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Bachelor pad


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Regina, are you throwing temptation in my path? Read my signature it's not something I can deal with.... is that a blatant attempt at breaking the rules?

So you know nice girls? Well I would have to get to know them first, and that could take..... ooh.. at least another year.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

I can resist anything but temptation.


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I would suggest plenty of liquor stashed somewhere. Keep a bottle of DP somewhere in case a Bitty wants to be really impressed. Girls like to get loaded ...get strawberries on hand for the champagne....get a Sex swing...get Banana's..Girls like this up the Ass..Plenty of TOYS!!!! definitley have those.......Peace

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All u need is...



wine coolers

liquor (you have to be able to give them a choice)


A good system (doesnt have to be blazing loud just something to help get u in the mood. digital cable has a few nice channels commercial free)

TV/VCR or DVD player, for rainy nights of movies

and most improtantly DO NOT 4GET to stratigicly place the condoms everywhere. Never be somewhere that u have to get up to reach one. under the coutch, in the kitchen, by the bed, in the bathroom, by the stereo, just think of where u could be standing or sitting, and make sure they are in arms reach.

oh, a pool table doesn't hurt either.

by the way, kitty... your idea sounss like my kinda place also... can I come visit?

wanna get real kinky, get a web cam and a cable modem.... I did.


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All The things in life you need.....ICE> I forgot to add this before.....ICE to throw in a TUB. The bomb!!! Keep some E on hand to give it to a Bitty. Have her trip and screw from the ceiling. Personally my girl likes to get tied up and beat with an electrical extension cord. Dont ask,.,,,try that. when i think of more i'll let you know.

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if you have a cat -AND- a clean apartment. . . that says a lot. . .

and thank god for pleasure chest and pink pussycat boutique. . . random toys always liven up the place.

blindfolds anyone?


"The laughter was like a drug, but what was more like a drug was the drugs."

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How about black and white pics of all 50's & 60's generation stuff (dope cars, marilyn monroe, baseball legends, gretta garbo, etc)

And even a juke box stacked with all the old-school 45s would be nice......

And you gotta have a pinball machine!

(can double as a bed if there are a few condoms placed strategically under it!)


"Losers try. Winners go home and fuck the prom queen." www.djrussreign.com

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Originally posted by crazyt:

All The things in life you need.....ICE> I forgot to add this before.....ICE to throw in a TUB. The bomb!!! Keep some E on hand to give it to a Bitty. Have her trip and screw from the ceiling. Personally my girl likes to get tied up and beat with an electrical extension cord. Dont ask,.,,,try that. when i think of more i'll let you know.

Ahahahah. That is some funny shit. Beat with an electrical extension cord? lol

This board keeps me laughing.


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