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MTVs VMAs WERE HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ok, Im not a big MTV guy....but I do think that the annual VMAs are fun to watch as well as funny and exciting...but this year from the start of the show, right on through til the very end they WERE SO DAMN BORING. Wow the Wayans brothers really fuckin blew this one for MTV. I dont think more than 10 peopl laughed at their jokes...MTV, whoever wrote the comedy for this show should be fired...THIS SHOW WAS A FLOP. TERRIBLE. Anybody else got any opinions??




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i agree wit dave the comedy sucked except for the beginning chris rock part...

BUT COME ON the show was awesome so many good performances

britney??? come on i don't care how cheesy she is ... she looked good

the nut job that hopped on stage and wouldn't leave

all the stars are drunk having fun... i loved it


oasis guestlist

201-725-8858, oasis9389@aol.com

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Yeah I thought it blew too. Wayans brothers really sucked as hosts. It was so boring. What was up with the drummer of Rage Against the Machine doing hanging up there?? I was waiting for him to jump on the cops. Only thing i liked about the awards was Blink182 at the end. Parade of midgets..hahaha biggrin.gif

A whole lotta of lip synching going on too...daaaamn.


scrambles.gif "I dream in digital, because it's better than nothing."- Orgy


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hey hey it wasnt that bad, true the wayans bros sucked, but wut u expect, everything they do sucks, im still mad i spent money to see scary movie, but did u see britney spears???? WOW eek.gifeek.gifeek.gif!!!!! who cares if she's lip singing she looked hot!! and u get to see the chilli peppers preform that alone makes the show, i thought it was cool, they should always have chris rock host.........

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Christina Aguilera looked pretty damn good too. So did Jennifer Lopez...baby got back. wink.gif What about Toni Braxton, she filled her outfit out nicely.

True, Chili Peppers still kick ass!

Rage were good too, but the drummer needs to lay off the smack.


scrambles.gif "I dream in digital, because it's better than nothing."- Orgy


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the best part was in the begining during the

rock parody

was when he was like "oopps i did it again, oops i did it again" and then he goes "WHAT THE FUCK DI DU DO THE FIRST TIME" i was dieing...


oasis guestlist

201-725-8858, oasis9389@aol.com

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i could have went to be in the "pit" for the awards but chose not to because the wayans were hosting.

My GF went and said that that guy got a beating in front of everyone off air for climbing up there.

the show sucked. except for chili peppers who i saw live a few weekes ago at Garden Sdtae Art center and Britney spears half naked and Jenifer Lopez

Eminem's performance was interesting even though I cant stand him




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i agree, they sucked. i didnt like how when someone was presenting an award, or won one they got up there and said something rude about another artist in the audience. The Napster shit was kinda whack too - seriously who cares. Britney looked great, but Christina sang live and has a much better voice. Just my opinion!...

i wanna preform next yr, i can do some mean lip sinking!

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Okay. Here's girl's point of view . . . and I SWEAR I'm not being bias.

1. The Waynes brothers DID suck . . . BIG TIME!!! icon13.gif

2. Britney looked soooo wide in that outfit and can we say trying too hard?? What was with her hair. It was all over her face and getting into her mouth at one point. Bad choice of image too. Her whole routine had "I'm Britney and I wanna be sexy and slutty" written ALL over it! icon13.gif

3. Janet Jackson KICKED ASS icon14.gif as usual!! YOU GO GIRL!! And she looked amazing as well. Her dance routine is unbeatable. That girl just knows how to move PERIOD! And she doesn't have to look slutty to do it either!

4. Christine Aguilera look REAL good too! I was surprised to hear that she was singing cause of her recent condition. I said it once and I'll say it again. Some of her songs may be cheesy but that lil' girl has some set of PIPES!! Damn that girl can sing AND move!! Usually you can't do both . . . hard dancing and strong singing but she pulled it through! AND she didn't have to look like a slut to do it either!! icon14.gif

5. Jennifer Lopez. She one very attractive girl but come on . . . what was with that outfit?? I thought she would have the "WOW" outfit on, but just plain white suit with a bandana on her head? icon15.gif

6. Jim Carey was FUNNY as all hell!! I just plain love that guy!! laugh2.gif

That's it for my review. Overall I would give this VMA a 5.



"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it."

- W.M. Lewis angel.gif

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Come on, the Wayans brothers weren't that bad. They did a decent job considering the live broadcast. But they weren't as funny as i expected them to be.

Actually the only time I laughed was when the Wayans brothers were making fun of Macy Gray's Video and when she was at the podium talking about there Bush!!! That was hysterical.

[This message has been edited by smileygirl (edited 09-08-2000).]

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the producers and directors of the vma's should be on the unemployment line today....whats up with all those stupid camera angles...u missed all the good dancing . the wayans bombed BIG TIME, but the chris rock and macy gray skits were funny. bring back chris rock, he was the best there is...i think he pissed off too many people last year, thats why they didnt have him back.

performances....no flames please, but n'sync was really great. loved that thing with the monitors...very original. janet jackson was also wayyyyy cool. britney looked slammin....awesome abs on the teeny bopper, but dont try to cover stones' songs. aguilera....go to mcdonalds, u need to put on some weight!!!! (but i dug the hair)

m&m was cool, though disappointing, i was expecting some big drama from him, but i think he was wayyy too serious last night. and who the flock is this nelly d#ck and this country whatever garbage?!?!?

and jeniffer lopez needs to hit the gym...did u see the love handles on her?!?!?!? i think shes drinkin a little too much cristal with poofy!!!

just my two cents.....and because of the vma's and the frikkin UN thing, took me an hour and a half to get from times square to the east side last night!!!!!

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The Wayans sucked rancid ass.Chili Peps were tight as always. BRitney is a lil lip syncin ho who needs to come to my house for a stern lecturing...I actually liked Christina Aguliera she does have a great voice.Lars Ulrich is a little worm.Macy Grays bush stole the show so that tells ya how bad the show was. They better bring Chris Rock back next year

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Well here is my $0.02...

1) Did anyone catch the camera angle on Lars Ulrich from Metallica? Homeboy was KNOCKED OUT!!

2) Why did Britney wear that outfit like that? Whats up with showing her thong underwear like that? Nice outfit, but distastefully put together. And the hair! No need to get into that.

3) What was up with the camera angle to Eminems nuts while he was performing? I don't want to see that!

4) Janet was hot and Britney needs to learn a couple of steps of her own...

5) Jennifer Lopez looked like she just stepped off a plane from Mexico (where she spent 5 days recooperating...boohoo). Did anyone peep the hips she was a growing. The Spanish in her is catching up to here hips. She can dye her hair a million times over blonde but she will be still be seen as a Latin woman, not a white one (so stop it already!). Anyway I think she napped on the limo ride from the airport and Puffy handed her a bandana so she can do something with her hair.

6) I got bored of watching it so I didn't get to see the whole thing...Its not like MTV is going to play this VMA thing over, and over, and over again! wink.gif



Per me e arabo!

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Not only was the wayans' brothers material horrible, but their timing was waaaaaaaaaaaay off , it was painful to watch cuz u could tell as soon as they started that they know it wasnt working.they were sweating profusely and after every joke when the camera cut to the crowd, it was like a morgue, Nobody was laughing.But if u really think about it , they were never funny.They weren't the ones on "in living color" shawn was the dj and marlin was never really on. so i didnt actually expect much from them.

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