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Anybody here follow the Market????????

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I work on a bond trading desk at JPM, from the looks of things USTs are getting strong, bad sign for the market.

Buy Apple (AAPL) its cheap and they are going to have someting going on with Oracle later in the year, its good for at least 30% id say.


Make love to yourself like no one is watching!!!

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These days the market is the best rush out there. Like Batman the Ride. Up, Down then upside down. Opps there went my lunch. If you want to take a risk look up VRSN. They always bounce back. Leaders in internet security.


The World is mine!!


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I bought a few hundred shares of Lucent Tech (LU) and I sincerely hope that makes a move...UP! As for as JDSU... I am not fam enough with the company to give advice on it ... sorry~

If you have a good feeling about it then gooooo for it!


One Love...


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I watch the mkt. all day long....it's what I do for a living. I love JDSU, but I'd wait for a day when the indexes (dow, nasdaq) are both down to buy the stock. The ideology is that if you buy on a day when the mkt. is down you have a better shot of selling when the mkt. is up. Buy into weakness, sell into strength. It's worked for me...most of the time.

BTW--if you like optical companies, check out SCMR,JNPR,CIEN and STLW.



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I would be careful with Verisign, it is a great stock when it goes in your favor, but when it doens't- it will run 5 points against you before you can get out of it. If you like trading stocks like that, check out VRTS and CHKP. Both run very similar to Verisign.

I like AMCC for the day, it has been strong all morning and didn't really come down too much when the market just sold off a bit, good sign that when the market bounces back up the stock will be one of the stronger ones.


"There was a time before we were born when the soul of each one of us decreed that we be brought into life. We have all made a place for ourselves on this earth, each life precious, each path different. But we all share the same goal of inner peace and it is there within us all to be discovered, and it can only be discovered through love."

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Originally posted by executress:

I think we're gonna have another rally today!!!!

think I'm gonna buy up some JDSU.... any comments??? or suggestions???

I think that is you get JDSU at 45 then you will be set...

I was a fucking moron and bought it in March at 127...thus I think that for you it is a strong buy...as for me I'm going to have to sit on that crap until the market gets bullish again...

Fuck all you "Bears" out there...you all eat a fat dick!!! cwm23.gif


"Up all night...sleep all day."



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Bought quite a few shares of Intel back when they were trading at $30/share. That is dirt cheap, if you care to look at 5-year historical trend. I highly recommend you at least research it. Intel's devloping new wave processers that if successful, will rebound its stock. If not, well then, bread & water anyone?


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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apple will drop further. apple conference is tomorrow and see what jobs has to unveil. their machines still arent as fast as pentium stuff and still dont offer dvd or cdr drives...talk about falling behind!!!!!

as far as rallies go....anything will be short lived. my firm announced yesterday we are expecting GLOBAL RECESSION in 2001, with another 150 points in cuts in the next six months.

so happy hunting for all.

im personally long INTD, and think its good for a nice bounce right about now.

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JDSU is a strong company. But if you look at valuations, that entire sector still looks grossly overpriced and out of favor. It does not seem like we are out of the woods completely. Given the fact that JDSU is one of the most volatile stocks out there, you gotta have big balls to own it now. I'd wait until there are more signs of a turnaround. I'd rather miss 10-15% on the upside than risk losing a lot more. Also, AAPL, ORCL and SUNW are somewhat less risky companies and might have a brighter future in the short-run. But if you have already decided to buy JDSU, I'd write some March calls against that position to hedge short-term risks.


Quitters never win and winners never quit!

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Originally posted by tenupa:

BTW--if you like optical companies, check out SCMR,JNPR,CIEN and STLW.

Sycamore anf Ciena are good trading stocks, stratos lightwave (STLW) is very tough because there isn't a lot of volume. Juniper (JNPR) is not an optical netowrking company, they arein internet infrastructure.

Since this seems like a thread developing into a list of very volatile exciting stocks to trade, let me propose the following:











Good luck...


"There was a time before we were born when the soul of each one of us decreed that we be brought into life. We have all made a place for ourselves on this earth, each life precious, each path different. But we all share the same goal of inner peace and it is there within us all to be discovered, and it can only be discovered through love."

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Originally posted by tenupa:

BTW--if you like optical companies, check out SCMR,JNPR,CIEN and STLW.

