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RU486 was approved...


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that's the instant abortion pill? Or am I wrong?



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks



"Takin' out the suckas, and they don't know how I did it!!!"


Float like a butterfly,

Sting like a bee.

I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!?

Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!


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I agree this is good news. It makes me so mad though all of these anti-abortion activists. You know 75% of them are men. Who the hell are they, a woman has the right to do what she feels right-what the hell do men know. I'm just venting because it really pisses me off!! cwm23.gif

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I live 4 blocks away from an abortion clinic. I usuually see them every Saturday morning when i come home from a long night out. The anti-abortionists are there protesting, yelling at the people who walk in...they also have these large pictures and signs of abortions and sometime there are little kids, who are too young to see these types of pictures, walking by. I've even seen them throw stuff at women who've come out of those clinics. It gets me angry to see anti-abortionists act that way.

Who gave them right to say what women is supposed to do with their lives. cwm13.gif


"It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man."


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This is a long time in coming. It just seems like the US is years behind Europe in matters such as this. You can get so many drugs over the counter over there that you need a prescription for here, it's crazy.



[This message has been edited by uknjx2 (edited 09-28-2000).]

[This message has been edited by uknjx2 (edited 09-28-2000).]

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Lets also hope that this won't be used as a form of birth control. I'm sure most women are responsible enough to use the normal methods of birth control and this new drug/pill should only be used when absolutely necessary, not as a last resort. Just my op.

In the end I believe we should all have control over what substances we take or don't take, but when other people are involved, then the government has to take measures to protect us and most of all, to prevent abuse.




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how cool to see the responses...i just posted on a selfish need to shout out.

i could go on forever on this thing, meaning ru486, but i won't. i'll just say "amen" to keeping this thing legal. if the republicans/conservatives had their way, all women who get abortions and the doctors who perform them would be litterally branded. btw, how come no one spits on, yells at, or harrasses the men who impregnated these women? we don't hear the right wing screaming for sterilization of them. or publishing the names of the sperm donors in the paper. not that i'd condone that, but their treatment of women seems that extreme. why is it women who seek abortions seem to have been victims of a twisted imaculate conception in the eyes of the media.

i agree that right now it's a "womens" issue, but i sure wish it didn't have to be that way. a little sperm responsibility men, please.

but horray for the small victory!



"I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."

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I don't feel it should be used as a form of birth control either. I just hate it when people say they are against it when they were never pregnant or if they are men. Until you are in that situation nobody has the right to say anything. I used to be in that situation. I was so against it. But as soon as I got pregnant I thought of things differently.

Just my S0.02


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btw, regarding responsibility: most users of abortion are 30+

it's not the younger women or the poorer women because these groups are often the ones who feel unable to due to religious pressures. or feel it is more culturally acceptable to have an unwed child than in the snooty wealthier cultures.

found that interesting.



"I have only one burning desire...let me stand next to your Fire..."

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Fuck Bush, fuck the Republican party, and fuck the anti abortion establishment. Fuck them all, them fuckers should burn. I fucking, fucking hate that whole lot of fucking hypocrites.

They want to legistate a woman's body. Fuck that, fuck that, cocksucking motherfuckers... nothing gets me more pissed.

What are they gonna tell me next, everytime I jerk off and pull a wad, I'm killing millions of potential half babies? Fuck that...

Oh but they oh so fucking firmly believe in the Death Penalty... fucking hypocrites. We'll make sure you are born so we can fry you later.


Dream a little dream...

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i'm not gonna argue over this issue right now b/c i really don't have the time for it cuz work is really busy. i know my side, 100% pro-life and not gonna be convinced otherwise, but i was just curious how most of you stand on the death penalty? support it or against it? I'm very curious...




"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."



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Great, but if Busch wins the election he is going to make abortion illeagle. So what good is it going to do?

not necessarily. yes, if bush wins, then there will be 2-3 open slots in the supreme court in which he will have authority to choose these judges (which obviously will have an impact on our society).

however, i think it has only happened once in the past that a verdict by the supreme court had been overturned, and that was a civil rights case (i believe).

so, the chances of roe vs. wade being overturned are very slim, seeing that there are many checks/balances and bureaucratic nonsense to prevent that from happening anytime soon.

i think that the legalization of ru486 is definitely a milestone in the rights for women. i never thought it would happen 8 years ago when i first heard about it being available in europe.

off the soap box now



*turn it around baby*

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That article scares me. I think I'd rather go to a doctor and have it done. Taking all these pills and having contractions forcing the embryo out doesn't sound pleasant. An abortion itself isn't pleasant but I'd rather get it done in one appointment. I wouldn't want to see, hear or feel anything. But at least now there's that option. Just my opinion.



Let me take you on a trip, just a simple journey, a journey full of sound and beats, one that will lead you down....way down to the UNDERGROUND

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