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I'll warn you now, I may be venting a little, but I really want to hear people's opinions on this:

Girls always "say" how they hate that guys always want "one thing" or that is always there "goal", that they can never meet a "nice guy" and such and so forth...

So here it is..

Why the fuck does it always seem like thees are the guys getting laid!?!

PS: with some handles I cant tell if its male/female, could you state that please.

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You know who I am, so I don't have to mention my gender.

All I can tell ya is that the only girls who screw guys like that are young and innocent ones who don't know much better AND plain sleezy girls. All the decent ones can tell when a guys is an asshole or not.



"Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."


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Hi---- female over here, Marcella, although I don't think I ever mentioned my name------

You know what>??

You don't want those girls that the guys are getting, you know why??? They are young girls going through that stupid phase, we have all been through it.. They go for the guys that will treat them like garbage... You will see as you get older (I am not sure how old you are) They will snap out of it..In the meantime, be a true friend to your girl friends now, because once that phase is over it's you they will be after.


Do ya got me???





"One is not born a woman, one becomes one."

- Simone de Beauvoir

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Originally posted by apotheosis:

I'll warn you now, I may be venting a little, but I really want to hear people's opinions on this:

Girls always "say" how they hate that guys always want "one thing" or that is always there "goal", that they can never meet a "nice guy" and such and so forth...

So here it is..

Why the fuck does it always seem like thees are the guys getting laid!?!

PS: with some handles I cant tell if its male/female, could you state that please.

I know how you feel.....I always ask that same thing.....that's why I've given up.

They say Cupid and love is blind, well....they definitly must be missing our asses then.



"Do you still dream...do you still dream like me...infectious corruptive dreams."


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Originally posted by apotheosis:

I'll warn you now, I may be venting a little, but I really want to hear people's opinions on this:

Girls always "say" how they hate that guys always want "one thing" or that is always there "goal", that they can never meet a "nice guy" and such and so forth...

So here it is..

Why the fuck does it always seem like thees are the guys getting laid!?!

PS: with some handles I cant tell if its male/female, could you state that please.

I'd have to agree with ya Mickey!!

I just don't understand it... hurts my head when I think about it... ugh




<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks



"Takin' out the suckas, and they don't know how I did it!!!"


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Well bad boys, the ones girls know are going to break their hearts, always have some sort of game...from my experience. They really are assholes and everyone knows it but the girl....well she plays like she dont know. So, she gets pulled in, wined and dined and lied to. They can treat her like shit all they want and she'll stay. Most likely she stays because she likes how she looks on his arm. Or, maybe even because he has great big muscles and he can protect her weak, feable self.

I have found from female friends that they chose assholes because they always have a sense of "danger" to them. You never know what kind of stunt they'll pull or where they can lead to next in the great big adventure. Whatever thats all supposed to mean.

Maybe Im wrong. Maybe these girls arent staying with the guys because of appearance. Maybe they have low self esteem and feel they can't find a really great guy. Maybe when they do meet those really great guys, the guy makes it seem like he's not interested. Like he only wants to hang out and be her friend. So, she turns her head away from him thinking..."Well, there is another absolute awesome guy who I can see myself with, yet he appears as though to be completely uninterested in me".

Low self esteem seems to lead girls to the assholes. Many feel as though they arent good enough for anyone so they will take what they can get. Even if it does mean feeling like crap everyday because of the way they are treated.

I think Im way off in all this but the MAIN reason girls go to assholes.....THEY THINK THEY CAN CHANGE THEM! Its true. I was one of those girls who thought I could do that to an old boyfriend. It never works though. They never are successful in being able to change these guys but girls go to them, are sweet to them, will bend over backwards for them, have sex anywhere and anyway because they believe they can miraculously transform this creep. But it doesnt work. So, she goes to another jerk and then another and well you get the point.

All everyone wants is happiness but with guys constantly treating women like crap, how does anyone ever expect to find this? (btw. Im not just saying guys ruin everything b/c girls now a days sure arent no angels. Just my disclaimer to avoid drama!)



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Originally posted by misskittie:

Well bad boys, the ones girls know are going to break their hearts, always have some sort of game...from my experience. They really are assholes and everyone knows it but the girl....well she plays like she dont know. So, she gets pulled in, wined and dined and lied to. They can treat her like shit all they want and she'll stay. Most likely she stays because she likes how she looks on his arm. Or, maybe even because he has great big muscles and he can protect her weak, feable self.

