor...

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Originally posted by scramble360:

Don't let looks fool ya, you would be suprised at who can dance and who can't, i have a friend who is a lawyer and you would never guess but the boy can move, and another one of my boys is 6'4" 220lbs and could rip shit up. then you have those thatthink they can move and really can't but hey ya gotta give them credit for trying. i hate it though when those freaks try to battle you, one night i was dancing in a circle of my friends and 2 kids started dancing on the out skirts of the circle(juiceheads mind you) well i am doing my thing and they start to invade the circle dancin like they had 2 left feet. now mind you i am not one to boast but any one on this board who knows me well knows (well here goes) I rip shit up. but i try never to judge another persons style its all about expression not about competition..

Yo Scramble, that juicehead was siiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccccccckkkkkkk, he had 2 left feet. biggrin.gif

Talk to you later bro.


In the underground integrity lies within, in the underground image doesn't mean a thing.

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Shadowchaser, yer crackin' me up!

Saturday night at LL, like 5am, the place is dead, there's like nobody there and the a/c is pumpin' so it's real cool, even on the dancefloor, but you got these coupla juiceheads walkin around with all this attitude with no shirts on and it's like, dude, it's not hot in here. what's your point?

They're yucky, and anybody not dancing on the dancefloor is taking up valuable real estate and should move along.

BTW, I'm way more irritated by the stoned out raver kids who just lay all over the dancefloor.

My $0.02.




blueskygirl-aka mbdewey

unavoidable username change

Still the same ole me... but 50 posts lighter.


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Originally posted by blueskygirl:

BTW, I'm way more irritated by the stoned out raver kids who just lay all over the dancefloor.

My $0.02.



The term for those kids are called " manglers ".


"Dance to the beat, jump from my feet."


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Originally posted by blueskygirl:


Yeah, didn't mean to dis raverkids in general, esp as I like to consider myself one of 'em!


Nonononono..of course not. I'm a raver too girl. smile.gif I get annoyed too about what you said. I've seen kids on the dancefloor sitting and lay on their back. And actually, it was a raver girlie who told me that term..hehe.

No harm done...its all good. smile.gif


"Dance to the beat, jump from my feet."


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