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how can you tell if someone ...

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really like you for you ...not because you're good looking or because you got money.

I think most girls can tell if a guy is just using them for sex...it pretty straight forward and obvious

but guys - how do you know if a girl is with you for you and not your money and status ?

I ask this because girls are very good at "tricking" men into spending money on them ..and I'm surprised how men can be such suckers.

me personally - I have never gotten anything from a man- I see all my friends use their men to go shopping and etc..

SO - how do you know if a girl likes you for you ?

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Originally posted by dolcemimi:

really like you for you ...not because you're good looking or because you got money.

I think most girls can tell if a guy is just using them for sex...it pretty straight forward and obvious

but guys - how do you know if a girl is with you for you and not your money and status ?

I ask this because girls are very good at "tricking" men into spending money on them ..and I'm surprised how men can be such suckers.

me personally - I have never gotten anything from a man- I see all my friends use their men to go shopping and etc..

SO - how do you know if a girl likes you for you ?

Get her to smell you wink.gif

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The way she treats you is key to realizing if she is REALLY into you and not the other things...

If she treats you with as much respect as you treat her, thats BIG.

She wants to spend time with you WITHOUT spending money...

She talks and confides in you..

There are just soo many things..thats a few..

Just my opinion...

OHHH..also I say go with your gut feeling..

IF YOU THINK IT or FEEL IT..she probably does also. She is sticking around for a reason...


Dont ever stop smiling-->you never know who is falling in love with your smile...

I dont cry because it ENDED--> I smile because we HAPPENED..

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Ahh a topic that definately interests me...

Okay heres the story....I use to date this guy. Hes got money, makes about 200G a year, drives a brandy new porche boxter, good looks, substance, the whole nine. I first liked him for who he was then saw how much I couldnt STAND him. Basically the reason was b/c he did everything to please others. He bought materialistic objects to make others accept him. Sad, yes, but thats how this boy is.

At the present time, we are friends and chat on occasion and do dinners. The sad thing is, he dates women who actually use him for the status he has. For the car he drives. The Armani suits he wears...you get the picture. For me, that means jack shit and he knew that. He could tell Im not a materialistic female n any way shape and form. pparently thats why Im 99% his ideal woman. But he knows he's dating this gold digging fools. He has the comon sense to see it just chooses to live with it as a reality. I think if guys have enough common sense, the woman's actions will tell them all. Its really simple to see if someone cares about you or are into you the person. They do things to show their interest. They pick up the phone to call just because. They may even buy them silly little things to show affection as well.

I thinkeveryone can pretty much tell when someone likes them if they are observant, If not, then they are just blind fools..

Okay so I sort of went off on a tangent there but I think youget the drift.

(Im at work so its hard to focus)




"The imaginary friends I had as a kid dropped me because their friends thought I didn't exist." - Aaron Machado

AOL = MadamKittE

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The way she treats you is key to realizing if she is REALLY into you and not the other things...

If she treats you with as much respect as you treat her, thats BIG.

She wants to spend time with you WITHOUT spending money...

She talks and confides in you..

There are just soo many things..thats a few..

Just my opinion...

OHHH..also I say go with your gut feeling..

IF YOU THINK IT or FEEL IT..she probably does also. She is sticking around for a reason...


Dont ever stop smiling-->you never know who is falling in love with your smile...

I dont cry because it ENDED--> I smile because we HAPPENED..

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i have NEVER ever used a guy for his money....that is the most shallow thing anyone could do and any chick that does it deserves to be bitch-slapped, just as any guy whos uses a girl for sex does too!!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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Originally posted by peache5030:

The way she treats you is key to realizing if she is REALLY into you and not the other things...

If she treats you with as much respect as you treat her, thats BIG.

She wants to spend time with you WITHOUT spending money...

She talks and confides in you..

There are just soo many things..thats a few..

Just my opinion...

OHHH..also I say go with your gut feeling..

IF YOU THINK IT or FEEL IT..she probably does also. She is sticking around for a reason...

Good points! I feel the same way!


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I know my girl truly loves me by the way she listens to me and my long rambling stories with genuine interest. Then, weeks, or even months later when I say something related, she knows exactly what i'm talking about.


"Puff, Puff, Pass"

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I know my girl truly loves me by the way she listens to me and my long rambling stories with genuine interest. Then, weeks, or even months later when I say something related, she knows exactly what i'm talking about, I mean every detail. I know she cares about me by how she listens to my every word with care.




