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ever get sick of single life?

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i has some wild and fun times as a successful single for past 2 yrs but lately i've been feeling really bad about being single.. it sucks.. i m getting tired of nightlife and different women.. tonight i just want to stay home and watch TV .. i guess im getting old now.. i need to find a woman i can settle down with and get married. my guess is that most of you here are singles and feel bad about it like i do these days.. well good luck.

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I know how you feel...even though I'm not at a loss of men falling over themselves to date me...I guess I'm still kinda stuck on my ex.Single life can be wonderful when you don't want to endure the nagging and having to always answer someone about your whereabouts,expenses and so forth.But what I wouldn't give to cuddle with my loved one late at night...and think of nothing but him.Sweet bliss!

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Guest dabiatchka

Definately, I'm not exactly lookin to get married I'm still too young, but I'd love to find somebody worth bein with. It seems everyone around me has someone...all my friends have boyfriends or are with somebody

but I don't know maybe if I wasn't so picky I'd find someone, but I don't want to settle for something I don't want

Who knows...

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yea i had a long relationship and now a break and now im looking to get bavk in the game again


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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can't say the same. been single about 9 months, and enjoying the hell out of it.

maybe in a few years, I'll want something solid again. in the meantime, I am getting to be me, unencumbered.


"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Originally posted by princess0621:

Wish you could say that to my ex who has apparently decided that he hasn't partied enough(even though he has). Sometimes people let good things go and for what to later realize partying and the single life is not all it's cracked up to be. cwm29.gifcwm30.gif

I just said this last night to the guy I WAS seeing!!!!!!!!



Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long.

Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

Aolimer: Glowgirl42000

Email: Sugar4@earthlink.net

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Yes & No. I've been single for 4 months. Single life doesn't blow.... I love meetin new ppl & networking. Dating is a lotta fun but I just miss companionship & Sex on a daily basis (not into 1 night stands).

I'm mad picky...."he" has to meet a lot of criteria. Lowering ur standards is settling... u should never settle even if ur lonely.

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Originally posted by andwhysee:

those of you who have been single for so long really need to think about your life.. don't be too picky, lower your expectations.

NO WAY!!!! I might be single and I might be yearning for companionship, ltc and someone to just hold at night...but I'm still enjoying my life and I'm not settling for "half happy" just to be with someone. It's either a 100%, full blown away and out of your socks...or it's just fun and enjoying other people on a friendship base.

My 2 cents...



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Originally posted by andwhysee:

those of you who have been single for so long really need to think about your life.. don't be too picky, lower your expectations.

No offense andwhysee... however I don't agree. I don't think people should settle for less than what makes them happy and content. If someone has gone through the time to really focus on what "type" of person they are looking for... then they should stay their course. Sooner or later they will find someone who meets their needs.

I am looking for someone who will fit in my life and I will fit in theirs.... someone to grow with not just date... someone who will be supportive as I will be to her... someone to share my days and nights with... I will not settle for someone who fills my life with drama...

So maybe we need to have a singles meet up? lol


One Love...


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I think both situations have there benefits and drawbacks. I recently ended a relatinship and was very excited about getting back into the game. When I was with my boyfriend this summer, I would go out with him and all my friends to clubs, and feel jealous of my single friends who were meeting new people and having a blast. Granted, I had fun with my boyfriend, but I missed the single life. However, now that I am single again, I miss having the companionship. I think what I am looking for right now is a casual relationship, dating different people here and there, and not getting serious, but that never seems to work out. I guess you cant have the best of both worlds!

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I had broken up with my boyfriend last Feb for 3 months. At first I hated being single again. Going to all the clubs to find the same kind of people over and over again. But, then as I got into it and more ANGRY about us being broken up and thinking about WHO he was hanging out with I started clubbin every weekend, with no cares in the world, yes I was lonely deep inside I was SCREAMING and noone could hear me!

But time went on and I thought we'd never get back together and work things out.. so I just went with the flow getting drunk, being wild staying out for two days straight, I did not care! I guess I just lost it for a little while b/c I was SOOO heartbroken and ANGRY SOOO angry. BUT Thanks to some friends and me being able to see I was self destructing I am now better than ever.

My man and I ended up getting back, working things out and now it is all 100% better than ever before! I don't MISS being single. I love still going out clubbin once in a while but nothing compares to coming home to someone you love and cuddling with them, etc.