I have found from female friends that they chose assholes because they always have a sense of "danger" to them. You never know what kind of stunt they'll pull or where they can lead to next in the great big adventure. Whatever thats all supposed to mean.

Maybe Im wrong. Maybe these girls arent staying with the guys because of appearance. Maybe they have low self esteem and feel they can't find a really great guy. Maybe when they do meet those really great guys, the guy makes it seem like he's not interested. Like he only wants to hang out and be her friend. So, she turns her head away from him thinking..."Well, there is another absolute awesome guy who I can see myself with, yet he appears as though to be completely uninterested in me".

Low self esteem seems to lead girls to the assholes. Many feel as though they arent good enough for anyone so they will take what they can get. Even if it does mean feeling like crap everyday because of the way they are treated.

I think Im way off in all this but the MAIN reason girls go to assholes.....THEY THINK THEY CAN CHANGE THEM! Its true. I was one of those girls who thought I could do that to an old boyfriend. It never works though. They never are successful in being able to change these guys but girls go to them, are sweet to them, will bend over backwards for them, have sex anywhere and anyway because they believe they can miraculously transform this creep. But it doesnt work. So, she goes to another jerk and then another and well you get the point.

All everyone wants is happiness but with guys constantly treating women like crap, how does anyone ever expect to find this? (btw. Im not just saying guys ruin everything b/c girls now a days sure arent no angels. Just my disclaimer to avoid drama!)

dont think u r off at all, pretty misskitty. i agree with everything you say 100%. i used to use this stupid game to my advantage and id play like i didnt care about a girl, when actually im quite the opposite. hated doing, but it usually got me what i needed. unfortunately, it got me the wrong type of girls for me. glad ive grown up. still waiting for the single female population to grow up to me.


i love music!

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Like everyone is saying, it's all part of the stupid game that we subject ourselves to. I had a friend that is all of the above. She would sit and cry about not being able to find a nice guy and then she would screw every badboy she could find. Anytime a nice one would come along she would inevitably lose interest in a week or two. It was ridiculous.

I personally hate games, I think you have to be totally upfront about things. One of my most hated games is the "Well, it's his/her turn to call" I always hear that from people. "I don't think I should call him because he'll think I'm clingy" Well, if you are clingy...then f'ing call!! You have to let people know up front who you really are. If you put on a show in the beginning then don't act all suprised when the real you comes out and it starts falling apart.

I think if people would just be honest with THEMSELVES about who they are we could cut through all the bullshit.



disco_anim_bf16.gif A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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one of my pet peeves. i've always tried to figure that one out, but never have and prolly never will, be able to. some people just like being treated like shit i guess



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."


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On the phone call topic.

As girls - do you get put off if a guy keeps calling you? Does it make us seem desperate?

Personally, I take it as a total compliment if a girl keeps calling me. I love it. But for some reason I'm always afraid that I'll be considered some kind of stalker if I keep calling her.

give me some insight.


keep it cutlary


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I love when a guy calls me. If Im interested in them I will call them too. Not every moment that they cross my mind though but I dont really have a schedule I stick to.

I think its really sweet if we are both interested in each other. I really LOVE thos..."Hi I cant talk long but I just wanted to say Hello. I gotta go now but Ill talk to you soon"

Those make me all mushy. And I think most girls do find that kind of thing sweet. Ok so that was silly...oh well. cwm9.gif



[This message has been edited by misskittie (edited 09-22-2000).]

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Girls always "say" how they hate that guys always want "one thing" or that is always there "goal", that they can never meet a "nice guy" and such and so forth...

So here it is..

Why the fuck does it always seem like thees are the guys getting laid!?!

Well you know I'M ALL GIRL!

Some guys do only want one thing, and some girls can't weed them out early on, and they realize it too late.

I'd love to meet a guy that doesn't just want sex. I like for him to want everything including that!


Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long. Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Actually I want everything from a girl... car, house, jewelry, credit cards, including that...

Sounds good to ya? Sounds good to me...

I think it's called marriage...or blackmail...one of those.



"Do you still dream...do you still dream like me...infectious corruptive dreams."

"Some men get the world, others get a hooker and a trip to Arizona."


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