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who FIRST met their current boy/girlfriend at a club?

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previously i met through friends, but my current one i met at twilo. did you hook up the first night or see each other at the club a few times, or go out on dates?

did you get introduced by a friend or were they complete strangers?



he he he he ha ha - but this is no laughing matter

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i met my current g.f. (who just moved to spain last wed....sob,sob,sob) in a club. she called the next afternoon, but instead of being scared, i was flattered. we went out a few times, and things progressed over last summer. it worked out, but now i miss her frown.gif

ooopps, sorry to go off on that tangent...she was the only one i stayed with from a club, others were just hook-ups

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I met my current girlfriend at a club 3 hours away, once we started talking we realized we've lived 5 minutes (literally) from each other & we met so far away, knew mutual people, been out to the same places & our phone numbers were off by 1 digit. We've been together ever since (that was a little over 2 years ago).


"In the underground integrity lies within, in the underground image doesn't mean a thing."

"To dream of the person you want to be is to waste the person you are."

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Ive never believed in meeting at clubs, and technically we didnt meet at vinyl..but.. smile.gif Calyandra and I did actually meet up at vinyl for the first time after talking on the phone and stuff... but she's my sweetie now... smile.gif


more ways then one!! smile.gif



"Children, come together, in the spirit, OF HOUSE" -Aaron Carl

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I met my boyfriend 4 yrs ago afterhours at Tunnel & we're still together. Just think people always say you can never meet anyone decent in a club!!

But before I met my boyfriend, most of the guys that I met in clubs weren't "boyfriend" quality - it seemed like most guys at clubs just wanted to "hook up"!



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The girl for whom I still harbor warmest feelings, so to speak, I met at the dumpiest place in Miami's Coconut Grove. Not really a club, but rather a college bar, a skanky one at that. We dated off and on for two years and still are the best friends. Not more, unfortunately...

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I met my boyfriend last November at Twilo on a PVD night. WOW!! What a night!! I saw him dance and fell in love . . . followed him all over the place ALL night long. Finally, he looked at me and asked, "Are you gonna follow me all night?" and I said, "Yep!"

We danced and danced and danced!! I gave him my number and next day he called me to make sure I was okay . . . we ended up talking on the phone for about good 5 hours and decided to meet up the next day . . . to go shopping!! When we did meet up, we ended up going to this real cute italian restaurant in soho and talked some more for about 5 hours. The owner and the waitor was NOT too happy with us when we finally left.

I NEVER in a million years would of thought that my other half would be dancing in Twilo!! malelovies.gif



"Do you believe in love at first sight or do I need to walk by again?"


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ergh, well my man was a childhood friend of mine, but we manage to do all that lovey dovey shit inside clubs (is it the e? being together? dancin our asses off? who the fuck cares).

anyway, we exchanged big "i love yous" for the first time at the tunnel as "my love is your love" was blasting on the mainfloor more than a year ago.

and we then promised each other forever again at the tunnel awhile ago too.

go figure, that place is just so nasty. ha, maybe i'll get married in there. tongue.gif



*turn it around baby*

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Girls, play attention to BlueAngel, that's how you'll get your sweetheart.

Originally posted by blueangel:

I met my boyfriend last November at Twilo on a PVD night. WOW!! What a night!! I saw him dance and fell in love . . . followed him all over the place ALL night long. Finally, he looked at me and asked, "Are you gonna follow me all night?" and I said, "Yep!"

We danced and danced and danced!! I gave him my number and next day he called me to make sure I was okay . . . we ended up talking on the phone for about good 5 hours and decided to meet up the next day . . . to go shopping!! When we did meet up, we ended up going to this real cute italian restaurant in soho and talked some more for about 5 hours. The owner and the waitor was NOT too happy with us when we finally left.

I NEVER in a million years would of thought that my other half would be dancing in Twilo!! malelovies.gif



Dream a little dream...

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Guest ally

Originally posted by gene2k:

I met my current girlfriend at a club 3 hours away, once we started talking we realized we've lived 5 minutes (literally) from each other & we met so far away, knew mutual people, been out to the same places & our phone numbers were off by 1 digit. We've been together ever since (that was a little over 2 years ago).

CPI's baby! 143 Gene!!!

Meeting in clubs, if you go there for the same reasons (music, dancing & hanging with friends) means you'll probably have a lot in common. But, if you both go there for hook up reasons only, it probably won't work.

Anything can work if you have trust!!!

smile.gif Ally

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Originally posted by blueangel:

I met my boyfriend last November at Twilo on a PVD night. WOW!! What a night!! I saw him dance and fell in love . . . followed him all over the place ALL night long. Finally, he looked at me and asked, "Are you gonna follow me all night?" and I said, "Yep!"

We danced and danced and danced!! I gave him my number and next day he called me to make sure I was okay . . . we ended up talking on the phone for about good 5 hours and decided to meet up the next day . . . to go shopping!! When we did meet up, we ended up going to this real cute italian restaurant in soho and talked some more for about 5 hours. The owner and the waitor was NOT too happy with us when we finally left.

I NEVER in a million years would of thought that my other half would be dancing in Twilo!! malelovies.gif


That is the sweeteset story!!! wink.gifOFFWALL.gifjump2.gif

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Ok - so I met my bf not actually at a club . . . but because i needed a <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank">guestlist</A> for Limelight.

So Rob and I started sending each other email, then talking on the phone for endless hours about everything, and finally made plans to meet up at factory one nite. My friends decided we were going to limelight instead, while we were in the car, so i never went - rob got there like two hours later than he was supposed to, so we never met up. He sent me the *cutest* letter apologizing for not meeting me, etc. and i was like, i *have* to meet this guy . . .

so we kept talking . . . i invited him to my house . . . we kept talking . . . went through a lot of dumb shit (i'm sorry!!*love you*) . . . and now we're together and will be for *forever* . . .

And by the way, we're getting married at Limelight, since that's what brought us together . . . Rob isn't too up on the idea, and I don't even really like limelight *but* if it hadn't been for my friends wanting ot go there, we would never be together and as happy as we are now. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."





AIM: loves2cox

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I love all these stories!

I met my ex at a club. First I saw him at a bar and thought how he was so my type. About a month later I was at Legacy in Bay Ridge (don't ask me why) and I spotted him. I was a little drunk so the words "you are so my type" just shot out of my mouth. I NEVER approach a guy but I couldn't help myself. He called the next day...which I love...no games. We fell in love and dated for six months. It didn't work out but we are still friends. You can meet the coolest people at clubs.


"I love the things that we should fear"

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Originally posted by Calyandra:

I met Adam at Vinyl for the first time indeed....it was all very surreal....I was rolling off my ass....I thought he would think I was an idiot....but its been almost 2 months now biggrin.gif


We he might not think you're an idiot, but I think you're a fucking MORON!!!!!!!!!!! tongue.gif

hehe j/k smile.gif

- Pete





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I met my boyfriend at *Carbon* 2 years ago on MY birthday. We just started talking (we were staring at each other) nonstop & then started dancing.... I asked for his # at the end of the night (I don't like giving out my # so soon...I like having the option of calling) called him the next day since I had a GREAT TIME that night....hung out with him the following day for HIS birthday & we've been together ever since. That was my best birthday gift!




::::::Trancin' Is a Way Of Life::::::

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