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I was just wondering, when you're out and you see these guys that are huge and all ripped up an OBVIOUSLY on steriods. Do you care? Are you attracted to that? I mean, does it bother you to know that they're on them or do you just see the good looking package and not think about it?

I'm not huge or anything, but consider myself to be in above average shape but by no means do I look like the incredible hulks lumbering around the Factory. Can you girls see the forest through the trees or us "normal" sized guys invisible?

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JuIcers, meatheads, or whatever you like to all them turn me off. Natural muscle is much more attractive. I hate looking at steroid bodies. Half of them walk around like they have a nig breast underneath each arm pit. They cant put their arms flat against their body no matter how hard they tried.Its gross. Definate turn off. Hey, go look at them in the winter and tell me how fat they are because they stopped their cycles. MMMMMM BLUBBER.



[This message has been edited by misskittie (edited 09-14-2000).]

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i hate the muscle heads!!! they are too big - they have Bigorexia!!

but let me turn the question around on you guys...when you see those round silicone boobs - which obviously look fake, because they are not even boob shaped - do you like and go for that?? i kind of already know the answer to this one...

i think the muscle heads are there for the silicone babes.



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I can't stand all the juiceheads, the worst part is that they bump into and knock girls over. Natural is much more attractive.


.·:*¨¨*:·. I'm not a bad girl, Just a good girl that acts bad .·:*¨¨*:·.


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I agree with cytherea. There is nothing nice about those guys. For me it's definitely turn off frown.gif What can be more funny then if you go to the bathroom in the club and see a big guys admire themseves in the mirror...


Love Amalka


I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"

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Originally posted by bionic:

I was just wondering, when you're out and you see these guys that are huge and all ripped up an OBVIOUSLY on steriods. Do you care? Are you attracted to that? I mean, does it bother you to know that they're on them or do you just see the good looking package and not think about it?

I'm not huge or anything, but consider myself to be in above average shape but by no means do I look like the incredible hulks lumbering around the Factory. Can you girls see the forest through the trees or us "normal" sized guys invisible?

I like for a man to work for his muscle.and not take the easy way out..AKA "steroids" .i like a nice built look, with all the curves in all the right places..my favorite part would have to be nice big rounded shoulders and nice biceps is a must..then next comes the chest, so when he wears that special shirt....mmmmmmmmmm


~DoNt HaTe ThE PLaYa, HaTe ThE GaMe!!!~ lickout.gif

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Originally posted by divalicious:

but let me turn the question around on you guys...when you see those round silicone boobs - which obviously look fake, because they are not even boob shaped - do you like and go for that??

i think the muscle heads are there for the silicone babes.

The short answer is No.

The long answer is Yes if you modify the question to "fake boobs which aren't too obviously fake because they are boob-shaped indeed".

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Divalicious- as for as your question about fake breasts, personally, I don't really like them. For a couple of reasons - I know they're fake -so it's just not the same. They may look good in a tube top or t-shirt but I don't like the way they feel at all (I used to date a girl that had them). Also, usually you can tell when you get up close that they're fake. I'd rather small and real then big and fake anyday!! I'm all about Au Natural!! The less makeup the better and therefore the less silicon or saline the better.

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I, personally, do not like built guys, whether they be meatheads or just happen to 'be in good shape'. I really dig skinny boys with maybe just a little upper are definition. As I was telling diva, the more scrawny the better....


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The only thing those extremely huge beefed up guys are good for is a laugh when you see them flexing and preening themselves in a mirror..

I was at Twilo once this summer on the dancefloor with some friends..and we see one of these guys coming toward us..but all sweaty too...so all of a sudden I was like..ahhhh...escape needed! The guy passed by us and of course had to get way up close and personal..but the best thing was..my friend said the face I made when I saw him coming was one of the funniest things he had ever seen...I guess a combination of disgust and panic!



" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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Originally posted by smfd:

I, personally, do not like built guys, whether they be meatheads or just happen to 'be in good shape'. I really dig skinny boys with maybe just a little upper are definition. As I was telling diva, the more scrawny the better....


uhhh... that would be upper ARM definition (another liquid lunch)... also I agree with a lot of people on this one... I think guys with their shirts off to show off their bodies are super cheesy... It's o.k if you've been dancing and are feeling really hot, not to impress people with your pecks...

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All I know is that they take up all the freaking dancing space. I went to Temps at Seaside, N.J and that's roid heaven. I couldn't even dance. To make it even worse, you should of seen them in the bathroom, Yikes.

As for the Divalicious question, well......I personally don't care about the boobs deal. Okay, they look great and all, but from personal experience, doesn't really matter to me. If they make you feel better about yourself by all means, get them. I still prefer the natural ones.

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It's true, not guys are all on steroids. Alot of guys work hard at having their bodies sculpted the way that they want them to be--and then there are some guys that don't work out at all and don't want to because they like their bodies they way they are.

My man's friends are all HUGE!!!! It looks nice but that isn't what attracts me to a guy. My man is the smallest out of his bunch of his friends--that when he goes to Twilo, guys try to pick him up!!! When I first started talking to my man, he was the nicest, funniest person i have ever met and I fell in love with him instantly!! I feel in love with the whole package--not just what he looked like on the outside.

I'm glad to read that alot of the girls on this board feel the same way--that looks aren't the most important thing, that guys bodies don't have to be huge temples and that natural is always still an option.

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You can totally tell the difference between a guy that is just big, and a guy who is taking steroids.

I hate that fake look.

Toned is the way to go.

I really hate when I see a big guy (all fake) and I am looking at him like honey your about to bust out of your skin, and he actually thinks I am looking at him like,

Oh baby wouldn't I like to give you a try.

Thats Discusting!!

Personally like those smallish cute guys, that have tons of brains and don't know how cute they are.

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Unfortunately, most of my guy friends are on the shit..I hate it...Don;t get me wrong, I would be lying to you if I said that looks didn't play a role at all, but I am not attracted to that.. I like having someone to wrap their arms around me.. Most of those guys can't even hang there arms on their sides when they are in a relaxed state.

And I couldn;t be with someone who did that because to be honest with you, if you are with someone who does do that shit then you are with them for their looks b/c you obviously don't care about the health risks involved, both short/long term.

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