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Originally posted by cgm:

I guess you cant have the best of both worlds!

I believe you could...

I think people are in such a rush... I mean when you meet someone that you "click" with... then you start thinking what the next step should be. Why does there have to be a next step? Why can't there be months of casual dating and getting to know the person better. Slowly falling for each other... because everyone is so worried that the person they just met might pass them by.

My 2 cents are some people should be more patient and learn to better communicate with the person they are interested in or involved in.

That is why there are some confused people out there... people start hanging out and they usually on two different pages. One thinks it a date and the other thinks it is just two friends eating dinner.... people need to talk honestly more...


One Love...


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no offense taken but you have to be realistic.. let's fact it it's very hard to find a soulmate in a big, mean and heavily diversed city like NY at this period. i see so many professional and/or attractive lonely singles in the city..my ex g/f was not that attractive but she was so fun and friendly and i lowered my expectations and later on we hit it off and briefly fell in love and we had such great times.. and through her, i got to meet my current g/f who happens to be much more attractive than my first..

Originally posted by jerseytom:

No offense andwhysee... however I don't agree. I don't think people should settle for less than what makes them happy and content. If someone has gone through the time to really focus on what "type" of person they are looking for... then they should stay their course. Sooner or later they will find someone who meets their needs.

I am looking for someone who will fit in my life and I will fit in theirs.... someone to grow with not just date... someone who will be supportive as I will be to her... someone to share my days and nights with... I will not settle for someone who fills my life with drama...

So maybe we need to have a singles meet up? lol

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Ouuuchhh 'andwhysee' ...when I was talking about being quite picky and not willing to lower "my standard"...I, at least, wasn't so much talking about appearances. That's something that is always a strange thing anyway. I mean I've been attracted to people that weren't 'beautiful' in the conservative view... I mean when I say I'm pretty picky I meant that in the last 10 years I've learned what I don't like and hence (I hope) got an idea on what I'm looking for...so that's rather THE standard I was referring to wink.gif



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Originally posted by dabiatchka:

Definately, I'm not exactly lookin to get married I'm still too young, but I'd love to find somebody worth bein with. It seems everyone around me has someone...all my friends have boyfriends or are with somebody

but I don't know maybe if I wasn't so picky I'd find someone, but I don't want to settle for something I don't want

Who knows...

I can totally relate to this one here. I wouldn't be short on men but I'm pretty picky and I don't fall in love easily (also never really got into that 'casual sex' thing...well although I've made some nice experiences with it wink.gif). Still most of my friends are with someone and I just don't seem to find true happiness in this field...well: GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE OUT THERE SEARCHING FOR THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE!!!!!!



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i'm glad you brought this topic up, i have been debating about it in my head for a while. i miss the companionship-don't miss the drama, love being free, but miss someone to take a nap with, miss the surprise exchanges, but not the responsibilty. So what's a girl to do? been single over a year-is it time to get back in the game?



"A witty saying proves nothing."


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well i am definately tired of being single,but its so damn hard to find someone good, and also someone i am attracted to, always find the ones i dont want but r good. I've been single for over 9 months and i feel damn lonely cwm34.gif , oh well someday i'll find the right one.... cwm36.gif


aim: amafrk1


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Originally posted by twilogoddess:

Yes & No. I've been single for 4 months. Single life doesn't blow.... I love meetin new ppl & networking. Dating is a lotta fun but I just miss companionship & Sex on a daily basis (not into 1 night stands).

I'm mad picky...."he" has to meet a lot of criteria. Lowering ur standards is settling... u should never settle even if ur lonely.

You're right about dating being lots of fun. You meet new people and have a different experience with each new person that you date.

Also i agree on the point that lowering your standards is setting yourself up. I've lowered my standards for one girl i met in cancun; the only drawback was that she couldn't even turn me on. You should always look for someone who's right for you, not simply someone who's gonna help you kill time or temporarilly fix your sexual frustration. Not to say that there's anything wrong with one night stands cwm32.gif ! But even that's something that at some point gets old and you want to get involved in a relationship.

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Everything happens for a reason - the person you're meant to be with is out there somewhere...you have to let fate take its course and allow things to happen naturally. When you're "looking" for someone, you'll probably be disappointed. When you're not "looking", you'll meet the most amazing people. Things will happen the way they're meant to... cwm38.gif

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