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Need your opinions on the next NYC NightlifeUnderground magazine...

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This is the cover for February (click link on right). We need your feedback if you can. Any and all responses welcome. Nightlife Underground (formerly V Nightlife Magazine)has just merged with a much larger publisher and that means better quality and more magazines for this our second issue. NU is a new NYC nightlife magazine dedicated to NIGHTCLUBS first! It has you the clubber in mind... So let us know how you like this cover and we are always looking for ideas and would love to hear them.

The cover story will be the new NETWORK nightclub industry party at Cheetah on Wednesdays starting Jan 31st. This event is open to the public but will have all the top names in the business there. Anyone from Clubnycs board and staff are more then welcome to be our guests.. Email chaseyvain@aol.com for the invites ..Thanks love Chasey

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Mag seems to be obviously targetted to men. Honestly, I wouldn't pick it up if I saw it on a stand. Looks more like Maxum than a mag about Nightlife style and culture to me.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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ooana - fair enough... But don't judge a book by its cover! Maxim does have women on the cover but its full of great info useful for both sexes... Besides Nightlife Underground is FREE! This is not a new concept look at any major magazine; plenty of sexy women on all of them...whether they cater to men or women... So when you do see the mag out at a club or record store and you don't pick it up I do understand, but your only hurting yourself... Lots of club info and listings, great articles and free admissions to name a few things... So give it a shot and I guarantee you don't throw it away! Love Chasey

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Originally posted by nightlifeunder:

ooana - fair enough... But don't judge a book by its cover! Maxim does have women on the cover but its full of great info useful for both sexes... Besides Nightlife Underground is FREE! This is not a new concept look at any major magazine; plenty of sexy women on all of them...whether they cater to men or women... So when you do see the mag out at a club or record store and you don't pick it up I do understand, but your only hurting yourself... Lots of club info and listings, great articles and free admissions to name a few things... So give it a shot and I guarantee you don't throw it away! Love Chasey

I wasn't clear. If I hadn't been introduced to it first as you have, I wouldn't have picked it up just on a first look with zero background. Yes, you're absolutely right, many major feature and lifestyle mags have beautiful women on the cover. But in all honesty there is something about her pose, dress and bulbus boobs that make me, as a reader, believe that the mag isn't targetted to me. That is my honest first impression. It also doesn't scream to me that this magazine is about NY night life sytle and culture...other than the very Cheetah'esque fabric. ;-)

I will check out the mag, but did want to offer you some feedback from one female clubber's perspective (who has a background in publishing to boot <winks> )Totally my opinion, and other women may feel completely differently :-)

Oh and Maxim does have some great articles, as does Details...but I was specifically addressing the target market :-)



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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I have to agree with Ooana on this one

Your cover is hot! but it would def be geared towards MEN, Why not try a pic of the inside of a hot club or a hot DJ!

I wouldnt mind see a hot half naked guy on the cover, but that won't help you out with the male population!

Just MO


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Why does the cover even have to have any model male or female on it?

Cause I know very few women will pickup the mag when they see that cover. And now is the time to make sure that the cover interests everyone cause people do not know about the mag so the cover is the only thing that can/would get the interested in picking it up right now.


Dave H.

Toxic Productions

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Originally posted by nightlifeunder:

Hmmm, well you made a point.. Men and women will pick up a mag with a women on it but men wont pick up mags with a guy on it! Unless of course he has a sports uniform on :-) Love Chasey

Hrmm...that wasn't my point at all actually.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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But the majority of women out there will not. Believe me I have been in graphic design for the past 4 years. Both computer and print.

Originally posted by russ reign:

The women I know will like that cover smile.gif lol


Dave H.

Toxic Productions

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I'd pick it up! But then again I'm the type to pick up FHM, Maxim, Details, Playboy, etc.

Actually, I'd be more inclined to notice and pick that up than if it had a photo of a club (or even a man) on it. Hell, lots of women buy Cosmopolitan and they've got scantily clad women on the cover every month.

Just my .02


"Love your enemies...cause your friends may turn out to be a bunch of bastards."

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Guest jesuki1

the mag cover looks kind of trashy, honestly. i differentiate that from "sexy" - i like sexy, but "trashy" grosses me out.

it's supposed to be about clubbing, not "gentlemen's entertainment". the boob-factor is a little too much - it looks vaguely pornographic. although sex sells and catches the eye, a cover that DIDN'T let it all hang out there might get more respect from me. on the other hand, just because a mag has a more sober cover doesn't mean its coverage of nightlife is better than others.

my 2 cents as a woman. maybe a guy would think differently? i dunno.

[This message has been edited by jesuki1 (edited 01-08-2001).]

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I think your mag would get alot more credibility if it featured DJ's and other things on the cover.

I like a cutie as much as the next guy, but I buy Maxim etc. for that.

There will definitely be a certain percentage of no-neck roid boys (and other variety of meatheads) that WILL judge a book by its cover, expect more skin inside, and throw it away when there isn't.

