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If you could have one superpower...

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... which would it be?

I'd want to be able to read minds so I could tell if peeps were bs-ing or planning evil or sumthin...

My office just went bonkers for like an hour over this one. My buddy wanted to control time so he could stop time, take off a girls bra, and then start time again and she'd be like "what the...?"



All for fun and fun for all


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Damn...must be a boring night at work.

I think that the superpower that I would like to have most is to be able to have some sort of premonition. Let me be able to see what effect my choices might have on the future...Then maybe I can make the right choices.



Riding again...

North Jersey

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I would have to say reading minds so i can weed out the liars and sneaky ppl and anyone that is going to do harm to another being...

Hi blueskygirl

Missed ya, you should have stayed ppl got clothes ripped off and everything! some ppl even took clothes willingly! lol

Call me later


Good time had by all!!!

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Originally posted by blueskygirl:

... which would it be?

I'd want to be able to read minds so I could tell if peeps were bs-ing or planning evil or sumthin...

My office just went bonkers for like an hour over this one. My buddy wanted to control time so he could stop time, take off a girls bra, and then start time again and she'd be like "what the...?"


My superpower would b to rid the wurld uv Blueskygirl.





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premonition.....see what was going to go up on the market make some plays, make shitloads and then see the "what would u do if you had bill gates money" thread.....


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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i'd like to be the greatest superpower of all: the US of A cuz we can fuckin' nuke everybody, and if that doesn't work we'll give 'em aids, and if that doesn't work we'll make 'em so jealous of our superior softdrink technology that they'll beg to join us.


*i'm in love with the modern world

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Anyone ever see "Firestarter" with Drew Barrymore? The power that her father had... that would be what I want... power over the minds of others just like that... no headaches or nosebleeds like he had for me though. Instead of headaches and nosebleeds I could just live with the trauma of being immortal. (no aging and if a limb gets broke, cut off, etc... it grows back... and I'd heal really fast too)



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks

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I want my power to get other DJ's to stop playing cheesey tracks when they are already dead. If I can't have that - then make the people who like the cheese to stop.

I'm sorry venting again - some corny girl I know just asked if had a song that goes like this oh-woh-oh-woh-oh. I wanna puke!!!


It's all in the music

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I would want to have the SAME power that Professor Xavier have in X-Men. Telepathy . . . the ability to invade one's mind. LIke making PVD stay and spin for another 5 hours. biggrin.gif



"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it."

- W.M. Lewis angel.gif

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Guest crystalmethodny


Mine would be to have powers of the Jedi in Star Wars...

That way I could use Telekinesis to make the turntables spin...

Affect the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank">guest lists</A> persons mind for comps...

Use farseeing to see what track list a DJ might play...

Then choke the shit out of some ass who thinks he's tough...



"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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This is actually a great question.

I have a few answers

1)Although everyone wishes to be an efficient mind reader, the inside of a brain is quite scary. Sometimes, it is better that you DONT know those deep dark thoughts, you might be scared. That being said, however, being able to see what a person about would be one of my choices for a superpower. There are simply to many dishonest people in the world, and frankly, it digusts me...=)


Prediction would be a grand thing if you you could determine the best course of action. Many things in like would be easier. HOWEVER, if you could predict that proficiently, wouldnt that mean that the world is predetermined depending on your course? Meaning...if you go left, A happens but if you go right B happens? I like to think that life is more dynamic than cut or dry, hence the percentile thought on far seeing.

Just some thoughts that flow through my mind.




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Originally posted by myrlin:

This is actually a great question.

I have a few answers

1)Although everyone wishes to be an efficient mind reader, the inside of a brain is quite scary. Sometimes, it is better that you DONT know those deep dark thoughts, you might be scared. That being said, however, being able to see what a person about would be one of my choices for a superpower. There are simply to many dishonest people in the world, and frankly, it digusts me...=)


Prediction would be a grand thing if you you could determine the best course of action. Many things in like would be easier. HOWEVER, if you could predict that proficiently, wouldnt that mean that the world is predetermined depending on your course? Meaning...if you go left, A happens but if you go right B happens? I like to think that life is more dynamic than cut or dry, hence the percentile thought on far seeing.

Just some thoughts that flow through my mind.

I know that picture you got at the end... Have you every actually played Daggerfall? (My copy wouldn't let me finish it) or you just pick that up as a cool pick?

And #2----- That's what's up with "Dune" that movie. Cool shit.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks

[This message has been edited by artful (edited 09-06-2000).]

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