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do you ever wonder when you are going to stop clubbing?


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i'm sure most people at clubs are not over 35 at the most. well, they don't look like they are. you get the occasional 60 year olds (like saturday nights at twilo, when i go i always see this old man doing tango steps or something) but that is rare and few.

i'm sure i'll stop clubbing one day. either that or i'll be that 60 year old woman... tongue.gif but at this moment i can't imagine not going out and dancing like crazy.

i was just wondering when do you guys think you'll grow out of clubbing?

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i was just wondering that on my ride home from work.im sure as i get older i have less time on my hands for that, or my body might not be able to go all night.i wonder if ill be in my living room sitting with my kids,playing house records,saying"when iwas your age this song was hot".


voices......running around my head.....i could hear voices......

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I've thought of the same thing many many times too. i think to myself, "you know, I'm never gonna stop goin to clubs and bein crazy every weekend". But, sadly, I think it will end in a way, but not totally...depending on the person I think. Cause at one point in your life, you gotta settle down, be responsible, have kids, a good payin job. Don't get me wrong now, this does not mean u gotta stop it entierly, but I think it will eventually slow down alot. Even though rite now while we're still young it doesn't seem that way smile.gifsmile.gif

But who knows....everyone different!!

Me???? I'm gonna be clubbin till I can't walk no more!!! Hahahah j/k







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<<i'm sure most people at clubs are not over 35 at the most.

They have "their" clubs.

you get the occasional 60 year olds (like saturday nights at twilo, when i go i always see this old man doing tango steps or something)

lmao- that guy is one of the few constants in the universe! lol

i'm sure i'll stop clubbing one day

i was just wondering when do you guys think you'll grow out of clubbing?

When there is no more for me to learn there.

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I know exactly what u are talking about. I've often wondered about the same thing.

I figure as long as i still enjoy the music, the pounding of the beat, the flashing lites, the crowds, and the overall atmosphere than i'll continue to club till i grow tired of it.

It is all about what feels good to u and not what others think, right? I guess that's exactly what Jr.Vasquez and that old guy @ Twilo think, huh?

The way i see it i'll worry about stopping clubbing when i stop clubbing.


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If you still have fun dancing why do you have to stop, even when you are married? Some people get babysitters to go to stupid cocktail parties. Why not get a babysitter and go to a club? The people who go out for the music and to dance sober will do it for much longer than the people who go out to hook up and get messed up...

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In a few years...

I have calmed own a bit... Have been steady every weekend for a while, now every other.

also checking out lounges and more laid back chill atmos. as I get older...

I don't the scene is cool when you have kids and other responsibilites - but thats my opinion, I've been waiting to settle down after this is pretty much out of my system.

**I think our generation will be doing the settling down thing later, it just seems that way. I still feel like a kid!


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When I get the feeling that I feel alone in a club...that's when I think I'll stop clubbing.

I did have that feeling at a rave in June. I said to myself, I just can't do it anymore. Until, three weeks I saw Sasha & Digweed and said, damn i love clubbing. smile.gif


"There was nothing in the world that I ever wanted more than to feel you deep in my heart."


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That's a funny question. First ask yourself what drove you to them in the first place. You heard about how much fun people were having. You heard about the pick-up stories that your friends were tellin' ya. You heard about the awesome music that this one DJ was playing.

People are attracted to them for different reasons and mostly to have fun. When my aunt visited here a couple of years ago she went with my mother to LIMELIGHT and they're in their sixties. Of course my sis had to goad to them to go, but man, I heard they ripped the floor.

Put it this way, people throw parties every single second somewhere around the world with their choice of mind-bender, whatever that may be (or sober). The only difference with going to a club is you don't have to clean up after everyone else, there are no neighboors complaining, you relieve stress after a hard week's work or school cramming.

Don't think of it as "Now I'm going to stop," or "Now I'm going to go."

Go whenever you wanna break the monotony, go to have fun, go at whatever age. Most of all if you're young don't look at the old folks as if they don't belong there... they're there for the same reason you are and with a little luck you'll be lucky to get to their age and get to say "I'm still living my life the way I want to..."


Dream a little dream...

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let me tell u, ive been to one of those clubs for older folk, and thats just plain ole sad...we call em 'divorce bars'.

never, ever, will i go to those places when im old, id rather sit home watching tv, playing pinnocle, and beating my kids.

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ummm i hate clubbin already =)

but i dunno i see this guy at centro-fly like every friday. hes always the first guy in the door and he dances all over the dance floor by himself til he gets crowded off ... he not a very good dancer but he's old .... prob about 60ish or somethin .. so ask him if you should stop at any age .. you're only as old as u feel i guess .....

i give that old guy props

BIG UP OLD MAN - keep on movin'

-holla man




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When my walker breaks...I dont know at 30 now it seems like the career is winding down dont go out every weekend anymore and there are alot of young baby faces out there. EVen though i look young I know I got 10 yrs on most of these kids.Clubbin is a young mans sport. But they are gonna have to force me into retirement

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i'll stop when i have a reason to...

i enjoy the music and the excitement of being out.. but unlike many of you on this board, i'm in so into the music and dancing thing. dont get me wrong, i love the music.. but i am not involved so deeply in the who/what/where's of the business. i figure i'll stop going out when i settle down, get married and all that great stuff. i'm 21 now and over the club thing already... it's the same shit week after week. what else is there to do on the weekends??

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Originally posted by nikilina:

what else is there to do on the weekends??

Museums, movies, swimming, tennis, masturbate, ping pong, basktball, musicals, comedy clubs, group sex, find a strike and go on a picket line, alcoholic anonymous, get a roll of quarters and hand them out to the homeless, so much to do, so little time.


Dream a little dream...

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