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What does it take to open a club of your own?

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Hey people! smile.gif

So check it out....im 20 years old..have expierienced the NYC clublife for a while now (on saturdays too) heh heh..and i was wondering...does anyone know how i can get a club started? money wise i have it down...as far as what i need, and what i am paying people, but i need the insight of my fellow NYC CLUBBERS! please drop me a line on this post!


God Bless


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Guest crystalmethodny


Hire me and a few others. We'll make it happen wink.gif


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Originally posted by trippintrance64:

Hey people! smile.gif

So check it out....im 20 years old..have expierienced the NYC clublife for a while now (on saturdays too) heh heh..and i was wondering...does anyone know how i can get a club started? money wise i have it down...as far as what i need, and what i am paying people, but i need the insight of my fellow NYC CLUBBERS! please drop me a line on this post!


God Bless


Wher in Union City do you live?....I live In Union city!

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The main thing I am finding trying to get a small club night started here is getting the correct permits. If you haven't run similar scale events before the authorities don't look to favorably.

Your best bet is to find an existing club, and promote a night for them. They run the bar and supply the staff. That way you can get yourself a name, and go from there.

Start looking round for a place that isn't doing too well on a given night, then make them an offer. This way you dont need too much capital.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation.


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youre biggest concern would be the $$$. u say u got that down, so far so good. next is promotion. ever wonder why dinky little places that are nothing to brag about (ie. SPA) draw such a big crowd??? good promotion! hire yourself some good promoters and youre good.

if youve never been in the club business i would recommend you start out as a promoter, i have a few friends who promote some of the better clubs in the city and they make BIG $$$. at the same time you get to learn how to run the business and make all the connections you need to build a succesfull club.

one of my friends was a big time promoter for LIFE on tuesdays when it was open and he made a sh*tload of money, he's not 26 and last year he opened up his own club in the hamptons and now he makes even more money.

so my advice, break into the business, learn as much as u can, make the connections and youre golden. of course the hardest part is the first one, but hey, youre only twenty yrs old, so dont be in such a rush.

owning a club and actually running one are two totally different things.

best of luck, and remember the clubnyc'ers get free admission for life!!!!!

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I have worked with the biggest promoters around, and I've asked them all for advice.

The first thing each and everyone said when I asked them about opening a club is "NO F****N WAY"! It is way to much hassle, there is to much money to be lost by things that are out of your control. There advice is to find a club and rent it out for the night. This does not always mean renting it out in terms of Here's $10000 now give me your club for the night. It usually works like this. You do a door split, or they give you a bar gurantee. Meaning that if they don't make let's say $10000 at the bar tonight you have to make up the diff.

There's all diff. ways to do it, and according to most, owning the club yourself is the worst way.



````````TILL U ROCK IT

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hey man, if i have the money that you have now... why buy a freakin club... and last i checked.. it's $600,000 to buy a club in the bronx. and trust me, you don't want a club in the bronx. $600,000 is just the club itself, not to mention employees, drinks, furniture, security, lights etc... and that's if you get far enough to get the licenses. Good luck on your venture... oh yea.. and if you ever make it... references available upon request. smile.gif

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How can i get a promoter spot? i mean, if i was to become a promoter, id prefer a place like SF, or Exit.....you know? places i like.....but my questions is.....how hard is it to get a spot like that? and how is the $$.....dont get me wrong....i am making rediculous money now, but a i work for an internet company....i mean....its cool, but id also like to make a little money, having a good time, and a place that i LOVE you know? post replies here on this post....thanks for the replies that ive gotten so far guys....ur all awesome.

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First, hire a great lawyer, get Gatein's

Second, pay off everyone in the city dept.!

Third, patience, you need to get a lot of permits, zoning, cabaret, liquor, mad amounts of insurance.

Fourth, a great lawyer

Fifth, Good promoters to buy out the nights

Sixth, a good management team

Seventh, connections with every distributor

Eight, a building contractor that won't rake you over the coals

Ninth, a great lawyer

Tenth, lots of insurance

Eleventh, connections with major industry players

Twelth(sp) Knowledge of how to operate your cash flow/business

Thirteenth, a great accountant

Fourteenth, a great lawyer

Fifteenth, a good management team(that won't steal from you)and know how to operate a club

Sixteenth, a few million dollars, especially if you're designing it from scratch

Seventeenth, knowledge of ALL city ordinances

Eighteenth, a pool of resources you can rely on to help you out in a bind

Nineteenth, knowledge of sound and lighting helps for when you hire a contractor

and finally


This is just a starting list, you'll find more things along the way.

Good Luck!

- Pete




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the guys i know (they do exit also) usually make around 2000 a night on saturday.

very hard to get into, usually youre a clubkib from when youre a teenager, make connections with the owners/managers of the club and if they like you and your crowd they let you become theyre promoter. best bet is to try new clubs (the world is a good example), as they are new and want as many promoters as they can find...if they like your crowd, and u kiss their ass enough, they'll keep you coming back for more. hopefully the club then becomes really popular and you make more money.

best of luck.

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ok, let me tell u a little story, 2 years ago, i attempted to open a club with a friend in nyc, it flocked, and we did all the write things, Dj's, venue,sound, light's permits, EVERYTHING, my friend went into a 2 million dollar hole! and is still in that hole, u really need to no what your doing.

and it really is hard, like someone said before, First your a club kid, when your like 16- 20, then promoter, and then connection's and even then, your still not close. its a hard life,



"This MuTha Fucka!! comes up to me!!! , and pulls out his D---,And gets all up in My shit, and has the mutha fukn nerve to ask "Am i hurting you" i was like "Mutha fucka, you are tickaling me, get your fat,crust,skanky,wanna be down"Fat ass off me............and pay me my 20 bucks!>> Sweet Pussy Pauline(NYC)

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A creature that is sorely missing in the NYC area is a doorman with a knack for knowing who doesn't belong and will wreck the vibe inside. this can be carried to an unpleasant extreme of exclusivity but nyc clubs are way too money hungry, i guess, and will generally take anyone. i think that's bad.

don't forget decor!! Not nearly as essential as your great DJ but a beautiful interior sure makes for a sweet place!


"There is no beginning and no end, only the infinite passion of life."

-Federico Fellini

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