Or,even worse, expect to see women like that lining the walls of various clubs. And when they find out that isn't the case, they will start drunken brawls and shoot people in the middle of the dancefloor ("What Incredible Irony!"-Kyle B.). Thus killing the vibe of any place that might have had one.

Ok, I was definitely blue-skying a little there, but you get my point. Personally, I would use it if it had usefull info, no matter what the cover. And if it didn't, I wouldn't pick it up, no matter what the cover.

There is so much skin out there already...do you really expect it to differentiate you?

What does everyone think about the credibility issue...



[This message has been edited by furnace (edited 01-08-2001).]

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Furnace's credibility question sparked something for me. Chasey, I'm gonna be really blunt here because you asked for our feedback on the cover, whatever it may be...

...so here goes nothin'.

In your first post you say, "NU is a new NYC nightlife magazine dedicated to NIGHTCLUBS first! It has you the clubber in mind... "

Now granted, your mag is free. So your cover doesn't need to capture my eye and make me want to pick it up off the stand and buy it. But, if the magazine's branding is as you say it is, they've completely diverged from a large proportion of the night club scene/lifestyle market.

There is nothing that says NY nightlife about a woman scarcely clad with silicon breasts. Go to Twilo, Vinyl hell even Exit, Sound Factory....and you will MAYBE find a handful of women who meet the look and feel of the woman on the mag's cover. And I don't mean a cookie cutter duplicate of her, I mean match this woman in spirit, style, and overall attitude.

One arguement you use to support the cover is: "Jenny your point about Cosmo is right on and they target teenage girls to young women as well... "

Cosmo, Elle, Vogue...their goal is to sell fashion, makeup and style. Many women buy these magazines because their ideal is to look like the model on the cover. Or try to.

The majority of people who enjoy NY nightlife do not pay $25 to get into Twilo or $30 to get into SF so they can look like the woman on your cover. Everyone goes for different reasons but there's no cooralation between "get your groove on with Carl Cox then suddenly have a bod like Carmen Electra."

Now, please don't misunderstand. I've NO problem with mags like Maxim, Details, Playboy or even Smut. They have their place, they have their goals and they have their use. My point here is only to answer what you asked for...an opinion on your cover.

This cover does not, to me, give this magazine credibility as a magazine "...dedicated to NIGHTCLUBS first..." Perhaps its dedicated to an idealized vision of the scene from some people's perspective, but definitely NOT the reality.

Inside, it may be smack dab full of fantastic stuff. And I may end up religiously being sure I have a copy. I'm simply suggesting, from my point of you, that your art director/publisher consider another approach to your covers.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Thanks so much for the input... The fact is since the magazine is free and and there are only 50,000 copies for the 15,000,000 + people in the NYC club going area, all the mags go regardless... I would agree if it was an economic decision most women would not bye it!

The idea is it just to catch the eye, that it obviously does and keep in mind its 4 x 6 inches large.. it fits perfect in a back pocket and after all people we are targeting adults... and the type of adults we do target are club people who by nature are much less conservative then most.

Jenny your point about Cosmo is right on and they target teenage girls to young women as well... Thanks Chasey

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I think Ooana makes an excellent point here. What, exactly, is the cover selling? Does the cover add credibility to what is, ostensibly, a comprehensive guide to clubs and clubbing? To my thinking, it presents not only a negative body image to most females in the population, but also a

misleading statement about the contents of the magazine - to say nothing of the general club populace...

Salacious sex has its place, no doubt. But what may be eye candy to some, may be a source of revulsion (or at least apathy) to others. A cover like that, I might read the tag line about nightlife and expect to find mostly phone sex and escort service ads.

To my way of thinking, unless that is what the magazine actually contains, the cover is misleading. That fact alone would make me believe that the magazine would likely see a one-time pop; guys would grab it up, expecting more of the same inside, only to be disappointed. Newcomers to the scene

would go out expecting to see that. People not in the scene would point to it as just one more reason all those filthy drug-infested clubs ought to be shut down. Any of these happen, the second issue is not likely to fly from the distribution points. In short, the whole reasoning behind the cover could very likely backfire.

I could go on, but I won't.

This is just my opinion, worth what you paid for it. -ichi


"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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What sort of underground material will this mag cover?

cd, vinyl, & club reviews im assuming. What will this mag feature that is different from the rest? U don't have to answer these questions. I'll find out for myself when the issue hits the streets.

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As Ooana and Ichi-Gami have re-enforced, my point is simple: Skin on a nightlife guide/mag is a bit misleading as covers go. The content will have to be extra good to get past the creidbility issue.

And, from our point of view, having pictures like that will appeal to the wrong type of crowd (both Ichi and I touched on people's expectations).

As many fair-weather clubbers there are, vibes are created by people who love the music. People belong to this board because they have a passion for this music. Twilo, Exit, Soundfactory, Vinyl, Limelight, wouldn't be the moneymakers they are without the right music. If you are around long enough, you will realize alot of people here have their ears to the ground and can really feel the pulse of where music is going.



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