"Puff, Puff, Pass"

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I know my girl truly loves me by the way she listens to me and my long rambling stories with genuine interest. Then, weeks, or even months later when I say something related, she knows exactly what i'm talking about, I mean every detail. I know she cares about me by how she listens to my every word with care.




"Puff, Puff, Pass"

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i think you can just tell .. but sometimes you might get blinded by sex or teh fact that she is really hot .. or the fact that you're having sex with her and she is really hot ... in those cases you kinda have to listen to your friends .. they will usuualy point out how wack a girl is or how bad she treats you ...



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Originally posted by dolcemimi:

I think most girls can tell if a guy is just using them for sex...it pretty straight forward and obvious

That is such a SEXIST remark....OH PLEASE...I've seen just as many guys doing loops on women as I've seen women doing loops on guys. And some even know they're being used but still don't let go. Your post sounds as if only women have the brain in a relationship!





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Originally posted by dmgreenz:

if you 'dutch oven' them, and they laugh, you're in. that's love.

OK, me dumb... please explain? Never heard that expression before.


People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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the best thing you could do to be assured if its for real is to give each other nothing but your time--no clubs, no drugs, no friends, no super huge material gifts...nothing and no one that could interfere with the way learn to know and see one another. nothing but each other...and when you alone r enough for that person, and he/she alone is enough for you--then you will know you've found the right one. cwm38.gif

p.s. xxlea...i LUV that quote you have! cwm1.gif

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Originally posted by momadance:

I know my girl truly loves me by the way she listens to me and my long rambling stories with genuine interest. Then, weeks, or even months later when I say something related, she knows exactly what i'm talking about, I mean every detail. I know she cares about me by how she listens to my every word with care.



Good call... that, and her eyes. All you have to do is really look into her eyes.. it's also little stuff, like catching her gaze at unexpected moments, etc...

cwm38.gif *les sigh* cwm38.gif

- Meli -



"MeliChaCha -- Saving the world before bedtime... wait... I'm supposed to SLEEP?!"

"I've said it before and I'll say it again: Life moves pretty fast -- if you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you might miss it." - The incomparable Ferris Bueller

... and to all my people, "Peace -- and Humpty-ness forever!"

AIM: MeliChaCha

E-MAIL: MeliChaCha@powerpuff.com <--- new addy!

OR MeliChaCha@aol.com

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Originally posted by dmgreenz:

if you 'dutch oven' them, and they laugh, you're in. that's love.

LOL... that's fair... lol

- Meli -



"MeliChaCha -- Saving the world before bedtime... wait... I'm supposed to SLEEP?!"

"I've said it before and I'll say it again: Life moves pretty fast -- if you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you might miss it." - The incomparable Ferris Bueller

... and to all my people, "Peace -- and Humpty-ness forever!"

AIM: MeliChaCha

E-MAIL: MeliChaCha@powerpuff.com <--- new addy!

OR MeliChaCha@aol.com

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Originally posted by littled:

the best thing you could do to be assured if its for real is to give each other nothing but your time--no clubs, no drugs, no friends, no super huge material gifts...nothing and no one that could interfere with the way learn to know and see one another. nothing but each other...and when you alone r enough for that person, and he/she alone is enough for you--then you will know you've found the right one. cwm38.gif

p.s. xxlea...i LUV that quote you have! cwm1.gif

OK . But what if your lover doesn't take you NO WHERE, doesn't introduce you to NONE of his friends, and doesn't INCLUDE you into his life except his bedroom ..?

IIs that because he REALLY digs you or he's ashamed of the relationship ?

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I've been dating for long enough (and in long relationships) that i'm beginning to wonder myself.

But I still trust my gut-feelings. I think it's in the twinkling glimpses you catch when s/he isn't paying attention. Or if s/he holds your gaze withuot being embarrassed that you caught her staring at you. I know that's part of what I do when I'm smitten with someone.

i just enjoy seeing that special woman exist and be herself...

But I also don't spend alot of money on people unless I see something which strikes me as something she should have... When I give, I give all i have. But I don't think i have ever been taken.

Sure, things have gone sour, but I don't ever really doubt the emotional component.

Be true to yourself and all else will follow. If someone is being false with you, you'll sense it.



"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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