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Anyone else experience this...

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Does anyone else have a club that they go to, but never ever have a good time. Has a bad vibe to you no matter what party? You leave every time and someone asks you..."Did you have fun?" You go yeah, but never HELLS YEAH?

Mine is/was Roxy...something about it....

Is it just me?

addaboy *is probably crazy and it is just him*

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Originally posted by brandie:

nope - Exit for me.



*just as crazy as Addaboy*

Whew, and here I was worried! Yeah Exit is bad too. Been there twice...NEVER again.

But Roxy for some reason, they kept talking me into. I'm talking like I must have been there at least 30 times. Guess sometimes ya never learn!

Thanks honey!

addaboy *is handing back his prozac prescription*

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I used to have this problem with SF, I couldn't stand going there because it was so hard to get around in that place. Then I met a friend of mine who works with JP and always reserves VIP sections. It made a world of difference.


** Shake It Baby **



[This message has been edited by tripinchick (edited 09-01-2000).]

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Originally posted by jamjimvin:

It would have to be Exit. I tried really hard that one time I went to have a good time (I paid way too much to be there) but to no avail.

BTW - Addaboy..no Twilo for you?

Jam...Twilo for me? Sorry, you'll NEVER find me there except on select Saturdays. I HATE TRANCE. Yeah, I can admit it. I'll be at Limelight and then Vinyl tonight.


PS - You met some of my pals last weekend...Shootin3, Scramble and Kim. They're my summer house roomates! They'll be down the shore again if you go.

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i have to agree with brandie,

exit for me. i always have a good time at any club; as long as i am with my friends, there is decent music, and no one is bothering us.

i was able to have fun at exit, but i think the lack of a good vibe in there kills it. i don't know what it is, but i just don't get all excited to go in there, like i do at other places. oh wellz. but i know i will still end up going there anyway at some point (friends). go figure.



*turn it around baby*

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Most Jersey shore clubs, with the exception of maybe Surf Club.


"In the underground integrity lies within, in the underground image doesn't mean a thing."

"To dream of the person you want to be is to waste the person you are."

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Yeah, for me was Exit. Went there twice, once for the grand opening and once in this past July. That place SUCKS BALLS! cartman.gif

I can have a better time at hole in the bar like The Dart in Dover, NJ than at Exit. If anyone lives in that area, you know what I'm talking about.

I saw a knife fight there one night. Too bad it wasn't two monkeys knife fighting. biggrin.gif


Like a blind man at an orgy, I'm going have to feel my way around. spin.gif


[This message has been edited by shadowchaser (edited 09-01-2000).]

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