Sycamore anf Ciena are good trading stocks, stratos lightwave (STLW) is very tough because there isn't a lot of volume. Juniper (JNPR) is not an optical netowrking company, they arein internet infrastructure.

Since this seems like a thread developing into a list of very volatile exciting stocks to trade, let me propose the following:











Good luck...


"There was a time before we were born when the soul of each one of us decreed that we be brought into life. We have all made a place for ourselves on this earth, each life precious, each path different. But we all share the same goal of inner peace and it is there within us all to be discovered, and it can only be discovered through love."

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Originally posted by tenupa:

I watch the mkt. all day long....it's what I do for a living. I love JDSU, but I'd wait for a day when the indexes (dow, nasdaq) are both down to buy the stock.

BTW--if you like optical companies, check out SCMR,JNPR,CIEN and STLW.

Juniper and Ciena have practically the same profile on the daily charts, and they behave similarly intraday as well. Where's the balance?

UBS can only do so much to bolster LU's shitty performance. 50 cents doesn't make my month complete.

And I agree with Tiesto on VeriSign. Good when the market is very good, very bad when the market stumbles a bit.

I am unsure about JDSU, especially since the new Chinese plant brings in a new element of political and fiscal risk for the company. The margins on tech production in mainland china are not fantastic, after the gov't there gets its fingers in the pot. Efficiency and QC are also not the strongest. If you are into the opticals, keep an eye on www.lightreading.com - fantastic source of info. Also www.poem.princeton.edu

My personal pick, and not a recommendation by any means, just one I like, is PANL. Had some rough months, and I think is back on the upswing.


"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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WOW!!! Thanks for the tips, Guys... Muchos Gracias...

My preference is to stay conservative (mut funds, QQQ, and UIT's), but I've got some extra cash on hand and really wouldn't wanna miss the boat on a lucrative/quick oppty...


You only get ONE chance to make a "First Impression"

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Originally posted by executress:

Thanks guys... I'm gonna put those on my monitor...

I'm feelin real strong about this Uniphase though....

JDSU is definitly oversold. What a great company. I've been moving shares of JDSU the whole way down. It is time to rally!!!!!

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JDSU is a highly volatile stock though. IF you can sit through the daily + - 3 point swings you should go for it if you did a lot of reasearch on the company.

As a side note, I was thinking of buying something based on valuation and to me

AMD (advanced Micro Devices) sounds juicy for a longer term. With a P/E of 6 and bouncing of the low it has a high upward potential. If ppl didnt know AMD makes Athlon computer processors.

Does anyone think otherwise or has contradicting opinion?


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Originally posted by SPHERIC:

Originally posted by executress:

Thanks guys... I'm gonna put those on my monitor...

I'm feelin real strong about this Uniphase though....

JDSU is definitly oversold. What a great company. I've been moving shares of JDSU the whole way down. It is time to rally!!!!!

I hope so my friend...I'm in at 127 cwm21.gif


"Up all night...sleep all day."



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Buying anything right now and hoping for a quick bounce is a seriously ballsy proposition. Right now no one knows shit about the short-term direction of the economy or market.

But give me even a year to work with and I am all over JDSU at these prices. I work in the industry so I do have some familiarity with what is going on. And I have been buying JDSU lately. But none of this makes me any smarter than the next guy.

But with JDSU about to complete the merger with SDLI it is the fiber-optics monster stock of the next 10 years. And at expected 2001 earnings of over $0.80 and 2002 of over $1.00 it is trading at a forward P/E of beween 45 and 55 depending upon what earnings you use to calculate P/E ratios.

Given that consensus estimates are for this company to avarege 50% compounded annual eps growth over the next 5 years this is not that expensive. Could it get cheaper over the next few months yes. But its cheap now imho and I'd buy it if you can afford to hang on for at least 12 months.

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Radz - I'd doublecheck your research on AMD. I'm not at work so I can't check but I can't believe its PE on operating - not including one-time events - is really 6. If so I might consider it. But as a rule I don't invest in anything that is focused on the Personal computer. To me that's the 90's - now we are into network/internet/wireless stuff. PC demand and growth is slowing and as the industry matures it is being commoditized quickly.

If you want a semi with decent valuation and the same kind of stability and diversity as AMD take a look at Texas Instruments or STMicroelectronics. And of course there's Broadcom. More expensive and volatile - but they are the kings and gigabit ethernet should be huge.

Just my 2 cents.

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