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white women black men

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one of my best friends is black and one of the most unbelievable people I have ever met. He's opened my eyes to an entire new world, at one point it was a sexual thing but its been 3 yrs and we're like best friends -- the fact that you can even go through that and REMAIN so close says something. I think ppl of different races teach you the most and show you a whole new way of looking at life, make you appreciate and embrace diversity and difference much more...... smile.gif



xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


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Personally, I have dated and slept with white guys, black guys, puerto rican guys, etc. and to me it does not make a difference as to what color skin they have. People don't fall for someone or want to be with someone just b/c they think they might be good in bed (which as we all know is what many people think about black men). Everyone is attracted to different types of people, so if it works, why not?

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i think some fat white girls look for black guys because they are looked down upon by white guys but desired by many black men.. black guys like fat white girls because they have big fat asses and wider vaginas to fit their big dicks ... thats just my guess.

Originally posted by joeydollaz:

whats up with black guys being all about white women that are huge and shit ??

ever notice ??


i shall speak the truth with an honest tongue...at least on this board.. it really doesnt matter if you get offended by my posts because my posts are bs free and totally honest...honesty.. such a lonely word, everyone is so untrue...

billy joel.

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I support interracial dating....opportunity to break the color barrier even further and understand different cultures...besides ...we are all black when the lights go out!


Put the CD in... The Music will do the rest..

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grow up , ugh, how trashy and disgusting can you get, not to mention stereotypical....There are assholes in every race, but so say general comment like that is just ignorant and immature....

Actually, the guy i mentioned was the one who encouraged me to start jogging again when I stopped and we lost 20 lbs together lol....so much for your theory smile.gif And NOT every black guy has a huge dick!!!!!! lol



xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


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Originally posted by souvlaki:

i think some fat white girls look for black guys because they are looked down upon by white guys but desired by many black men.. black guys like fat white girls because they have big fat asses and wider vaginas to fit their big dicks ... thats just my guess.


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1) For many people, Interracial dating adds a new/different dimension to the relationship. There’s a certain amount of taboo, defiance, and rebellion to it that usually intensifies the interaction. This adds a level of excitement which isn’t always present in some same-race relationships. Add to that, the whole texture and feel of a person of a different race from your own, and you’ve got a combination that many find irresistible.

2) You also have those enlightened individuals who were raised to see past color lines who just happened to meet their “soulmates”. The fact that they are not of the same race should be irrelevant, but sadly is not.

1) You have some individuals who were raised within a predjudiced household…told over and over again never to bring a xxxxxxx (<--insert any race here) person home. Sometimes being told over and over again not to do something makes that thing so irresistable that it’s nearly impossible to ignore (E,K,GHB,Weed,Alcohol...).

2) There are some who are just plain Curious…the “Myth” -- is it true? Only one way to find out.

3) Sometimes they just want to try something different in their quests for new and exciting experiences.

I’m also not convinced that all white guys are “offended” by the sight (I may be wrong – feel free to correct me). No more than they would be if they saw some nasty, disgusting human who got lucky and scored a really attractive lady (think: Fat Nasty Bastard in Austin Powers II, or Mr. Klump in The Nutty Proffessor).

And come on now….you’re not really doing sociological research are you? If you were, your question might have been phrased slightly different.

Anyway, good luck with the research…and publish the results for us when it’s done.



"Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."

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uhm. . . i don't like fat white women?

I like when they have meat on them though (nice round ass, lol) cwm11.gif


"Same shyt different day"

"Uhm. . . Whaddaya mean you're to tired to go tonight?. . . asthanos.gif

Grepanelli for SexOnThaWkEnds Entatainment Inc.

AIM - Gre1P


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Originally posted by uknjx2:

well i slept with a black guy on saturday night and he was the best i've ever had. unfortunately it was all a dream.....sorry this is no help but i couldn't resist, i keep replaying my dream over and over and over and over.......oh, getting all worked up.........

Hey next time in your dream, sleep with me please, you will never forget...





Email : tomixfromparis@hotmail.com

icq : 100436129

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Hmmmmm . . . my fiance is black and I'm not a white female OR fat.

Since I’m currently in an interracial relationship, I can tell you that I did not go out there and intentionally LOOK for a black men. It’s something that happens like all other relationship. You meet someone, like them, get to know them better and fall in love.

Real love is so hard to find, but you start limiting yourself within certain race and color then you’re making love that much harder to find.



“Maturity is when you stop doing the things you make excuses for and stop making excuses for the things you need to do." -Unknown angel.gif


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Guest dabiatchka
Originally posted by souvlaki:

i think some fat white girls look for black guys because they are looked down upon by white guys but desired by many black men.. black guys like fat white girls because they have big fat asses and wider vaginas to fit their big dicks ... thats just my guess.



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Originally posted by Tomix:

Originally posted by uknjx2:

well i slept with a black guy on saturday night and he was the best i've ever had. unfortunately it was all a dream.....sorry this is no help but i couldn't resist, i keep replaying my dream over and over and over and over.......oh, getting all worked up.........

Hey next time in your dream, sleep with me please, you will never forget...


LOL, get to the back of the que wink.gif

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Originally posted by Ph0eniX:

A little pice of advise if I may, simplify your life and stop seeing colors ...you're only making it hard on yourself

Thats what I like to hear



The music makes the people come together...

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

LOL, get to the back of the que wink.gif

All right, what's my ticket number ??? Have i to wait a long time ?





Email : tomixfromparis@hotmail.com

icq : 100436129

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What is wrong with an attractive white female dating a black male, and would u be less upset if the female was unattractive in your eyes??

Why does it make a difference? If the couple is bi-racial or not and who says that if she wasnt going out with a black man that she would be going out with u?? and for the record I know black female that go out with white guys because that is what they are attracted to.

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Originally posted by flying_high:

LOL...well, I don't think 127 pounds qualify as a "fat white women" ...so I guess there goes your theory wink.gif

If she was 4'1" she would qualify.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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